Housing Houses are built of wood, brick, Скачать презентацию Housing Houses are built of wood, brick, housing.ppt Размер: 1.6 Mегабайта Количество слайдов: 10 Описание презентации Housing Houses are built of wood, brick, по слайдам Housing Houses are built of wood, brick, stone, and concrete. A lot of houses are built of prefabricated blocks (prefabs). . In the construction of a house the first step is to make a careful survey of the site and to examine the soil in order to find its bearing power. Foundations are to keep the floors and walls from contact with the soil, to act against the action of the frost and to prevent from settlement. The building of a wall Doors and windows The staircase leads Covers the building and protects it from exposure to the weather Connections THANK YOU ! Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы просмотреть полный документ! РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ