- Количество слайдов: 12
Highlights Summary
News • Zyryanov and Halk are the best scorers in Dubai. • Anniversary 70 th Awards ceremony “Golden Globes” was in L. A. • More than 800 Japanese hit by snowfall.
• 12 th yearly fleshmob “Without pants in metro” was in 60 cities all over the world. • South Australia on fire. • Underground of London is celebrating 150 years.
• Steve Jobs memorial opened in St. Petersburg. • Depardieu get the Russian passport. • Snowball fight took place in St. Petersburg.
Attention! A person disappeared! Novgorodskaya Irina Vladimirovna Woman; 30 years; hair ash; height 170; triple. Dressed in gray jeans, blue little jacket.
Cookery Potato side dish Ingredients : - Potatoes (by people) - Garlic - fennel - parsley - Cayenne pepper - Vegetable oil - Salt (the number of ingredients - to taste)
Preparation: Finely chop the garlic, parsley and pepper. Salt, dressed with oil and peremeshivaem. Nadrezaem potato slices 2 -4 mm thick not to end, so that she could turn her fan. For this cutting potato convenient to put on a spoon - the edge will not cut spoon potato through. If large potatoes - cut into them on a plate or saucer diner with low bumpers. Or placed on the sides of the cut potatoes two thin wooden reechki. We spread the sliced potatoes in the form of cuts and stuffed vegetable mixture. Sprinkled on top with oil and place in the oven at 200 ° C. Bake for 1 hour. This side dish is suitable to many dishes. NOTE. The taste of vegetable mixture add a little chopped bacon or svinokopchenostey.
Cottage cheese cake - roll Ingredients: - 3 eggs - 3 tablespoons flour - 1 banana - 50 grams of walnuts - 0. 5 tsp baking powder - 2 tablespoons of sugar - Vanilla essence - 400 ricotta - 1 egg ~ 100 grams of sugar - 3 tablespoons milk - Sah powder
Preparation: Beat the ricotta, egg, sugar and milk. Pour the cottage cheese in the form of 35/25, beds made with baking paper (promaslyannoy) and level. Should be left to the side Separate the whites from the yolks Yolks, beat a minute or two, add the sugar and vanilla and beat for another three minutes Chop the nuts with a knife and combine with whipped in a blender puree bananom. Primeshivaem spoon is our zheltkam. Tuda same sifted flour and baking powder Proteins whip until soft peaks form, and gently stir in the dough Batter evenly on top of the mass of curd, smooth and bake for about 20 minutes at 180 " Towel sprinkled with powdered sah, turn cake onto the towel and turn it into curd Cool and decorate as desired.
The New Year was celebrated on 1 st September in the 14 th century and almost 200 years. It was the day of Semion Letoprovodets. People made the rent, taxes, made a personal judgment. Festive service took place in the Cathedral of the Assumption and the Mother of God. Patriarch and the King were there. The King, his officials, ambassadors gave gifts, sprinkled the crowd with small money. King arranged dinner where the main dish was completely roasted swan. People began to celebrate the New Year on 1 st January only under Peter the Great.
Happy New Year!
Editor in chief – Shustova Nastya Assistant editor – Lukyanchenko Olga, Sosnovskaya Kseniya