Скачать презентацию Hong Kong Information Infrastructure Expo Conference 19 Скачать презентацию Hong Kong Information Infrastructure Expo Conference 19


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Hong Kong Information Infrastructure Expo & Conference 19 -22 February 2003 (Wed-Sat) Hong Kong Information Infrastructure Expo & Conference 19 -22 February 2003 (Wed-Sat)

I I Expo : A joint initiative of HKTDC, ITSD and other IT organisations/ I I Expo : A joint initiative of HKTDC, ITSD and other IT organisations/ associations

21 Supporting Organisations FFederation of Hong Kong Industries FHK ASP Industry Consortium FHK Computer 21 Supporting Organisations FFederation of Hong Kong Industries FHK ASP Industry Consortium FHK Computer Society FHK Digital Entertainment Association FHK Electronic Industries Association FHK Science and Technology Parks Corporation FHK Information Technology Federation FHK Institution of Engineers FHK Internet Service Providers Association FHK Productivity Council FHK Society of Multimedia & Image Computing FHK Telecommunications Users Group FHK Web Hosting Association FHK Wireless Technology Industry Association FInformation and Software Industry Association FInnovation and Technology Association FInternet & Telecom Association of HK FInternet Professionals Association FThe HK ASP Industry Consortium Overseas FThe Association of Thai Computer Industry FTrade Team Canada

Past Exhibitor Records at a Glance 350 300 270 213 200 100 95 1998 Past Exhibitor Records at a Glance 350 300 270 213 200 100 95 1998 126 1999 2000 2001 2002

Exhibitors (2002 Expo) Hong Kong Canada Mainland China Israel Vietnam Italy India USA Netherlands Exhibitors (2002 Expo) Hong Kong Canada Mainland China Israel Vietnam Italy India USA Netherlands New Zealand Australia/France/Finland/ Ireland/Malaysia/Russia/ Taiwan/Thailand/UK Total 224 44 26 20 7 6 4 4 3 3 9 350

Visitor Attendance (2002 Expo) Total Number 85, 800 , 60% Trade visitors Trade Mission Visitor Attendance (2002 Expo) Total Number 85, 800 , 60% Trade visitors Trade Mission Canada Vietnam Mainland China -Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou -Shenzhen, Wuhan, Qingdao

2003 I I Expo Directions: F Further enhance trade element F More overseas participation 2003 I I Expo Directions: F Further enhance trade element F More overseas participation F More indepth business matching F Give prominence to HK’s IT excellency F As a regional showcase of IT innovations

2003 Expo Proposed Thematic Highlights FTelecom, 3 G & Wireless Applications FE-Logistics FDigital Entertainment 2003 Expo Proposed Thematic Highlights FTelecom, 3 G & Wireless Applications FE-Logistics FDigital Entertainment FLinux & Software Application

Other Topics: FE-Government & Infrastructure FE-Commerce FHome Grown Technologies FGlobal IT Community. E-Finance FE-Learning Other Topics: FE-Government & Infrastructure FE-Commerce FHome Grown Technologies FGlobal IT Community. E-Finance FE-Learning FInternet Consulting FMultimedia & Content Delivery FNew : Security & Network Storage

2003 Expo Other Attractions F Showcase of IT Excellence Awards F VC Night F 2003 Expo Other Attractions F Showcase of IT Excellence Awards F VC Night F Virtual Trade Matching F IT “Clinic” F Innovative Technologies from the world’s leading ICT players.

Website : http: //hkiiexpo. com Your Comments Are Most Welcome Website : http: //hkiiexpo. com Your Comments Are Most Welcome