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HM 2 F | a citizen network Part of the LGBT Islamic activism Homosexual Muslims of France CALEM – 2011 | Paris, Brussels, Madrid, Lisbon Secularism: a double chance against double discriminations
ﺑﺴﻢ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺼﻼﺓ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺭﺳﻮﻝ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺍﻟﻨﺒ ﺍﻷﻤﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﻄﻒ ﻣﻦ ﻳﻬﺪﻱ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻓﻼ ﻣﻀﻞ ﻟﻪ ﻭﻣﻦ ﻳﻀﻠﻞ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻓﻼ ﻫﺎﺩﻱ ﻟﻪ Au nom de Dieu, le Clément le Miséricordieux, que la Bénédiction et la Paix soit sur Mahomet, le prophète illettré, élevé par le Seigneur. In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, May Blessing and Peace be upon Muhammad , the unlettered Prophet, raised by our Lord.
1 - Introduction History - Diversity - AIM Goals - Rules to share 2 - Homophobia & Islamophobia: Secularism and double discrimination Peacefully answer back dehumanizing of Infrahumanization and extremisms: A - Infrahumanization theoretically B - Infrahumanizing sexual minorities C - Is Islam a homophobic religion by nature? D - Secularism: a double chance against double discrimination 3 – accomplishments, projects Empowerment - Visibility – Self definition 4 – HM 2 F structure Citizen network against all discriminations CALEM: International collaboration - Islamic activism - Theology of liberation 5 – Ethics www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Why HM 2 F and for who? Why did we created CALEM in 2010?
Being homosexual - or LGBTQIA - & Muslim ? It is a reality… Our citizen network have always been opened to all, it is not a ghetto. Ø Thus we needed a particular space, open to everyone, not a ghetto, to enhance our personal reflections Ø Fight back peacefully every kind of stigma, discrimination Ø Being a key stone in the deconstruction of the infrahumanizing (dehumanizing) social representations Ø We are as human and dignified as anyone else, we have the right to conciliate our faith with our deep human nature www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org January 2010 – why and for who ?
From different cultures, origins (France, Algeria, Morocco Tunisia, India, Mauritius, la Réunion, Caribbean , Ivory Coast, Senegal, etc. ) Different obediences - Sunna, Shi’a, Christians, converted to Islam or atheists. Average – 25 to 30 years old – all kind of socio-cultural profiles (from the “elitist” neighborhoods to the proletarian suburbs) www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org More than 260 inscribed members (35 % women ; 65 % men ; transgenders) & plus de 1500 sympathizers (Facebook groups, Youtube channel)
B – be a propositional force within our LGBTQIA network, fighting back racism, Islamophobia, partisan nationalisms and any kind of discrimination Ø AIM: working for an Inclusive Islam, and for a Secularism truly respectful of all beliefs 1 – Sustain and council LGBTQIA Muslims and their families 2 – Talk and reflection groups organized regularly 3 – Inform the LGBTQIA community about being Muslim ; inform the Muslim community about being LGBTQIA 4 – Meetings and events - Peacefully answer the violence of dehumanization 5 - Advocacy and concrete support for refugees from a Muslim background that flee their country because of persecutions and death threats, due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org A – try as hard as we can to sustain our brothers and sisters, against Infrahumanization from some homophobic, dogmatic religious authorities.
During our meetings, each and everyone of us is committed. . . 1 – To talk as individuals ; « I » speak in my name, not in the name of anyone else, of any political party, of any other social entity 2 – We ought to listen to each others testimony without questioning, nor interrupting, nor judging or doubting the veracity of that testimony. 3 – Our testimonies are confidential, what is said between stays between us. www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Precise rules for our meetings
- member of the Fédération LGBT - member of the ILGA - member of the federation RAVAD (network to welcome victims of discriminations) - member of the comitee IPERGAY - international coordinator of CALEM - founder member of the MTE (federation against discrimination towards Muslim mothers) (…) www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org HM 2 F – an inclusif and included citizen network
Ø are we sustaınıng the ıdea that women should be veıled? Ø are we ‘salafee’ dressed as ‘gays’ Ø are we callıng to pray? Ø you are ‘Muslıms’, you have a ‘double dıscourse’, we could not ‘trust you’ … We think that Atheism and other faith are part of our citizen network’s dynamic, but we think it is a shame, first of all, that women are once again targeted to ostracize Muslims under political pressures. Second of all, it does exacerbate social tensions and it does not help empowering French Muslims, nor fighting back homophobia or misogyny within the Muslim community in France. www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Double discrimination & French Muslims’ emancipation
http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html Both these symptoms of rejection, like all discriminations, lead to a dehumanization of individuals belonging to a sexual minority; In Social Psychology that process is called Infrahumanization… 13
http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html A – Infrahumanization, theoretically B – Infrahumanizing sexual minorities C – Is Islam a homophobic religion by nature ? Could Islam be seen as a living, breathing, humanist spirituality…? 14
A - THEORETICALY 15 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html
That social phenomenon is tacitly held by an unconscious belief that one’s in-group is more human than an out-group 16 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html SOCIAL PHENOMENON
http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html ANIMAL INSTINCT Infrahumanization is a basic, instinctive reaction by which endangered groups reinforce their group frontiers; scapegoats to catharsis inner-group’s fears ! 17
Produced by an individual or a group of individuals ; here is the “recipe” to ostracize someone without feeling guilty about it… It doesn’t mean they are not guilty; but analyzing infrahumanization that is the source of discrimination from a scientific point of view, allows us to addresses the issue of discrimination, without falling into the political pitfall of essentializating a culture or a belief, saying for instance: “Islam is homophobic”, full stop. That pitfall would close the debate with all Muslims about homophobia; plus, it shall make us appear we LGBT and human rights activists - for Islamophobic racists. 18 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html UNCONTROLABLE
- Endorsed by a majority, against a minority Being more numerous helps to thing you are right - Denial of Humanity (“they have no true human - Robust scientific proofs emotions” - “they are beasts” - “they have no human faith” - “it is not a sin to hurt them”. . . ) The more participants infrahumanize the out-group member the less likely they were to help. 19 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html NO emotions, NO faith
“Denial of humanness associated with extreme intergroup violence such as genocide” (Leyens & al. ) [1] Leyens & al. (2009). “From infra-humanization to discrimination: The mediation of symbolic threat needs egalitarian norms”. Journal of experimental social psychology; 45 -2, p. 336 -344. 20 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html MORTAL SOCIAL ILLUSION
http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html B - INFRAHUMANIZING sexual minorities (personnal reflexion, no true or faulse answer…) 21
http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html Why is it so important for them insist on homosexuality, as “one of the most sensitive issues facing Muslims living in the West, particularly in Europe” ? (like Leyens & al. said that violence, sometimes could genocide an entire population : Nazis, apartheid, sexual minorities… scapegoat !) 22
http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html We shall insist on “Rahma”, an entire surat dedicated to empathy The executioner need infrahumanization to violate the victim’s human dignity Infrahumanization makes the victim suffering, it certainly alienates the executioner 23
Continue pointing at stigma, & discrimination, fight prejudices 18 th century European doctors were wrong, direct - indirect violence Neither Islam nor LGBT have anything to win from direct nor indirect violence of infrahumanization , dehumanization ! [2] http: //www. kinseyinstitute. org/ [3] American Psychiatric Association - DSMIV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual : http: //www. psych. org/mainmenu/research/dsmivtr. aspx [4] Amnesty international report : http: //www. amnesty. org/en/library/asset/POL 30/003/2008/en/d 77 ce 647 -4 cd 3 -11 dd-bca 2 bb 9 d 43 f 3 e 059/pol 300032008 eng. pdf 24 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html Peaceful dialogue to educate, purify ourselves, others representation
http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html ﺍﻟﺘﺴﻔﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﻭ Non hegemonic, dogmatic, Universal identitary representation (educate all Muslims, us and them; purify our/their cognitive representations about being LGBT Fight Stigma, discriminations Fight Violence Promote Peace and Knowledge Challenging extremism. S ! Against Muslims, & LGBTQIA 25
C - Is Islam HOMOPHOBIC by nature? 26 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html
“Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves. ” (many other hadiths and Quran’s verse about jurisdictional right / wrong : collected anyway 200 years after our prophet’s death ASWS)) What could be more important for a free willing Muslim than his/her human dignity !? 27 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html We shall never forget prophet’s Mohammed wisdom :
- Accepted that « mukhanathun » served his children and wives. - He defended what we call today transgender Muslims against what we call today “ homophobia ”. - People of Loth quoted in the Quran are about violent sexual relationships, devoted to a pagan goddess (nothing to do with “homosexuality” or love between same sex consenting individuals – see Herodotus, antique historian). 28 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html Our Prophet Mohammed
- “Rules” are confounded with traditions - Traditions change from one spatiotemporal context to another We have to embrace the Islamic humanism ! (Scott Siraj al-Aqq – “Homosexuality and Islam”, 2010) 29 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html Spirituality is not about rules, but about secularized humanism…
- We have no choice but to see the truth : Religion claims to come from the Universal our Lord - Imams and philosophers for human rights, against homophobia (imam T. Oubrou) - Modern humanist representation added to the Islamic theological corpus (A. Bidar) We are building our own “LGBTQIA Islamic liberation Theology” 30 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html That is a global renewal that Islam needs, feminists LGBT Muslims are at the forefront of it, and infrahumanization has no place in such Islamic humanism …
http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html D - Secularism A double chance against double discrimination 31
- - - These homonationalists have the illusion they shall be accepted by mainstream nationalists? They just reinforce racist, misogynous, nationalism that is the main cause for any discrimination Homonationalism has been denounced by intellectual like Judith Butler, taking her “distance” with openly racist LGBT activists HM 2 F Board and Council (22 November 2011) decided our duty is to denounced that homonationalism wherever we find it, 32 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html It could be defined as the internalization of nationalist – racist, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynous, transphobic (…) – thesis by a part of LGBT activists.
- - We stay independent from any ideology, religious dogmatism, or political party; it is hard Secularism and political neutrality protects us from dogmatic religious authorities, condemning homosexuality on the basis of their own prejudices Secularism and political neutrality protects also against homophobic ideologies Eventually, denouncing one form of homonationalism without another, could be taken as a political use of human rights (…) More on http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/HOMONATIONALISM__Liberation-of-homosexual. Muslims-of-France-beyond-Islamophobia-and-anti-Semitism. html 33 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html We think that Secularism – in French Laïcité - is a double chance against double discrimination:
[2] http: //www. kinseyinstitute. org/ [3] American Psychiatric Assocaition - DSMIV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual : http: //www. psych. org/mainmenu/research/dsmivtr. aspx [4] Amnesty international report : http: //www. amnesty. org/en/library/asset/POL 30/003/2008/en/d 77 ce 647 -4 cd 3 -11 dd-bca 2 -bb 9 d 43 f 3 e 059/pol 300032008 eng. pdf M. Hendricks answer to T. Ramadan’s article entitled “Islam and homosexuality” : http: //theinnercircle. org. za/? p=1497 Hegemonic masculinity : http: //history. anu. edu. au/files/documents/Connell&Mess_Hegemonic. Masc. pdf A. Bidar (2008). « L'islam sans soumission: pour un existentialisme musulman » , p. 36. Albin Michel, Paris S. S. A. Kugle (2010). “homosexuality and Islam”. Oneworld Publications; Oxford, England. M. Al-Ghazali (1981). « Le Tabernacle des lumières » , traduction de Roger Deladrière. Editions du Seuil, Paris. I. Ibn-Kathir (2007). « As-Sira : la biographie du prophète Mohammed, les débuts de l’islam » , traduction de Messaoud Boudjenoun. Editions Universel, Paris. F. Lenoir (2008). “Petit traité de l’histoire des religions”. Plon, Paris. 34 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html [1] Leyens & al. (2009). “From infra-humanization to discrimination: The mediation of symbolic threat needs egalitarian norms”. Journal of experimental social psychology; 45 -2, p. 336 -344.
Ø French National Assembly conference - may 2010 Ø CALEM conference, 2010 - 2011 Ø « Green Book » - Tome I & II Ø « CEW » conference – lesbian Muslims’ conference, 2010 Ø Trimestrial newsletter – homomusulmans@gmail. com Ø Seminars in each French main cities www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org HM 2 F works today on solid ground with major French and international LGBTQIA organizations.
Ø Dialogue for Peace, no matters difficulties Ø A-political, free of any ideology or political party Ø Give the foot - Gay & Lesbians from Palestine Ø RE-discover our common Human heritage Videos and pictures on HM 2 F travel blog: http: //www. homosexuels-musulmans. org/INCLUSIF/BLOG-voyage-isreal-palestine-spiritualites-LGBT. html www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org 2011, journey in Holy land – Jordan, Israel & Palestine
Concernıng the boycott of Israel, we asked several questıons that were not answered so far before we could take any decısıon: Ø are we boycottıng the countrıes and government offıcıals, or all Jewısh NGOs? Who decıde and on whıch crıterıa? Ø does that boycott ınclude spırıtual pılgrımages ın Palestıne, Iran, Saudı Arabıa? Ø what guarantee, ın thıs hıghly volatıle regıon, how could we stay independent from futur geostrategıes and potentially armed conflıcts? Ø would ıt not be even more effıcıent to boycott all the countrıes that kılles dırectly or ındırectly LGBTQIA ındıvıduals? www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Double dıscrımınatıon, without being lost in partisan politics
Commission « Welcome and Share» . Commission « Sexualities, prevention and serodifference » . Commission « Color Islam » . Commission « Reflection Islam » . Group « Women and Feminities » . Group « Prayers & Meditations » . Group « Festive Queer » . www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org The structure of HM 2 F has been built on different groups and commissions, In Transparency & collegiality – « Shura »
Ø Once a month at the LGBT center, welcome new members and sympathisers by HM 2 F trained members (training online: http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/publications/accueil_HM 2 F. ppt ; Agenda online: http: //www. homosexuels-musulmans. org/AGENDA. html). ØSustain refugees from Arab-Islamic and African countries, persecuted because of their gender identity or sexual orientation (providing letters of recommendations, sustaining them in asylum and administrative procedures). www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Empowering LGBT Muslims from France, Europe and elsewhere
Ø Launching dedicated compaigns (petitions, like for Nessma, a young lesbian refugee from Libya - http: //www. homosexuels-musulmans. org/NESSMA-jeune-libyennehomosexuelle-doit-rester-en-france_appel-signature_petition. html - Or to sustain the feminist, antimilitarist Turkish lesbian PINAR SELEK - http: //www. homosexuels-musulmans. org/PINAR-SELEKmilitante-turque-feministe-antimilitariste_turkish-feminist-antimilitarist -activist-PINAR-SELEK. html). Ø eventually, we could also provide free shelter for them up to three month, at one of our volunteer’s home (and we are planning to associate our efforts with other organizations to acquire a flat dedicated to this use). www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Empowering LGBT Muslims from France, Europe and elsewhere
Khaled Al-Rouayheb "Before homosexuality in the Arab- Islamic world" The author gives great bibliographical references about sexual orientation and gender diversity within Islam, as a civilization, before the modern era. Reflection Islam – 14 th October 2011 - http: //www. homosexuels-musulmans. org/compte_rendu_RI. html Samar Habib "Islam and homosexuality" The author put in exergue self-determination of queer from the arab-Muslim (mainly those who lives in the West) and their emancipation toward neocolonialism. 43 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html These subjects are brainstormed mainly in the commission Reflection Islam of HM 2 F, and during our CALEM plenary conferences and seminars.
http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html Scott Siraj Kugle "Homosexuality in Islam" The author analyses in a brilliant, but nonetheless personal way, the evolution of same-sex relationships’ representation among the Islamic civilization, from an essentially theological perspective. Amina Wadud "Inside the Gender Jihad" The author relates her personal experience searching a third way between misogynia, islamophobia and sharing the “imamat”. Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed « Le Coran et la chair » (The Qur’an and the Flesh) Between autobiography and essay, the author is speaking here about his personal spiritual quest from the salafi brotherhood, to the reconciliation with his sexual orientation. 44
- Trainings toward LGBT Muslims, available on our website, mixing self-esteem reinforcement, empowerment & HIV/AIDS prevention - http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/publications/pratiques%20 sexuelles-a-risque_VIHSida_&_autres-maladies-sexuellement-transmissibles. ppt - 2010 Inclusive Muslim’s Statement against the serophobia & homophobia of some religious institutions - http: //www. webpetitions. com/petition/musulmans-inclusifscontre-la-srophobie-inclusive-muslims-statement-against-serophobia/74 -2011 documentary and book about Aids children and teenagers, in cooperation with our sister organization TDMES - http: //www. tourdumondedesorphelins. com/TDMES-enfants-du-sida-docuaids-children. html HM 2 f is a member of the IPERGAY committee - http: //www. ipergay. fr/Le-Comite-Associatif. Ipergay-le-representant-des-associations. LGBT-et-VIH-dans-IPERGAY_a 22. html www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Sexualities, prevention, sero-differences
- Conference at the French National Assembly (2010 - http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/IDAHO_17_mai_2010_colloque_assembl ee_nationale_francaise_HM 2 F. html) - AIR queer inclusive Muslim’s conference (2010 & 2011 - http: //www. homosexuels-musulmans. org/AIR_TIC-HM 2 F_avril 2010_7 eme_rencontre_internationale_des_homosexuel-les_musulman-e-s_Le. Cap_Afrique-du-Sud. html) - CALEM conference (2010 à 2012 – www. calem. eu) - Spiritual, LGBT & cultural travel to Holy land (Novembre 2011 - http: //www. homosexuels-musulmans. org/BLOG-voyage. Israel-Palestine-spiritualites-LGBT. html) www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Putting forward ethnical, sexual, gender, spiritual Colors of Diversity
- Parties (1 st anniversary of HM 2 F, more than 100 participants) - Cinema - Opera - marriage of two homosexual Muslims (…) All our meeting’s & activities reports are online - http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/compte_rendu_reunions. html www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Fun & celebrations to enjoy and socialize
CALEM conference | since 2010 Confederation of associations LGBTQI European or Muslim « Leaving our sexuality in Peace… Defending together our civil rights and human dignity! » In 2010: 80 participants, 11 countries, the two gay imams in the human history - In 2011: seminars and conferences organized in Paris, Brussels, Madrid & Lisbon - In 2012… WWW. CALEM. EU
CALEM is an informal confederation of LGBT, European or Muslim organizations, that works * toward sexual and gender diversity within Islam. CALEM is a secular and non political organization, independent from any political party, financial sponsor, from any kind of ideology and not submitted to any kind of absolute religious authority. Our aim is to sustain - in their empowerment and liberation process - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender individuals that are Muslims or come from a Muslim background. CALEM in Arabic, is the tool we use to acquire knowledge and write Destiny. Knowledge and cooperation are the tools we shall use to make us free. * Under the international coordination of the citizen network HM 2 F CALEM CONFERENCE | PARIS 2010 - CONFEDERATION OF ASSOCIATIONS LGBTQI EUROPEAN & MUSLIM CALEM | 2010 TO 2012 - INCLUSIVITY
CALEM – operational aim: 1 - increasing each others visibility 2 – sustaining each others inner dynamic – together we are stronger 3 – work on common projects, built on a common ethic 4 – our brothers and sisters shall not go through that journey alone 5 – The ultimate goal is to be seen as Muslims, full stop – our sexuality shall become just a secondary detail and LGBT people are as human as anyone else to choose, or not, to express their spirituality, or not at all. CALEM CONFERENCE | PARIS 2010 - CONFEDERATION OF ASSOCIATIONS LGBTQI EUROPEAN & MUSLIM CALEM | 2010 TO 2012 - INCLUSIVITY
CALEM 2010 welcome more than 80 participants from 11 countries, among which the two gay imams and activists from the Arab world (just before the “Arab spring”). CALEM 2011 had the honor to welcome almost 250 participants in four different European countries, which gives CALEM and our fights for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual) human rights - a modest continental dimension; Alhamdouli. Allah. As an inclusive conference, CALEM's seminars were opened to all. We ensured that fact as far as possible. Thus the participants embodied a great diversity: LGBT citizens, inclusive and progressive Muslims, associations' volunteers and activists, professionals of social psychological support, intellectuals and academics. CALEM CONFERENCE | PARIS 2010 - CONFEDERATION OF ASSOCIATIONS LGBTQI EUROPEAN & MUSLIM CALEM - VISIBILITY & DIVERSITY
In Paris we welcomed almost 100 participants for the presentation of Amina Wadud, thanks to the EHESS that accepted exceptionally to work with an activist confederation. In Brussels we were pleased this year to offer empowering trainings for individuals and workshops for professionals; In Madrid we beneficiated a great media interest (especially from the national TV channel Sexta), in a country where religious conservatism is an issue; In Lisbon we were honored to exchange information and ideas with professional human rights activists and volunteers that have to deal with a small and new Muslim community in Portugal. CALEM CONFERENCE | PARIS 2010 - CONFEDERATION OF ASSOCIATIONS LGBTQI EUROPEAN & MUSLIM CALEM - INCLUSIVITY & DIVERSITY
BUILT TOGETHER AN INTERNATIONAL VISIBILITY FOR the LGBTQIA ISLAMIC ACTIVISM The concrete proposal of our network shall be sustained inch’Allah by : - The strength of our faith – TAQWAH - The respect of our different points of view - MASLAHAH At the 2010 AIR – Annual International Retreat – we understood that differences are a strength, we have to work together anyway. Nobody has to take the lead on anybody – we have to increase our common visibility and brainstorming, instead of trying to take the lead when some organizations are barely viable. CALEM CONFERENCE | PARIS 2010 - CONFEDERATION OF ASSOCIATIONS LGBTQI EUROPEAN & MUSLIM LONG TERM HISTORICAL PURPOSE
2011 CALEM 2011 was a success, despite all the difficulties inherent in such an undertaking. Calem held this year a major continental conference, thanks to high quality guests, with seminars in Paris, Brussels, Madrid, Lisbon, in collaboration with organizations such as the ILGA Portugal, the Spanish federation. FELGTB , the city of Brussels, the region of Brussels, the Flemish commission of Brussels, of the Flemish community (Vlaamse Gemeenschap), of Madame Milquet - Vice-Prime minister and Minister of employment and chances equality, in charge of the migration and asylum politic, of the city of Brussels, of the region of Brussels-capital, of the EHESS (School of High Studies in Social Science and also of the IISMM, ENS, CEIFR, IREMAM), the Spanish Islamic council Junta Islamica, the union of Muslim women UMME & the inclusive Muslim network INIMuslim. 2010 We have to be thankful to our Lord Allah, soubhanahou oua ta'ala ! The 2010 conference has been organized on the initiative of HM 2 F, thanks to the mentorship of TIC CALEM | 2010 was a two days conference that gathered 80 participants from 11 different countries, alhamdouli. Allah; this is the second international conference - after AIR, The Inner Circle - to have gathered the two gay imams in our human history. A respectful thanks to the national and international mass medias that were there at the CALEM conference: Saphir. News & Salam. News, Têtu, Respect Magazine, Rue 89, France 24, Al-Jazeera, AFP (in Brussels). Thanks to Mrs. Pierre Edeinbaum - Maire du 3ème arrondissement de Paris -, Christine Le Doaré - president of the Centre LGBT de Paris -, la maison Arc-En-Ciel of Brussels. and the volunteers of: HM 2 F, MERHABA, THE INNER CIRCLE for their presence, the reports, the videos. CALEM CONFERENCE | PARIS 2010 - CONFEDERATION OF ASSOCIATIONS LGBTQI EUROPEAN & MUSLIM THANKS
LGBTQIA Muslims are a strength to the sexual minorities’ political fight for our civil rights and human dignity As well as a promoter for the diversity within the European Muslim community We have to learn from each others, despite our differences we have more in common HM 2 F – as one of the key stone of an LGBTQIA Islamic activism movement - is ready to fight back efficiently prejudices, stigma, discrimination, on several levels of long term alliances www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org WORKING TOGETHER
As full citizens, we shall contribute to intellectual advancements, for the welfare or our human brothers and sisters. “ If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together. ” (Lilla Watson - a Gangulu Indigenous Australian feminist woman). www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org RESPECTING DIVERSITY
LGBTQIA LIBERATION THEOLOGY 58 http: //www. homosexuelsmusulmans. org/gay_muslims. html
We have to fight back, peacefully, the violence of Infrahumanization – which is an animal, instinctive social group reaction. We are lucky and blessed to be a part of that rising LGBTQIA Islamic activism that shall benefit both Muslims and sexual minorities, no doubt. www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Sexuality is a benediction that ought to be lived in Peace – Islam means being in Peace.
Tawhid is an essential metaphysical notion in Islam, that has been developed intellectuality by mystics like the “master of masters” Ibn ‘Arabi or the famous poet Rumi. Our inspiration comes also from southern American theologians that tried to adapt the catholic representation of the bible, to the reality on the ground. Eventually, we find our inspirations from intellectual Muslim reformers of the 20 th and 21 st century *, that had to free themselves and their people from colonial oppression; like we have to free ourselves from cultural and dogmatic oppression toward a true LIBERATION. www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org We have to work on inclusivity, what is called in Arabic TAWHID
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(our deontology principles - http: //www. homosexuels-musulmans. org/publications/Statuts. pdf) As free citizens, we do not recognize any spiritual authority; we work with one another as equal, trying to elaborate peacefully “self-definition” of who we are Once again, we are not submit to any ideology nor political party; we are free to denounce discrimination anywhere we see it. Our ultimate aim is the welfare of queer inclusive Muslims. www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org HM 2 F ethic is confessional, laic, apolitical, for an organization opened to all
- struggle for LGBT human rights - reform the representation we have of our relationship to Islam - enhance the scientific analysis and understanding of these phenomenon (anthropology, psychology, historiography…). These approaches, these struggles against all discriminations are complementary and it would be counter-productive to oppose them. Only self-definition – that is built on education and individual empowerment – allows emancipation of citizens, appeasement of the social group he/she belongs to, and of the entire community. www. . homosexuels-musulmans. org Adopt here a triptych complementary approach:
Merci Thank you ﺑﺎﺭﻙ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻓﻴﻚ The presentation is available online on our website, section « website map » www. homosexuels-musulmans. org
Merci Thank you ﺑﺎﺭﻙ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻓﻴﻚ