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High Level Comprehensive Mid-Term Review of the Implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action on the Least Developed Countries 27 -29 May 2016, Antalya, Turkey Organizational and Logistical Arrangements
MTR - DRAFT PROGRAMME 25 May - Arrivals 26 May • Private Sector Forum, Civil Society Forum, Pre-Conference Event by UN Population Fund (UNFPA) 27 -29 May • Plenary • Interactive Thematic Roundtables at Ministerial/senior officials level for policy dialogue on key priority issues • Parallel Events for parliamentarians and civil society • Side Events • Lunch hosted by Turkey • Evening Reception hosted by Turkey • Press Conferences • Social Programme (Visit to EXPO Antalya) • Spouses Programme 30 May - Departures
ATTENDANCE • • Vice Presidents (2) Prime Ministers/Deputy Prime Ministers (6) Ministers of Foreign Affairs (10) Ministers (20) Deputy Ministers (15) IO Principals (12) Total (65)
HOSPITALITY The Government of Turkey will cover the travel, full boarding and lodging expenses of the following from each LDC in line with the UN rules and practices: Head of Delegation 2 members of official delegation 1 Member of National Parliament 1 Civil society representative 1 Media representative All other participants will be responsible for their own expenses.
MTR VENUE Titanic Belek Hotel Convention Center Belek, Antalya, Turkey www. titanic. com. tr/titanicdeluxebelek
ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES • A reception and information desk will be set up at the Istanbul and Antalya Airports. • All participants will be able to use VIP lounge in Antalya on their arrival and departure. • Participants are requested to ask Turkish Airlines staff to attach VIP tags to their luggages when they check-in at the airport (when available)
ACCOMODATION AND LOCAL TRANSPORTATION • Accommodation in 9 different hotels in Belek will be available at various preferential rates for participants on a first-come-first served basis. • Hotels in the vicinity of the Conference Venue are recommended. • Transfer services will be provided from the Antalya Airport only to the 9 designated hotels. • Shuttle services will be provided from the Titanic Hotel only to the 9 designated hotels.
VEHICLE ALLOCATION • Heads of Delegation at Head of State, Head of Government and Minister level will be provided by the host country with a sedan car with driver, security and a liaison officer. • Heads of Delegation at the level of Ambassador and above but below Minister will be provided by the host country with a sedan car with driver • Depending on the composition of the Delegation, each Delegation will be provided by the host country with either one additional sedan car or one minivan.
VEHICLE REGISTRATION • Delegations requiring access to the MTR venue for their own vehicles other than those provided by the host country must complete Vehicle Registration Form which has been circulated to UN Permanent Representations in New York, and return it together with photos of drivers (file name must be the driver’s name) via email to mehmet. macit@mfa. gov. tr and mtr. transport@mfa. gov. tr no later than May 20, 2016. • Each delegation will be allocated a maximum of 2 additional non-transferable vehicle and driver passes.
VISA REQUIREMENTS • A visa for entry into Turkey may be required. • Entry to Turkey procedures for all participants will be facilitated. • Participants have been advised to seek information on visa requirements from Turkish diplomatic or consular missions in their home countries. • Special visa arrangements upon arrival will be made for the accredited participants from those countries where no Turkish mission exists. • Participants have been advised to apply for visas at least three weeks prior to departure for Turkey. • All visas for accredited participants will be free of charge. • Participants who prefer to obtain electronic visas should visit the official website: www. evisa. gov. tr E-visas cannot be issued free of charge.
FORMS • Arrival Departure Form for Head of Delegation • Communication Devices Form • Security Officers and Firearms Form • Vehicle and Driver Registration Form have been circulated to UN Permanent Representations in New York.
SOCIAL PROGRAMME • Visit to EXPO Antalya (28 th of May evening) • Spouses Programme (details to be provided separately)
MTR Websites www. ipoareview. org (information note for participants available here) www. ldc 4 istanbul. org hashtags: #mtrantalya #ipoareview For further enquiries: mtr 2016@mfa. gov. tr