House managements' project.ppt
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House managements' project Belarus Gomel Coalition "Our alternative. " The initiative "Baranі svae
Description of the problem • Over a long period of inefficient economic management model of the system, the situation in the domestic market has become extremely stable and is in critical condition. The budget deficit of the country leadership is trying to solve by its citizens, introducing all new taxes, levies, and increasing all of its services. This does not bear any responsibility to its own citizens, constantly infringing their rights of assembly, protest, free will, and not having their legal representatives in the executive and legislative branches of government. Letting extremely difficult for the citizens of tariffs for communal services, reducing production and introducing tax is not unemployment - in fact created unbearable conditions for the lives of their own citizens. Standing charges for utilities, repairs and renewals do not provide opportunities for citizens to receive these services. Monitor the service providers is not possible, as well as ask about costs. One way to obtain these services - to unite in domestic society and make their own contributions to the necessary repairs at the same time to save their own funds. Confirm that the service providers are negligent in their work; ineffective management of funds; corrupt; the salary they get inflated and unjustifiable.
• HOUSEHOLD - the subject of the economy, which consists of one leading economy independent of the individual or, more often, a group of people living together and having a common household. Typically, such a group of people united kinship or family ties.
• Household as resource owners sell resources companies, and now as a consumer with the money to spend resources, cash income, buying goods on the market of products and services. Firms buy resources to produce goods and services, then firms sell the finished product of their production to households in exchange for profit. Profit is used to purchase an additional amount of resources to ensure the circuit. The result is a real flow of economic resources, the final products and services idenezhny stream in the form of income and consumer spending. These streams and repetitive.
Effective management • Effective management or orphaned? • Trust the government work or manage their own? • In many communications resources - the state is a monopolist. • It is necessary to have control over what we do can affect!
Effective management
Tarif • average salary – 272. 5$ • Min salary – 115$ • Average apartment – 50 m 2 • Average house – 60 apt • Maintenance – 0. 05$/1 m 2 (0, 05*50*60=150$) • Overhaul – 0. 044$/1 m 2(0. 044*50*60=132$) • Water supply – 0. 14$/m 3 • Sewerage – 0. 093$/m 3 etc.
Income • We calculated income from maintenance and overhaul. To this we add revenue from advertising on utility bills, advertising in elevators, etc. All of these funds are spent inefficiently! • 150$+132$+? ? ? =282$+x As a result, these funds can contain a janitor, and once a year to make running repairs.
Benefit • • Savings Effective resource management Order in the house citizens Rallying Search leaders Formation of public opinion Starting formation of civil society
Experience • http: //minsk. gov. by/ru/normdoc/3506/poloje nie_321_03042013. shtml • http: //rogachev. gomel-region. by/ru/ter-obshsamoupr/ • http: //lebiadok. by/article/60 • https: //nash-dom. info/29090 • Minsk, Smolevichi, Zhlobin, Rogachev
Problems • • • Registration Apathy / lack of initiative Legal support Accounting support Motivation danger for activists
• Local self-government - a system of organization of power, characterized by its decentralized and distributed among the plurality of official structures. The meaning of local selfgovernment is the possibility of the population to control the organs of power and administration, with whom he often has to interact. • The diversity embodied in European ways of organizing local authorities shows that a combination of mechanisms interests of the individual, society and the state as part of the local community can be very diverse. • The basic principles of local governance and selfgovernance in the Republic of Belarus are set out in section V of the Constitution, the Law "On local self-government and the local economy in the Republic of Belarus" (dated 20 February 1991) and "On the status of deputies of local councils" (from March 27, 1992 ), in the Electoral Code and other laws and by-laws.
• • • In accordance with Art. 1 of the Act, the local government - a form of organization and activity of citizens self-help, directly or through their elected bodies of the social, economic, political and cultural issues of local importance. Local government is organized on the basis of the population of interest and features of administrative-territorial units on the basis of their own material and financial base and borrowed funds. The forms of the local self-government in Belarus are: - Local councils; - Bodies of territorial public self-government (councils and committees of districts, housing complexes, houses, street, block, town, village committees and other bodies, including sole); - Local referenda; - Meetings (assemblies) of citizens; - Other forms of direct participation of citizens in government and public affairs. Local self-government is carried out within the boundaries of administrativeterritorial and territorial units. Art. 12 of the Law "On local self-government and the local economy in the Republic of Belarus" Belarus establishes three territorial levels of local Councils: - Primary, which are rural, village and city (cities of regional subordination) Councils; - The base, including the city (cities of regional subordination) and district councils; - Regional, which is represented by the Regional Council. Minsk City Council has the rights of the base and the regional councils.
• Along with the local government system in Belarus has local administration - a form of organization and activities of local executive and administrative bodies to address local issues on the basis of national interests and the interests of the population living in the territory. A single local government system in Belarus consists of regional, district, city, settlement and village executive committees and local administrations.
Local self-government - the key to democratic principles. Republic of Belarus - the only European country that has not signed the European Charter local government, and de jure, is not obliged to perform it. But, if we look from the point of view of development and strengthened captivity of statehood, recognition of European standards and values, guided by a desire to cooperation with the Council of Europe, European Union, International Monetary Fund and other European structures, the need for adherence to the Charter becomes apparent.
Used Books/Links • Miroslav Kobasa "LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN BELARUS How to turn myth into reality" (policy paper) 2011 g. Minsk • http: //www. mjkx. gov. by/ • http: //myfin. by/info/ • http: //gkx. by/ • http: //www. komplat. by/ • http: //www. sympa-by. eu/ • http: //gomelnews. onliner. by/2014/02/27/podjezd-5 • http: //gomel. today/rus/news/gomel-1148/ • http: //anonimusi. livejournal. com/437377. html
House managements' project.ppt