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High Performance Cluster Computing CSI 668 Xinyang(Joy) Zhang CSI 668 HPCC
Outline +Overview of Parallel Computing +Cluster Architecture & its Components +Several Technical Areas +Representative Cluster Systems +Resources and Conclusions CSI 668 HPCC 2
Overview of Parallel Computing CSI 668 HPCC 3
Computing Power (HPC) Drivers Life Science E-commerce/anything Digital Biology Military Applications CSI 668 HPCC 4
How to Run App. Faster ? • Use faster hardware: e. g. reduce the time per instruction (clock cycle). • Optimized algorithms and techniques • Multiple computers to solve problem: That is, increase No. of instructions executed per clock cycle. CSI 668 HPCC 5
Parallel Processing 4 Limitations on traditional sequential supercomputer – physical limit of the speed – production cost 4 Rapid increase in the performance of commodity processors – Intel x 86 architecture chip – RISC CSI 668 HPCC 6
Parallel Architecture 4 Processors – amount of processors – processor type • MIPS, HP PA 8000, Digital Alpha, IBM RIOS, Intel Pentium 4 Memories – Distributed Memory, Shared Memory, Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) 4 Processor/Memory Interaction – SIMD, MIMD 4 Interconnection Network – Bus, Ring, Hybrid, etc. CSI 668 HPCC 7
HPC Examples CSI 668 HPCC 8
The Need for Alternative Supercomputing Resources 4 Vast numbers of under utilized workstations available to use. 4 Huge numbers of unused processor cycles and resources that could be put to good use in a wide variety of applications areas. 4 Reluctance to buy Supercomputer due to their cost 4 Distributed compute resources “fit” better into today's funding model. CSI 668 HPCC 9
What is a cluster? A cluster is a type of parallel or distributed processing system, which consists of a collection of interconnected standalone/complete computers cooperatively working together as a single, integrated computing resource. CSI 668 HPCC 10
Motivation for using Clusters 4 Recent advances in high speed networks 4 Performance of workstations and PCs is rapidly improving 4 Workstation clusters are a cheap and readily available alternative to specialized High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms. 4 Standard tools for parallel/ distributed computing & their growing popularity CSI 668 HPCC 11
Towards Inexpensive Supercomputing 4 17 IBM's Netfinity Servers (36 Pentium II chips) Linux Cluster 4 Cray T 3 E-900 -AC 64 4 Costs : - IBM $1. 5 Million - Cray $5. 5 Million CSI 668 HPCC 12
Cluster Computer and its Components CSI 668 HPCC 13
Cluster Computer Architecture CSI 668 HPCC 14
Cluster Components. . . 1 a Nodes 4 Multiple High Performance Components: – PCs – Workstations – SMPs (CLUMPS) 4 They can be based on different architectures and running difference OS CSI 668 HPCC 15
Cluster Components. . . 1 b Processors 4 There are many (CISC/RISC/VLIW/Vector. . ) – Intel: Pentiums – Sun: SPARC, ULTRASPARC – HP PA – IBM RS 6000/Power. PC – SGI MPIS – Digital Alphas CSI 668 HPCC 16
Cluster Components… 2 OS 4 State of the art OS: – – – Linux (Beowulf) Microsoft NT (Illinois HPVM) Sun Solaris (Berkeley NOW) IBM AIX (IBM SP 2) Cluster Operating Systems (Solaris MC, MOSIX (academic project) ) – OS gluing layers: (Berkeley Glunix) CSI 668 HPCC 17
Cluster Components… 3 High Performance Networks 4 Ethernet (10 Mbps), 4 Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps), 4 Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gbps) 4 SCI (Dolphin - MPI- 12 micro-sec latency) 4 Myrinet (1. 2 Gbps) 4 Digital Memory Channel 4 FDDI CSI 668 HPCC 18
Cluster Components… 4 Communication Software 4 Traditional OS supported facilities (heavy weight due to protocol processing). . – Sockets (TCP/IP), Pipes, etc. 4 Light weight protocols (User Level) – Active Messages (Berkeley) – Fast Messages (Illinois) – U-net (Cornell) – XTP (Virginia) 4 System can be built on top of the above protocols CSI 668 HPCC 19
Cluster Components… 5 Cluster Middleware 4 Resides Between OS and Applications and offers in infrastructure for supporting: – Single System Image (SSI) – System Availability (SA) 4 SSI makes clusters appear as single machine (globalizes view of system resources). 4 SA - Check pointing and process migration. . CSI 668 HPCC 20
Cluster Components… 6 a Programming environments 4 Shared Memory Based – DSM – Open. MP (enabled for clusters) 4 Message Passing Based – PVM – MPI (portable to SM based as well) CSI 668 HPCC 21
Cluster Components… 6 b Development Tools 4 Compilers – C/C++/Java/ ; – Parallel programming with C++ (MIT Press book) 4 Debuggers 4 Performance Analysis Tools 4 Visualization Tools CSI 668 HPCC 22
Several Topics in Cluster Computing CSI 668 HPCC 23
Several Topics in CC 4 MPI (Message Passing Interface) 4 SSI (Single System Image) 4 Parallel I/O & Parallel File System CSI 668 HPCC 24
Message-Passing Model 4 A Process is a program counter and address space 4 Interprocess communication consists of – Synchronization – Movement of data from one process’s address space to another CSI 668 HPCC 25
What is MPI 4 A message-passing library specification – extends the message-passing model – not a language or product 4 For parallel computers, cluster, heterogeneous networks 4 Designed to provide access to advanced parallel hardware for – end users, library writer, tool developers CSI 668 HPCC 26
Some Basic Concepts 4 Process can be collected into groups 4 Each message is sent in a context, must be received in the same context. 4 A group and context together form a communicator. 4 A process is identified by its rank in the group associated with a communicator 4 Default communicator whose group contains all initial processes, called MPI_COMM_WORLD CSI 668 HPCC 27
A Sample MPI Program. . . # include
A Sample MPI Program if( my_rank == 0) /* Master Process */ { for( source = 1; source < p; source++) { MPI_Recv( message, 100, MPI_CHAR, source, tag, MPI_COM_WORLD, &status); printf(“%s n”, message); } } else /* Worker Process */ { sprintf( message, “Hello, I am your worker process %d!”, my_rank ); dest = 0; MPI_Send( message, strlen(message)+1, MPI_CHAR, dest, tag, MPI_COM_WORLD); } /* Shutdown MPI environment */ MPI_Finalise(); } CSI 668 HPCC 30
Execution % cc -o hello. c -lmpi % mpirun -p 2 hello Hello, I am your worker process 1! % mpirun -p 4 hello Hello, I am your worker process 1! Hello, I am your worker process 2! Hello, I am your worker process 3! % mpirun hello (no output, there are no workers. . , no greetings) CSI 668 HPCC 31
Single System Image 4 Problem – each nodes has a certain amount of resources that can only be used from that node – This restriction limits the power of a cluster 4 Solution – implementing a middle-ware layer that glues all operating systems on all nodes – offer a unified access to system resources CSI 668 HPCC 32
What is Single System Image (SSI) ? 4 A single system image is the illusion, created by software or hardware, that presents a collection of resources as one, more powerful resource. 4 SSI makes the cluster appear like a single machine to the user, to applications, and to the network. 4 A cluster without a SSI is not a cluster CSI 668 HPCC 33
Key SSI Services 4 Single Entry Point – telnet cluster. my_institute. edu – telnet node 1. cluster. institute. edu 4 Single File Hierarchy: Solaris MC Proxy 4 Single Control Point: Management from single GUI 4 Single virtual networking 4 Single memory space - Network RAM / DSM 4 Single Job Management: Glunix 4 Single User Interface: Like workstation/PC windowing environment (CDE in Solaris/NT) CSI 668 HPCC 34
Implementing Layers 4 Hardware Layers – hardware DSM 4 Gluing layer (operating system) – single file system, software DSM, – e. g. Sun Solaris-MC 4 Applications and subsystem layer – Single window GUI based tool CSI 668 HPCC 35
Parallel I/O 4 Needed for I/O intensive applications 4 Multiple processes participate. 4 Application is aware of parallelism 4 Preferably the “file” is itself stored on a parallel file system with multiple disks 4 That is, I/O is parallel at both ends: – application program – I/O hardware CSI 668 HPCC 36
Parallel File System · A typical PFS: · · Compute nodes I/O nodes Interconnect Physical distribution of data across multiple disks in multiple cluster nodes 4 Sample PFSs – Galley Parallel File System (Dartmouth) – PVFS (Clemson) CSI 668 HPCC 37
PVFS-Parallel Virtual File System 4 File System – Allow users to store and retrieve data using common file access method(open, close, read, write. . ) 4 Parallel – Stores data on multiple independent machines, with separate network connections 4 Virtual – exists as set of user-space daemons storing data on local file system CSI 668 HPCC 38
PVFS Components. . . 4 Two Servers: • mgr - file manager, handles metadata for files • iods - I/O servers, store and retrieve file data 4 libpvfs: – links clients to PVFS servers – hides details of PVFS access from App. Tasks – multiple interfaces CSI 668 HPCC 39
…PVFS Components 4 PVFS Linux kernel support – PVFS kernel module registers PVFS file system type – PVFS file system can be mounted – Converts VFS operations to PVFS operations – Requests pass through device file CSI 668 HPCC 40
Access PVFS File Through VFS 4 I/O operations pass through VFS 4 PVFS code in kernel pass operation through device 4 Daemon pvfsd reads requests from /dev/pvfsd 4 Requests converted to PVFS operations by libpvfs, and send to servers 4 Data passed back through device CSI 668 HPCC 41
Advantages of PVFS 4 provide high bandwidth for concurrent read/write operations from multiple processes or threads to a common file 4 support multiple APIs: – native PVFS API – UNIX/POSIX I/O API – MPI-IO ROMIO 4 Common Unix shell commands work with PVFS files – ls, cp, rm. . . 4 Robust and scalable 4 Easy to install and use CSI 668 HPCC 42
A Lot More. . . 4 Algorithms and Applications 4 Java Technologies 4 Software Engineering 4 Storage Technology 4 Etc. . CSI 668 HPCC 43
Representative Cluster System CSI 668 HPCC 44
Berkeley NOW 100 Sun Ultra. Sparcs 200 disks Myrinet SAN 160 MB/s Fast comm. AM, MPI, . . . Global OS CSI 668 HPCC 45
Cluster of SMPs (CLUMPS) 4 Sun E 5000 s 8 processors 4 Myricom NICs each Multiprocessor, Multi. NIC, Multi-Protocol CSI 668 HPCC 46
Beowulf Cluster in SUNY Albany 4 Particle physics group 4 Beowulf Cluster with: – 8 nodes with Pentium III dual processor – Redhat Linux – MPI – Monte Carlo package 4 Using for data analysis CSI 668 HPCC 47
Resources And Conclusion CSI 668 HPCC 48
Resources 4 IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing – http: //www. ieeetfcc. org 4 Beowulf: – http: //www. beowulf. org 4 PFS & Parallel I/O – http: //www. cs. dartmouth. edu/pario/ 4 PVFS – http: //parlweb. parl. clemson. edu/pvfs/ CSI 668 HPCC 49
Conclusions Clusters are promising. . Offer incremental growth and matches with funding pattern. New trends in hardware and software technologies are likely to make clusters more promising. . so that Clusters based supercomputers can be seen everywhere! CSI 668 HPCC 50
Thank You. . . Questions ? ? CSI 668 HPCC 51