Скачать презентацию HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Description of the programme Holiday Скачать презентацию HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Description of the programme Holiday


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Description of the programme Holiday programme for old people that also maintains jobs in Description of the programme Holiday programme for old people that also maintains jobs in tourist areas Ø Enjoy holidays in areas with a warm climate. Ø Cultural trips to learn about the art and history of Spain Ø Leisure and relaxation activities through nature tourism. q Organised by IMSERSO q Implemented by a services firm. q Consolidated traditional programme. Running since 1985.

Objectives of the programme Quality of life for old people Maintaining jobs Strengthening economic Objectives of the programme Quality of life for old people Maintaining jobs Strengthening economic activity

Requirements for access to the programme 3 Aged 65+ Retirement pensioners Widow's pensioners: Aged Requirements for access to the programme 3 Aged 65+ Retirement pensioners Widow's pensioners: Aged >55 Other pensioners: Aged >60 n Always valid Y No requirements for spouse é Disabled son/daughter>45% 3 Special features: Ø Non-Spanish residents Ø Portuguese

Users' accreditation Accreditation consists of the following stages: Sending completed applications to the previous Users' accreditation Accreditation consists of the following stages: Sending completed applications to the previous years' participants. Distributing one and a half million new applications Submitting applications Selecting applications. Assessment criteria: Ø Age Ø Amount of pension Ø Enjoyed holidays in previous seasons Accreditation: v v q Users with guaranteed places Users without guaranteed places Access to travel agencies.

Development of programme Holiday shifts • 15 days • 10 days • 8 days Development of programme Holiday shifts • 15 days • 10 days • 8 days v Mainland Spain v Balearic Islands v Canary Islands k Cultural Trips • 6 days Nature tourism • 5 days International exchanges • 8 days k Tourist and cultural areas Expert guide Leisure and relaxation activities • Expert guide • Andorra and Portugal

Services included in the programme Return travel, except for shifts without transport Full-board accommodation Services included in the programme Return travel, except for shifts without transport Full-board accommodation Double or single room, with supplement. Special diet menu, if required Additional health care Leisure and free-time activities Group insurance policy.

Places offered for holiday shifts Andalusia Balearic Islands Canary Islands Catalonia Valencia Region Murcia Places offered for holiday shifts Andalusia Balearic Islands Canary Islands Catalonia Valencia Region Murcia Region

Places offered for cultural trips Aragon Andalusia Asturias Cantabria Castile–La Mancha Castile & Leon Places offered for cultural trips Aragon Andalusia Asturias Cantabria Castile–La Mancha Castile & Leon Catalonia Valencia Region Extremadura Galicia Rioja Madrid Navarre Basque Country

Places offered for nature tourism Andalusia Catalonia Aragon Galicia Castile & Leon Places offered for nature tourism Andalusia Catalonia Aragon Galicia Castile & Leon

Improvments to the programme in recent years. Access for more old people More variety Improvments to the programme in recent years. Access for more old people More variety on offer Travel insurance with wider cover for travellers More information and facilities for booking trips • 9, 300 travel agencies • Website • Centralised online booking system. Better service during holidays. • Single rooms • More comfortable transport • More sociocultural entertainment.

Assessment of the holiday programme for old people Travelling to the destination: What means Assessment of the holiday programme for old people Travelling to the destination: What means of transport was used for the journey to the destination?

Assessment of the holiday programme for old people Accommodation: With regard to the accommodation Assessment of the holiday programme for old people Accommodation: With regard to the accommodation at your destination, how would you grade the following aspects?

Assessment of the holiday programme for old people Meals: With regard to the accommodation Assessment of the holiday programme for old people Meals: With regard to the accommodation at your destination, how would you grade the following aspects?

Assessment of the holiday programme for old people Intention to sign up for more Assessment of the holiday programme for old people Intention to sign up for more holidays Do you intend to sign up for more IMSERSO holidays in the future?

Hotels taking part last season: on the coast Hotels taking part last season: on the coast

Hotels, cultural trips and nature tourism Hotels, cultural trips and nature tourism

Stays Stays

Direct and induced use of the programme Job creation and maintenance Direct jobs 2007 Direct and induced use of the programme Job creation and maintenance Direct jobs 2007 -2008 season: 13. 343 Indirect jobs: 85. 755 Direct jobs by business sector: Sector Hotels and catering Jobs created 11, 434 Land transport 340 Air transport 440 Travel agencies 843 Health care 268 Travel insurance Total 18 13, 343

Economic impact of the programme Item Total IMSERSO Partial financing of holiday shifts Sum Economic impact of the programme Item Total IMSERSO Partial financing of holiday shifts Sum 100, 078 94, 775 Health care 1, 953 Travel insurance. 3, 350 Cost of trip (travellers) 200, 327 Total 300, 405 direct cost Total induced cost Additional supply 270, 365 52, 189 Sundry expenses at destination 218, 176 Total direct + induced 570, 770

Income generated by the programme, by activity TOTAL INVESTED BY IMSERSO 2007 -2008 100, Income generated by the programme, by activity TOTAL INVESTED BY IMSERSO 2007 -2008 100, 078 Social Security payments 35, 663 Income Tax payments 12, 405 Savings in unemployment benefits and allowances 50, 670 VAT collected 45, 023 Misc. Sum recovered 9, 949 153, 710

25 th anniversary of the holiday programme Hotels: From 19 to 307 last season 25 th anniversary of the holiday programme Hotels: From 19 to 307 last season Travel agencies: from 100 points of sale to over 9, 000, plus online sales Means of transport: From 10, 000 to over 565, 000 plane tickets Places: From 16, 000 to over 1, 000 Jobs: From 1, 717 employed by hotels to over 15, 000 Changing user profile Valued highly both by users and by the tourism sector International Best Practice in Social Tourism OITS Jean Faucher Award 2008