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What is HIV? ¡H – ¡Human ¡I – ¡Immuno-deficiency ¡V – ¡Virus
How is HIV transmitted? Can HIV be transmitted from… ¡ Blood ¡ yes ¡ Tears ¡ No ¡ Vaginal fluid ¡ yes ¡ Sweat ¡ no ¡ Semen ¡ Yes ¡ Breast milk ¡ yes ¡ Saliva ¡ no ¡ Feces ¡ no ¡ Urine ¡ no
How is HIV Transmitted? 1. Sexual intercourse (vaginal and anal)Unprotected sexual contact 2. Sharing injection needles-Direct blood contact; Infections due to blood transfusions 3. Mother to Child-before or during birth, or through breast milk 4. Oral sex (mouth-penis, mouth-vagina): Oral sex is considered a low risk practice.
Is it Safe? ¡ Take a card and decide whether it is an activity which is low or high risk for contracting HIV.
Contracting the Virus ¡ If you are exposed to HIV, is there anything you can do to stop the infection? ¡ EVERYONE has 72 HOURS before HIV infection starts -you can go to a Hospital or an AIDS center for treatment during this time
What is AIDS? ¡A – ¡Acquired ¡I – ¡Immune ¡D – ¡Deficiency ¡S – ¡Syndrome
Untreated HIV progression to AIDS ¡HIV has progressed to AIDS when the immune system is so weak that it cannot fight off diseases that a healthy person can resist. ¡What is the leading cause of death for people infected with AIDS? ¡Tuberculosis.
Global HIV prevalence in adults, 1985
Global HIV prevalence in adults, 1995
Global HIV prevalence in adults, 2005
HIV in Ukraine
HIV in Ukraine ¡ 2006 -11, 542 Ukrainians died of AIDS, including 243 children. . . ¡ 2008 -8, 963 registered new cases of HIV
It’s as Easy as ABCD ¡ A¡ Abstinence ¡ B¡ Be Faithful & Honest ¡ C¡ Condoms ¡ D¡ Don’t do Drugs
Abstinence ¡ Is it important for a celibate nun to know about HIV/AIDS? ¡ Yes! It is important to be informed in order to share that knowledge!
Be Faithful & Honest ¡ Nadja Benaissa, 28, from the pop music group No Angels, was found guilty of spreading HIV to her sexual partners. ¡ In 2010, A German court convicted Nadja on charges of attempted bodily harm & causing grievous bodily harm for not informing her sexual partners that she is HIV positive.
Don’t do Drugs ¡ Remember, injection drug use accounted for 40. 1% of HIV transmission in Ukraine in 2007. ¡ Needle exchange programs help reduce transmission of HIV through infected needles.
Treatment ¡ HIV is treatable, not curable. ¡ You can take medicine twice a day and live a normal life. ¡ In Ukraine, 30% of treatment is funded by the Global Fund and 70% by the Ukrainian government.
Losing Functions ¡ HIV can take years before it becomes serious. ¡ Once infected spreads, living a normal life becomes more and more difficult. ¡ Imagine that you now have AIDS. It has progressed to the point where you can longer do all the things you used to. --Loved One --Residence --Bodily Functions --Physical Appearance --Mental Reasoning --Independence --Physical Mobility --Future Plans --Favorite Activity --Finances
Your Choice ¡ Silently, think about which 5 you will keep and which 5 you will give up. Out of Your Control ¡ Hold your 5 remaining cards out so that the person to your left can’t see them. That person will take 2 cards away.
Awareness is the Answer…