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HIRLAM Use of the Hirlam NWP Model at Met Éireann (Irish Meteorological Service) (James HIRLAM Use of the Hirlam NWP Model at Met Éireann (Irish Meteorological Service) (James Hamilton -- Met Éireann)

COMPUTER SYSTEM and VERSIONS of HIRLAM IBM RS/6000 SP : 9 -nodes each with COMPUTER SYSTEM and VERSIONS of HIRLAM IBM RS/6000 SP : 9 -nodes each with 4 -CPU’s • Operational Hirlam : 438 x 284 grid pts; 31 -levels • Nested Hirlam : 222 x 210 grid pts; 40 -levels LINUX PC : Twin Xeon Processors [2. 0 Ghz] • Backup Hirlam : 218 x 144; 31 -levels LINUX PC : Twin Xeon Processors [500 Mhz] • Hourly Hirlam : 97 x 98 grid pts; 24 -levels

OPERATIONAL HIRLAM … IBM RS/6000 SP HIRLAM 5. 0. 1 with 3 DVAR • OPERATIONAL HIRLAM … IBM RS/6000 SP HIRLAM 5. 0. 1 with 3 DVAR • 3 -Hour assimilation cycle with 48 -hour forecasts every 6 -hours • Rotated lat/long 0. 15 x 0. 15 grid with 438 x 284 grid points • Hybrid [eta] coordinates with 31 -levels • CBR vertical diffusion scheme; Sundqvist condensation scheme • STRACO cloud scheme; Savijarvi radiation scheme • Digital filter initialisation • Two time-level Semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit scheme • Use of ‘frame’ boundaries from ECMWF

BACKUP HIRLAM … LINUX-PC [Dual 2. 0 Ghz CPU] HIRLAM 4. 3. 5 with BACKUP HIRLAM … LINUX-PC [Dual 2. 0 Ghz CPU] HIRLAM 4. 3. 5 with OI-Analysis • 3 -Hour assimilation cycle with 48 -hour forecasts every 6 -hours • Rotated lat/long 0. 30 x 0. 30 grid with 218 x 144 grid points • Hybrid [eta] coordinates with 31 -levels SAME AREA AS OPERATIONAL HIRLAM

NESTED HIRLAM … IBM RS/6000 SP HIRLAM 6. 0. 0 with 3 DVAR • NESTED HIRLAM … IBM RS/6000 SP HIRLAM 6. 0. 0 with 3 DVAR • 3 -Hour assimilation cycle with 24 -hour forecasts every 6 -hours • Model runs at intermediate hours … 03 Z, 09 Z, 15 Z, 21 Z • Rotated lat/long 0. 12 x 0. 12 grid with 222 x 210 grid points • Hybrid [eta] coordinates with 40 -levels • Kain-Fritsch/Rasch-Kristjansson convection/condensation scheme • ISBA surface scheme • Output post-processed with MOS

HOURLY HIRLAM. . . LINUX-PC [Dual 500 Mhz CPU] HIRLAM 4. 3 with OI HOURLY HIRLAM. . . LINUX-PC [Dual 500 Mhz CPU] HIRLAM 4. 3 with OI Analysis • Hourly assimilation cycle with hourly analysis and 3 -hour forecast • Rotated lat/long 0. 15 x 0. 15 grid with 97 x 98 grid points • Hybrid [eta] coordinates with 24 -levels • Analysis shown on public web-site

OPERATIONAL USES of HIRLAM General Forecasting • Forecast guidance out to 48 -hours WAM OPERATIONAL USES of HIRLAM General Forecasting • Forecast guidance out to 48 -hours WAM wave model • Forecast 10 -metre winds used to drive model Roadice Prediction System • Forecast parameters are used as first guess for [human] forecaster SATREP • Overlay on satellite plots [ZAMG SATREP analysis scheme]

RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Better Specification of B. C. ’s for NWP models Operational Implementation of RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Better Specification of B. C. ’s for NWP models Operational Implementation of Nested System Regional Climate Analysis Modelling & Prediction Centre Community Climate Change Consortium for Ireland [RCAMPC and C 4 I]

FUTURE PLANS … Purchase small experimental Linux-Cluster • Budget of approx Euro 50 k FUTURE PLANS … Purchase small experimental Linux-Cluster • Budget of approx Euro 50 k • Use as backup for main computer [Operational Hirlam] • Gain experience with Linux clusters Investigate MOS/Neural-Nets for Post-Processing Use Hirlam as input to Point Data-Base

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