Скачать презентацию Historical Context of Capitalism Emergence and Nature of Скачать презентацию Historical Context of Capitalism Emergence and Nature of


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Historical Context of Capitalism Emergence and Nature of Capitalism http: //www. osterraederlauf. com/luegde/modern-history. html Historical Context of Capitalism Emergence and Nature of Capitalism http: //www. osterraederlauf. com/luegde/modern-history. html http: //www. google. com/imgres? imgurl=http: //www. osterraederlauf. com/luegde/images/peace. jpg&imgrefurl=http: //www. osterraederlauf. com/luegde/modernhistory. html&h=251&w=374&sz=30&tbnid=c. VOQo. COjy. HAJ: &t bnh=79&tbnw=117&start=3&prev=/images%3 Fq%3 D%2 B%2522 peace%2 Bof%2 Bwestphalia%2522%26 svnum%3 D 10%26 hl%3 Den%26 lr%3 D%26 sa%3 DG

Learning Objectives u Where does Capitalism Come From u What is Capitalism u What Learning Objectives u Where does Capitalism Come From u What is Capitalism u What are its Impacts Additional Background Video (viewed first 15 minutes) THE WESTERN TRADITION www. learner. org/resources/series 58. html? pop=yes&vod id=120661&pid=848 http: //www. learner. org/resources/series 58. html? pop=yes&vodid=120661&pid=848# Capitalism 2

Capitalism: Major Sections Geographic Early Beginnings u Characteristics u Class Relations u Finance u Capitalism: Major Sections Geographic Early Beginnings u Characteristics u Class Relations u Finance u Territorial & Geographic Changes u Long Distance Trade u New Ideologies u Perceptions of Change u Emergence of the Nation State u Capitalism 3

Early Beginnings u Profit Maximizing Emerges – Rise of the Urban Merchant Class u Early Beginnings u Profit Maximizing Emerges – Rise of the Urban Merchant Class u New class emerges from Serfs u Not tied to the Land u Society no longer based on personal relationships http: //www. medieval-spell. com/Medieval-Merchants. html Capitalism 4

Geographic Early Beginnings (“original globalization”) u Profit Maximizing Emerges – Trading Networks create untold Geographic Early Beginnings (“original globalization”) u Profit Maximizing Emerges – Trading Networks create untold wealth u Capitalism Spatial Patterns – Northern Italy – Southern Terminus of European Trade u Taps into Mediterranean Sea and world beyond u Related to ancient Lotharangia u Key southern city initially Venice u Hanseatic League – part of Northern Terminus creates integrated economy around Baltic and into North Sea u Key northern city becomes Amsterdam 5

The trading “spinal cord” of early 16 th century Europe Based on this ancient The trading “spinal cord” of early 16 th century Europe Based on this ancient Kingdom Eugene Weber Capitalism http: //www. uncp. edu/home/rwb/lecture_m id_civ. htm 6

Note how 20 th century wars still focus on this geographic alignment this trade Note how 20 th century wars still focus on this geographic alignment this trade “incubator” Capitalism 7

“Western Front” in two World Wars Capitalism 8 “Western Front” in two World Wars Capitalism 8

Characteristics u Markets – Means of distributing scarce resources – Leaves behind State controls Characteristics u Markets – Means of distributing scarce resources – Leaves behind State controls and Land based economy – Commodities now free to change hands – As a “New” Institution u Becomes the most important u Threatens the old (Feudal) order Capitalism 9 http: //www. ub. uit. no/northernlights/eng/whitesea 02. htm

Characteristics u Private Property – Title and ownership no longer solely through the crown/State Characteristics u Private Property – Title and ownership no longer solely through the crown/State – But property rights guaranteed by the State – Picture is an example of the enclosure of Feudal estates & commons http: //www. peakdistrict-nationalpark. info/_images/_pictures/tl 48. jpg Capitalism 10

Characteristics u Profit – Drives all activity – No longer is “idleness” sought after Characteristics u Profit – Drives all activity – No longer is “idleness” sought after – Hard work and accumulation of goods on this earth is GOOD! u “It’s glorious to get rich” – Deng-Tsao Ping u Modern day rendition of the Protestant Ethic Capitalism 11

Characteristics u Progress – Competition becomes a virtue – Change and efficiency become watchwords Characteristics u Progress – Competition becomes a virtue – Change and efficiency become watchwords – New Virtues are u Innovation u Change u Risk Taking Grist mill http: //www. theponderosalodge. com/images/Grist_Mill_Summer. JPG Capitalism 12

Class Relations u Wealth based not Tradition based – More fluid – Aristocracy gives Class Relations u Wealth based not Tradition based – More fluid – Aristocracy gives way to Meritocracy u Merchants ascendant class http: //pwbeat. publishersweekly. com/blog/wpcontent/2007/09/HOH 005_L. jpg – Bourgeoisie – Can challenge Church and State (might this reflect present day Russia or even China? ? ? ) u Labor becomes a commodity – Emergence of wage-labor – Rising of working class -- Proletariat Capitalism 13

Finance u Money replaces land as ultimate measure of wealth u Cash transactions replace Finance u Money replaces land as ultimate measure of wealth u Cash transactions replace barter u Commoditization of Land, Labor, Time—Transportation u Alienation of society – Blood is thicker then water – But cash preferable to blood Capitalism 14

Finance u Velocity & Accumulation of Capital – More is always better – Capital Finance u Velocity & Accumulation of Capital – More is always better – Capital must always be invested – Competition requires continuous “destructive construction” Capitalism http: //acas. com/images/investor_relati ons/dividend_slide. gif 15

Territorial & Geographic Changes Rust Belt http: //content. answers. com/main/content/wp/ en/4/42/Rust-belt-map. jpg u Emergence Territorial & Geographic Changes Rust Belt http: //content. answers. com/main/content/wp/ en/4/42/Rust-belt-map. jpg u Emergence of “Uneven Spatial Development” – Currently seen in variation of Coastal & Inland China – Rust Belt/Sun Belt in US – Core & Periphery in North-South Debate u Occurs at all levels – In cities – “wrong side of tracks” – In and between states, countries, trade blocs Sun Belt Capitalism 16

China as example Capitalism 17 China as example Capitalism 17

Vasco da Gama in India Long Distance Trade (“Modern Globalization Begins”) u Feudal Age: Vasco da Gama in India Long Distance Trade (“Modern Globalization Begins”) u Feudal Age: Trade was peripheral to system – Mainly for aristocrats based on luxury items u In Capitalism: Trade is central – Trade everything – luxuries to necessities – Transportation development central to process – Occurs at all scales Capitalism 18

Spice Trade Routes Long Distance Trade Portuguese Trader u Trade thrives on differences – Spice Trade Routes Long Distance Trade Portuguese Trader u Trade thrives on differences – Resources are spatially dispersed and scarce u Trade shapes differences – Places seek competitive advantage u Consumers are ultimate winners in expanding trade – More choice – Lower price Capitalism 19

New Ideologies u Capitalism effects Adam Smith perception of World (and Heaven) – Creates New Ideologies u Capitalism effects Adam Smith perception of World (and Heaven) – Creates its own “Reality” (paradigm? ? ? ) – Mixes economics, politics, culture, geographic relationships – Protestant Ethic emerges u Man’s role in creating his own world recognized Capitalism 20

Perceptions of the Change Almighty “dollar” Capitalism Divine right of Kings 21 Perceptions of the Change Almighty “dollar” Capitalism Divine right of Kings 21

“Society in the late Middle Ages was increasingly challenged by the emerging forces of “Society in the late Middle Ages was increasingly challenged by the emerging forces of mercantilism and commercial capitalism. The authority of the church was being eroded, and its abuse of privilege and power was a focus of much discontent. For many it seemed that the church had departed from the early spirit and ideals of http: //www. osterraederlauf. com/luegde/modern-history. html Christianity”. Capitalism 22

New Ideologies u Protestantism – Focuses on individuals direct relationship with his creator – New Ideologies u Protestantism – Focuses on individuals direct relationship with his creator – Intermediaries not necessary Capitalism 23

New Ideologies u Protestant Ethic Emerges Emphasizing 1. 2. 3. Delayed Gratification Savings Material New Ideologies u Protestant Ethic Emerges Emphasizing 1. 2. 3. Delayed Gratification Savings Material Success – – Max Weber Sign of God’s grace Not only the “poor inherit heaven” Can enjoy life and the afterlife Work becomes a Moral Obligation Capitalism 24

New Ideologies u u Nature is demystified - controlled Culture becomes secularized – Watchwords New Ideologies u u Nature is demystified - controlled Culture becomes secularized – Watchwords u u u Secularism Individualism Rationality Progress Democracy Grand Coulee Dam (new values? ) Capitalism 25

Nation-State Emerges u A new Geography u Political Organization Otto von Bismarck based on Nation-State Emerges u A new Geography u Political Organization Otto von Bismarck based on common: – Language, culture, history, territory, identity… – Peace of Westphalia 1648 Signing the Peace Treaty of Westphalia. Capitalism Louis XIV 26

Nation-States Emerge u Peace of Westphalia, 1648 recognizes the Nation-State as primary unit of Nation-States Emerge u Peace of Westphalia, 1648 recognizes the Nation-State as primary unit of international laws and relations http: //content. answers. com/main/content/wp/encommons/thumb/e/e 2/300 px-Europe_map_1648. PNG Capitalism http: //www. geocities. com/Athens/Sparta/5414/Europe_1648_Westphal_1884. jpg 27

Nation-State Emerges Capitalism instrumental in creating both Markets and Nation -States u State’s new Nation-State Emerges Capitalism instrumental in creating both Markets and Nation -States u State’s new duty is to set rules that cause Markets to Thrive u Capitalism 28

Summary u Geographically where does capitalism come from – Urban Centers and new urban Summary u Geographically where does capitalism come from – Urban Centers and new urban class – Northern Italy (Mediterranean Sea) – Lowlands, Hanseatic League… (North Sea & Baltic Sea) Capitalism 29

Iranian Protestant Reformation? AGHAJARI'S TRIAL IS PROSECUTION OF SHI'A SEMI-PROTESTANTISM! http: //www. ghandchi. com/159 Iranian Protestant Reformation? AGHAJARI'S TRIAL IS PROSECUTION OF SHI'A SEMI-PROTESTANTISM! http: //www. ghandchi. com/159 -Aghajari. htm The attacks on Hashem Aghajari, the high ranking member of moj. Ahedine enghel. Abe esl. Ami (MEE), may seem like another factional fight in the Islamic Republic of Iranian secular opposition has not seen that much significance in the arrest and trial of Aghajari, even though some members of Iranian clergy have gone as far as calling Aghajari the Salman Rushdie of Iran, and Ayatollah Meshkini, the main thinker of Islamic Republic, has called for death penalty against Aghajari. The allegations against Aghajari seem so irrelevant to the nonreligious mind that many wonder why he is even arrested by IRI. Even outside Iran, people closely follow the actions of Ayatollah Montazeri and Taheri, but do not see much to ponder on in the case of Aghajari, whereas in reality, both Montazeri and Taheri are trying to save the Shi'a clergy from its collapse, following the identification of Shi'a clergy with the Islamic Republic, but Aghajari's issue is not about saving the Shi'a clergy! The prosecution of Aghajari is one of the most important events in the history of Shiism in Iran. It is as important as the Baha'i and Khomeini movements of the past. If Baha'i movement wanted to make prophets and Christ out of the Shi'a clergy, and if Khomeini movement wanted to raise the status of Shi'a clergy to that of Imams and the Pope, Aghajari's call is to bring down the clergy, from the heavens back to Earth, to the level of a layman. In a way, what Aghajari is stating is very similar to what Luther called for, in the 15 th Century Europe, with regards to the Catholic Church, when he questioned the need for Catholic clergy as the intermediary of people and God, and spoke for direct contact of the individuals with the Christian 30 Capitalism God, which basically equated the clergy with the layman. u

Whither Capitalism? ? ? u u A special report on the future of finance: Whither Capitalism? ? ? u u A special report on the future of finance: Greed--and fear Economist, The (London, England) - Saturday, January 24, 2009 u The golden age of finance collapsed under its own contradictions. Edward Carr asks why it went wrong and what to do next THE monument to Soviet central planning was supposed to have been a heap of surplus left boots without any right ones to match them. The great bull market of the past quarter century is commemorated by millions of empty houses without anyone to buy them. Gosplan drafted workers into grim factories even if their talents would have been better suited elsewhere. Finance beguiled the bright and ambitious and put them to work in the trading rooms of Wall Street and the City of London. Much of their effort wasted. You can only guess at what else they might have achieved. Capitalism 31

Summers cautions on modest US recovery By Sean O'Grady in Davos, Monday, 1 February Summers cautions on modest US recovery By Sean O'Grady in Davos, Monday, 1 February 2010, The Independent A clear warning about the true health of the US economy and the state of US-Chinese economic relations has been issued by Larry Summers, President Obama's leading economic adviser. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Mr Summers was cautious on last week's apparently strong US growth figures. "What we are seeing is a statistical recovery and a human recession, " he said. "My judgment. . . will be that GDP growth will continue at a moderate at least for the next several quarters. What is disturbing is the level of unemployment. This is not just a cyclical phenomenon but also a structural… phenomenon. “http: //www. independent. co. uk/news/business/news/summers-cautions-on-modest-us -recovery-1885356. html Capitalism 32

Capitalism without Freedom ”The real issue is whether the Chinese government has created some Capitalism without Freedom ”The real issue is whether the Chinese government has created some new form of state-led capitalism. On closer inspection, its biggest contribution has been creating the space for private companies to do their thing. ” http: //www. economist. com/news/businessbooks-quarterly/21627564 -privatecompanies-have-been-hugelyunderestimated-china-unstated-capitalism Capitalism 33

Summary u What are its characteristics – Profit Maximizing – Market Economy – Private Summary u What are its characteristics – Profit Maximizing – Market Economy – Private Property – Progress and Change – New Class Relations – Financial Industry Capitalism 34

Summary u What are its impacts and/or consequences including geographic – Uneven Spatial Development Summary u What are its impacts and/or consequences including geographic – Uneven Spatial Development – Expansion of Long Distance Trade – Emergence of new Ideologies – Emergence of the Nation-State Capitalism 35