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Higher Education Statistics in Israel Yonatan Bar On
In the academic year of 1989/90: 21 institution of higher education and 88, 494 students. In the academic year of 2012/13: 67 institution of higher education and 309, 645 students. • Universities: 7 institutions and 125, 058 students that were studying for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees, as well as for academic diplomas. • Academic Colleges: 37 institutions (16 non funded colleges) and 105, 879 students that were studying for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. • Colleges of Education: 22 institutions and 32, 164 students that were studying for bachelor’s and master’s degrees (B. Ed and M. Ed, alone). • The Open University: 1 institution and 46, 544 students that were studying for bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as for academic diplomas.
Students by Type of Institution and Degree – 2012/13 Type of institution Bachelor’s degree Master’s Doctoral degree Diploma Total First year Universities 74, 000 22, 767 39, 189 10, 655 1, 214 Academic colleges: 94, 515 30, 677 11, 364 - - Funded 59, 666 56, 618 3, 048 - - Non-funded 46, 213 37, 897 8, 316 - - Colleges of Education 32, 164 28, 151 4, 013 - - The Open University 42, 760 13, 571 3, 414 - 370
Sources of data for higher education statistics in Israel The Sector of Higher Education in CBS collects data in two forms: • Administrative files (collected with the collaboration and supervision of the Council of Higher Education) • Surveys Administrative files • Data is collected from institutions of higher education • Three types of files (for each type of population): Applicants Students Recipients of academic degrees
14 administrative files are created in each academic year Universities • Applications to first year studies for bachelor’s degree. • Applicants to first year studies for bachelor’s degree (persons). • Applications to first year studies for master’s degree. • Applicants to first year studies for master’s degree (persons). • Students (studying for all degrees offered). • Recipients of degrees (in all degrees offered). The Open University • Students (studying for all degrees offered). • Recipients of degrees (in all degrees offered). Academic Colleges • Applications to first year studies for bachelor’s degree. • Applicants to first year studies for bachelor’s degree (persons). • Students (studying for all degrees offered). • Recipients of degrees (in all degrees offered). Colleges of Education • Students (studying for all degrees offered). • Recipients of degrees (in all degrees offered).
The Creation of the Administrative Files • Step 1 – Contact with each institution of higher education for data on each relevant population (approximately in March). Ø A form for each population (Applicants/Students/Recipients of degrees). Ø In each form, data is requested on educational characteristics as well as information that enables identification. Ø Institutions are expected to submit the requested data within a month. • Step 2 - The CBS generates statistical files for each population in each institution (from April to May approximately). Ø This phase includes a rigorous examination of data quality in all files. • Step 3 – Contact with some of the institutions again - if files lack certain data and/or include data that needs to be clarified (approximately in May). Ø Institutions are expected to complete and/or clarify data within a month. • Step 4 – Creation of administrative files (approximately in June). Ø Each administrative file unifies statistical files of each relevant population in the relevant institutions. Ø Data in administrative files are improved by additional quality checks as well as by enrichment of data regarding socio-demographic characteristics from registry files.
Statistical data on higher education, which is based on administrative files, is provided to a number of organizations and individuals, such as: Council of Higher Education The Knesset (The Israeli Parliament) Tel-Aviv Municipality Technion – Israel Institute of Technology The College of Management UN OECD EU Academic researchers Journalists The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies Yad Hanadiv Institute In various forms: Tables, diagrams, specific figures, indicators, non-identical files etc. For: BUDGETING, reports, academic articles, journal articles, decision making and more. Data may be requested for a specific academic year or for a number of years
The Central Bureau of Statistics publishes statistical data on higher education, which is based on administrative files • Statistical publications Ø Annual publications such as: Statistical Abstracts of Israel; Higher Education in Israel; Society in Israel. Ø Special publications such as: Characteristics of Studies and Integration into the Labor Market among First-Degree Recipients from Institutions of Higher Education in Israel 1999 -2008 . • Press releases Ø Sectorial press releases such as: Higher Education in Israel - Press Release for the New Academic Year 2013/14; Higher Education in Israel - Selected Data on Recipients of Academic Degrees for the end of the Academic Year. Ø Inter-sectorial press releases such as: The Ethiopian Population in Israel; The Moslem Population in Israel; International Women’s Day; Selected Data on the Occasion of Jerusalem Day. • Working papers, technical papers and research Ø Test Takers of the Psychometric Exam: 1991 -2006 Three Different Perspectives (Dvir, Shapira and Maagan, 2009); The Impact of the Geographic Location of Higher Education Institutions on Internal Migration (Kranzler, 2010) • Statisti-lite pamphlets • Table generator
Selected statistical data on higher education, published by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 54
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Diagram 8. 13
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 53
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 49
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 57
Source: Higher Education in Israel, 2008/09: Table 2. 9
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 58
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 60
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 62
Source: Higher Education in Israel, 2008/09: Table 3. 13
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 64
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 66
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 50
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Diagram 8. 14
Source: Higher Education in Israel, 2008/09: Table 1. 4
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 51
Source: Higher Education in Israel, 2008/09: Table 1. 20 A
Source: Higher Education in Israel, 2008/09: Table 1. 20
Source: Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2013: Table 8. 52
Source: Higher Education in Israel, 2008/09: Table 1. 12
Thank you CBS website: http: //www. cbs. gov. il/reader/cw_usr_view_Folder? ID=141 Web page of Higher Education on CBS website: http: //www. cbs. gov. il/reader/cw_usr_view_SHTML? ID=949 Web page of tables generator on CBS website (Hebrew only): http: //www. cbs. gov. il/reader/publications/education. html