Скачать презентацию Holding Hands A tool of peace www holdinghands Скачать презентацию Holding Hands A tool of peace www holdinghands


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“Holding Hands” A tool of peace www. holdinghands. it Hotel “Ripa” Rome, 21 April “Holding Hands” A tool of peace www. holdinghands. it Hotel “Ripa” Rome, 21 April 2006

Holding Hands is an Electronic Holding Hands is an Electronic "Journalino" for Cultural Dialogue, Understanding and Peace, it represent an important opportunity for cultural integration, comprehension of the diversity and above all. Holding Hands is an instrument for peace building through internet that is naturally a meeting place for youngsters!!! Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Holding Hands was created in occasion of the Global Junior Challenge 2004. Teachers of Holding Hands was created in occasion of the Global Junior Challenge 2004. Teachers of Israel, Palestine and Italy were involved in a multicultural workshop to decide the guidelines of the Journalino. . Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

The autors Teachers and students from Israel, Palestine and Italy are the protagonist of The autors Teachers and students from Israel, Palestine and Italy are the protagonist of this initiative and they promote the idea of peace building in their countries and exchange information about the history of their country, culture, monuments, habits, or simply an opportunity to talk to others about their life. Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Schools participating From Israel: The Finestein Junior High School; The Ein-Ganim School From Italy: Schools participating From Israel: The Finestein Junior High School; The Ein-Ganim School From Italy: 194° Circolo Didattico Liceo Torricelli From Palestine: Initially Zeina Center. Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Fotogallery Schools from Israel The Finestein Junior High School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th Fotogallery Schools from Israel The Finestein Junior High School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Fotogallery Schools from Israel The Finestein Junior High School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th Fotogallery Schools from Israel The Finestein Junior High School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Fotogallery Schools from Israel The Ein Ganim School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February Fotogallery Schools from Israel The Ein Ganim School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Fotogallery Schools from Israel The Ein Ganim School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February Fotogallery Schools from Israel The Ein Ganim School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Fotogallery Schools from Italy 194° C. D. School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February Fotogallery Schools from Italy 194° C. D. School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Fotogallery Schools from Italy 194° C. D. School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February Fotogallery Schools from Italy 194° C. D. School Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

The content of the online magazine will be aimed at the school world, dealing The content of the online magazine will be aimed at the school world, dealing with topics connected to peace, culture, politics, news and current affairs seen through the eyes of the students. Other sections will be dedicated to music and entertainments, as well as sport and nature. http: //www. holdinghands. it We published 156 articles from September 2004 to June 2006 (2 scholastic years: 2004 -2005/2005 -2006) Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Themes of articles Some example of themes: - My family; - My special Collection/s Themes of articles Some example of themes: - My family; - My special Collection/s - My favourite book - My favourite television program - Holocaust - The Prime Minister of Israel Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

The mechanism Holding Hands have a leading teacher/animator in each of the schools. These The mechanism Holding Hands have a leading teacher/animator in each of the schools. These teachers form the "editorial board, " working together to select the content of the monthly "journalino" and encouraging and supporting the children from their classes to write articles. There is a chief-editor to secure an overall checking of the content of every monthly edition to draw attention to material or comments potentially offensive to any one of the peoples involved. Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

The language Holding Hands is published in English as a common language but its The language Holding Hands is published in English as a common language but its content is part of a multi-lingual process. Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

The structure - Home page - About us - Articles - Pictures - News The structure - Home page - About us - Articles - Pictures - News - Forum - Links Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Contacts - Drs. Silvia Celani Holding Hands Project Manager s. celani@gioventudigitale. net - Diego Contacts - Drs. Silvia Celani Holding Hands Project Manager s. celani@gioventudigitale. net - Diego Giacani Webmaster d. giacani@gioventudigitale. net Phone Number: +39 06 42 014 109 Fax: +39 06 42 000 442 Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Home page Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004 Home page Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

About US Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004 About US Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Articles Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004 Articles Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Pictures Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004 Pictures Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

News Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004 News Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Forum Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004 Forum Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004

Links Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004 Links Villa Piccolomini Rome 11 th February 2004