History school
Has finished ringing a call last at school. Vanity of examinations has passed. Time to detain not in our will. Sad minute of parting has come. All of year have passed as though in a fairy tale, Upwards on лесенке walked day after day. Kindness of the teacher and knowledge In the memory we shall carry away. We today both юбиляры, The first pupils we yours, This day to you, native school, We speak: "Thanks" with all the heart!
The school is based in 1980
Cabinet of music in the first years of opening of school
So cooks and a dining room of school looked. Now in a dining room have established the new equipment.
The uniform has been entered into the first years at school. At girls black dresses with white фартоками, at boys - suits.
So there passed a school ruler
One of the first graduation classes of school. Which class teacher was Osipov Tamara Aleksandrovna. Among graduates many who have gone on its stops and became teachers
Graduation classes of 1994
Each graduate hears the first and last call in the life. And it remains in their memory for long years
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