Скачать презентацию High Energy Programme of DESY — HERA Astro-Particle-Physics Скачать презентацию High Energy Programme of DESY — HERA Astro-Particle-Physics


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High Energy Programme of DESY - HERA Astro-Particle-Physics Theory Beyond HERA Summary Loops and High Energy Programme of DESY - HERA Astro-Particle-Physics Theory Beyond HERA Summary Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 1

HERA Status - 1 HERA-I: 1992 -2000 - H 1+ZEUS: Lmax = 1. 8 HERA Status - 1 HERA-I: 1992 -2000 - H 1+ZEUS: Lmax = 1. 8 x 1031 cm-2 s-1 Lint ~ 100 pb-1 e+p, 15 pb-1 e-p - HERMES: e( ) + p/d/3 He( ) +e. A - HERA-B: p. A B, J/Ψ, Χ, D( μμ), … HERA-upgrade 2000 -2001 (aims): - Lmax ~ 4. 5 (6) x 1031 cm-2 s-1 - Pol. e+/e- for H 1, ZEUS, HERMES - upgraded H 1 and ZEUS detectors HERA-II status: - e+ polarisation of ~50% achieved - after a long struggle: background problems in H 1/ZEUS under control - nominal specific luminosity achieved - slowly ramping up currents Background in H 1: Lmax = 3. 8 x 1031 s-1 achieved Ichamber vs Ie for Ip= 105 m. A (nom. ) - reliability HERA slowly improving Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 2

HERA Status - 2 H 1 [pb-1]: HERA 37. 2 H 1 rec 32. HERA Status - 2 H 1 [pb-1]: HERA 37. 2 H 1 rec 32. 8 H 1 track 22. 1 operation of HERA is getting more efficient and reliable (0. 6 pb-1 per fill of 12 hours achieved – so far 37. 2 pb-1 delivered in 2004) luminosity prediction of HERA-II: ~(>? ) 700 pb-1 e+/e- both pol. until mid 2007 Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 3

HERA Physics - EW e+p and e-p NC and CC-scattering: • MW in time-like HERA Physics - EW e+p and e-p NC and CC-scattering: • MW in time-like region (MWR > 400 Ge. V) • sin 2θW complementary to LEP HERA-I • light quark couplings: HERA-II MW Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 4

HERA Physics – unpol. SF - 1 F 2 vs. x – rapid rise HERA Physics – unpol. SF - 1 F 2 vs. x – rapid rise of F 2 as x 0 – no slowing down of rise of F 2 seen yet F 2 vs. Q 2 – data span 4 decades in Q 2 – +/- scaling violations – SM gives excellent description Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 5

HERA Physics – unpol. SF - 2 Results of QCD-fits to SF-data: heavy flavour HERA Physics – unpol. SF - 2 Results of QCD-fits to SF-data: heavy flavour production ~ xg in LO F 2 cc • only DIS: theor. clean (H 1, ZEUS) • global fits: DIS, DY, jets, W/Z more constraints (CTEQ, MRST, …) Check consistency of pdfs: jet + Precision HERA-only ≈ global fits precision at high x needs HERA-II ! Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 6

HERA Physics – unpol. SF - 3 ZEUS: example for HERA only fit - HERA Physics – unpol. SF - 3 ZEUS: example for HERA only fit - includes all 94 -00 e+p & e-p data - still needs add. constraints for x > 0. 1 ZEUS: include inclusive DIS jet & high ET di-jet from photoproduction better precision for gluons at higher x Precision measurement of proton SF at higher x (high x-Q 2 data thanks to higher luminosity) an important part of the HERA-II programme Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 7

HERA Physics – pol. SF - 1 How do the partons contribute to the HERA Physics – pol. SF - 1 How do the partons contribute to the spin of nucleon ? world data xg 1(x) Nucleon s 1/2 ~ q+ Nucleon s 3/2 ~ q- q : = q+-q(s 1/2 -s 3/2) ~ g 1 : = ½Σqzq 2 q Integrals at Q 02 = 25 Ge. V 2, QCD analysis of Q 2 dependence, and SU(3): = u+ d+ s ~ 0. 20 ± 0. 04 ± ? rest? Gluons G ? orbital ang. momenta Lq, g ? Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 8

HERA Physics – pol. SF - 2 NLO QCD (MS) fits Assumptions: - Flavour HERA Physics – pol. SF - 2 NLO QCD (MS) fits Assumptions: - Flavour symmetric spin dependent sea - uv and dv constrained by F and D (SU(3) symmetry) low-x extrapolation questionable results for Q 02 = 4 Ge. V 2: uv 0. 73. . . 0. 86 ( 0. 10) dv -0. 40. . . -0. 46 ( 0. 10) qs -0. 04. . . -0. 09 0. 14. . . 0. 20 G 0. 68. . . 1. 26 information from high p. T had. pairs (HERMES, COMPASS) and charm (COMPASS) BB: Blümlein, Böttcher hep/ph 0203155 LSS: Leader et al. , hep/ph 0111267 GRSV: Glück et al. , hep/ph 0011215 AAC: Goto et. al. , hep/ph 0001046 Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 9

HERA Physics – pol. SF - 3 Quark helicity distributions for semiinclusive spin asymmetries HERA Physics – pol. SF - 3 Quark helicity distributions for semiinclusive spin asymmetries “leading” have a large probability to come from struck quark knowledge of fragmentation function ! possible thanks to large acceptance and excellent part. identification HERMES Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 10

HERA Physics – pol. SF - 4 First measurement of N-transversity g 1 = HERA Physics – pol. SF - 4 First measurement of N-transversity g 1 = - h 1 = AUTsinΦ from transv. pol H-target - longitudinal quark spin, , q 5 q, A transverse quark spin, , q 5 q, T h 1 is chiral odd, measurement requires other chiral odd DF (e. g. Drell-Yan), or FF (SIDIS) like the Collins FF H 1 (z) Collins FF single helicity flip double helicity flip main physics programme of HERMES in 2002 to mid 2004 Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 11

HERA Physics – pol. SF - 5 Exclusive reactions: - next step at HERA HERA Physics – pol. SF - 5 Exclusive reactions: - next step at HERA in deciphering the N –spin: measurement of skewed parton distributions (SPDs) - first step made by the extraction of DVCS (ep e p) by HERMES, H 1 and ZEUS HERMES Recoil Detector for identifying exclusive reactions and measuring t is under construction plans: - installation summer 2005 - run 1 year with polarised e+ + 1 year with polarised e. Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 12

HERA Physics – Pentaquarks - 1 Results from HERMES, H 1, ZEUS and HERAB: HERA Physics – Pentaquarks - 1 Results from HERMES, H 1, ZEUS and HERAB: strange pentaquark θ+(K 0 p) HERMES strange pentaquark Ξ-- (Ξπ) – 1862 Me. V HERMES M=1528± 2 Me. V G < 20 Me. V ~ sign = 3. 5… 4. 5 s ZEUS M=1522± 2 Me. V G = 8± 4 Me. V sign = 3. 9… 4. 6 s HERA-B no signal – in spite of largest statistics and excellent mass resolution ! Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY ZEUS also not confirmed by H 1 nor by HERA-B Robert Klanner - DESY 13

HERA Physics – Pentaquarks - 2 Results from H 1 and ZEUS on charmed HERA Physics – Pentaquarks - 2 Results from H 1 and ZEUS on charmed pentaquark θc 0 (D*p): H 1: M=3099± 7 Me. V, Γ<12 Me. V, ~ sign = 3. 5… 4. 5 s (seen in DIS + p) ZEUS: does not confirm signal, in spite of similar cuts and larger data samples! puzzle! more data + results from other accel. will tell! Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 14

HERA Physics – a. S Precision a. S: - HERA shows clearly running of HERA Physics – a. S Precision a. S: - HERA shows clearly running of a. S - high precision with syst down to 2% - consistent values major success of QCD - excellent collab. with theory now and in future Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY further progress from HERA-II aim for d ~ 1% 15

HERA-BSM – 1 H 1/ZEUS results similar - final HERA I limits - comparable HERA-BSM – 1 H 1/ZEUS results similar - final HERA I limits - comparable to Tevatron Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 16

HERA-BSM - 2 General search for new phenomena – H 1: Loops and Legs HERA-BSM - 2 General search for new phenomena – H 1: Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 17

HERA-BSM – 3 “HERA-events” Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - HERA-BSM – 3 “HERA-events” Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 18

HERA-BSM – 4 “HERA-events” 2 more events in H 1 from 2004 data (expect HERA-BSM – 4 “HERA-events” 2 more events in H 1 from 2004 data (expect 0. 6) Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 19

HERA-BSM – 5 “HERA-events” Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - HERA-BSM – 5 “HERA-events” Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 20

Summary HERA II status: • upgrade HERA + detectors completed in summer 2001/summer 2002 Summary HERA II status: • upgrade HERA + detectors completed in summer 2001/summer 2002 • HERAII achieved most design goals – but not (yet) reliability • specific luminosity • polarised positrons (for 3 expt. ) HERMES H 1 + ZEUS HERA II – physics aims (aim for 1 fb-1 and e+/e- polarised): • • • high statistics at high Q 2 and high ET, high x partons from high Q 2 DIS, jets at high Q 2 and high ET (detector improvements!) heavy flavours (detector improvements!), diffraction (detector improvements!), EW-coupling of light quarks (polarisation!), m. W measurement in CC-DIS, BSM and HERA zoo events, exclusive channels (detector improvements!), transversity distributions, more long. polarised data, beyond HERA II end HERA data taking in mid 2007 (tbc) to: • PETRA III synchrotron radiation source • free resources for PETRAIII, XFEL and preparation of an e+e- linear collider Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 21

Astro-Particle Physics - 1 High energy neutrino astronomy (at Zeuthen): - origin and composition Astro-Particle Physics - 1 High energy neutrino astronomy (at Zeuthen): - origin and composition of cosmic rays, - dark matter, - monopoles & other exotica, - supernova alert, … Skyplot 2000 Baikal Amanda Ice. Cube Amundsen-Scott South-Pole Station Northern hemisphere ( 697 upward muons ) first serious challenge of models Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 22

Astro-Particle Physics - 2 Supernova sensitivity Ice. Top ~ 1500 m Amanda-II Amanda-B 10 Astro-Particle Physics - 2 Supernova sensitivity Ice. Top ~ 1500 m Amanda-II Amanda-B 10 LMC Ice. Cube 1 km 3 Ice. Cube Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 23

Astro-Particle Physics - 3 10 -14 cm-2 Sensitivity to static point sources s-1 O, Astro-Particle Physics - 3 10 -14 cm-2 Sensitivity to static point sources s-1 O, SK CR MA 2001 10 -15 SS-433 2003 GX 339 -4 Mk-501 / ~ 1 Antares 10 -16 Amanda / Ice. Cube Km 3 Net (Med. terr. ) 10 -17 -90 -45 2007 0 Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Ice. Cube 2012 45 Robert Klanner - DESY 90 declination (°) 24

log (E 2 · ) [Ge. V cm-2 s-1 sr-1] Astro-Particle Physics - 4 log (E 2 · ) [Ge. V cm-2 s-1 sr-1] Astro-Particle Physics - 4 Sensitivity to diffuse flux RICE Amanda, Baikal 2002 AGASA RICE AGASA AUGER t 2004 Anita Amanda Antares Bai. Nest. 2007 2012 Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY km 3 Auger (+radio) Acoustics Robert Klanner - DESY EUSO 25

Summary Astro-Particle Physics at DESY – High Energy Neutrino Astronomy - Baikal has pioneered Summary Astro-Particle Physics at DESY – High Energy Neutrino Astronomy - Baikal has pioneered the field - Amanda has demonstrated performance of large n-detector in ice, and is coming into an interesting sensitivity region - Ice. Cube is well on its way to a 1 km 3 n-telescope - interesting technological developments under way (acoustic detectors, increase light yield via wave-length-shifters, …) - close collaboration with theoretical community an attractive programme – central part of DESY’s scientific research Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 26

Theory at DESY Research Topics of the Theory Groups in Hamburg and Zeuthen and Theory at DESY Research Topics of the Theory Groups in Hamburg and Zeuthen and at the John-von-Neumann Institute of Computing - higher orders in perturbation theory (QCD and electro-weak) non-perturbative QCD (instantons, small-x-physics, …) Collider phenomenology (HERA – LHC – LC) Physics beyond the Standard Model String Theory Particle Cosmology (baryogenesis, dark matter, inflation) Lattice technology in QCD, electro-weak physics, super-symmetry contribute to the development of massively parallel computers for Lattice Gauge Theory (APE – struggle for funding > 5 Tflops) ~ A broad and strong programme – well embedded in the local (university institutes on-site) and international theory community also strongly supported by the recent HGF evaluation Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 27

Experimentation beyond HERA Until mid 2007 HERA II is the highest priority of Experimental Experimentation beyond HERA Until mid 2007 HERA II is the highest priority of Experimental Particle Physics at DESY What for the time between HERA and the LC? • continue HERA running ? lack of resources and PETRA III synchrotron radiation source • participation in an expt. at an external accelerator ? until HERA II is satisfactorily running insufficient resources, then various options (LHC, n-experiment, … under discussion) • strengthen Astro-Particle. Physics? DESY wants, and is asked by bmbf, to remain an accelerator laboratory • ……. in addition significant resources are put into the preparation and promotion of Global Linear Collider Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 28

Power and Physics of an e+e- Collider e+ e -: • well defined initial Power and Physics of an e+e- Collider e+ e -: • well defined initial state - exact knowledge of quantum numbers of initial state - energy and momenta of partons known + can be varied - polarisation of e+ and e- beams possible + can be varied e- • well defined production process - simple kinematics - precise (< %) knowledge of crosssections - similar cross-sections for SM and new physics • low background discovery by precision Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 29

Higgs at e+e-: key to understand origin of mass A Linear Collider measures: • Higgs at e+e-: key to understand origin of mass A Linear Collider measures: • mass (indep. of final state!) • Spin, CP • Couplings/branching ratios test the mechanism of mass generation Φ(H) = lv 2 H 2 + lv. H 3 + 1/4 l. H 4 SM: g. HHH = 6 lv, defined by MH Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 30

e+e- Discoveries BSM -Test of Unification Extrapolation of present measurements to high energies (1016 e+e- Discoveries BSM -Test of Unification Extrapolation of present measurements to high energies (1016 Ge. V) fails in simple SM and suggests new physics at 100 – 1000 Ge. V scale Gluino (LHC) The most favoured possibility: Supersymmety A Linear Collider can measure for supersymmetric particles: • masses • quantum numbers • lifetimes • decay modes The key to understanding SUSY is to see a few of these states Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY SUSY partners of ew bosons and Higgs (LC) extrapolation of SUSY parameters from weak to GUT scale (m. SUGRA): precision provided by LC for sleptons, charginos and neutralinos will test if masses unify at same scale as forces Robert Klanner - DESY 31

e+e- Extra Spatial Dimensions Question: In how many dimensions do we live? = no. e+e- Extra Spatial Dimensions Question: In how many dimensions do we live? = no. of extra dimensions e+e- G Cross-section for anomalous single photon production - emission of gravitons into extra dimensions + emission of or a jet - measurement of cross sections at different energies allows to dnetermine number and scale of extra dimensions (500 fb-1 at 500 Ge. V + 1000 fb-1 at 800 Ge. V) Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 32

Politics: The Scientific Case for a LC Based on physics a world-wide consensus has Politics: The Scientific Case for a LC Based on physics a world-wide consensus has formed for a baseline LC project in which positrons collide with electrons at energies up to 500 Ge. V, with a luminosity above 1034 cm-2 s-1. The energy should be upgradeable to about 1 Te. V. Above this firm baseline, several options are envisioned whose priority will depend upon the nature of the discoveries made at the LHC and in the initial LC operation. The consensus document has been signed by > 2600 scientists from all around the world. (http: /www-flc. desy. de/lcsurvey) Substantial overlap in running with LHC recommended Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 33

The Development of Accelerators For the highest energies: hadron colliders - LHC under construction The Development of Accelerators For the highest energies: hadron colliders - LHC under construction at CERN For precision measurements: electron-positron colliders - e. g. GLC, NLC, TESLA, … CLIC physics and experience teach us that we need both tools to answer the open questions and that they complement each other accelerator R&D essential for progress in our field Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY © Physics Today Robert Klanner - DESY 34

The e+e- LC Challenge Factor 10, 000 Main challenges for Te. V LC compared The e+e- LC Challenge Factor 10, 000 Main challenges for Te. V LC compared to SLC: • energy • luminosity © R. Palmer SLC TESLA JLC/NLC (500) Emax(prop. ) 100 800 1000 Ge. V AC Power 140 195 MW facc 11. 4 1. 3 11. 4 GHz y-spot size IP 500 5 3 nm Eacc (500 Ge. V) 22. 5 50 MV/m Eacc @Emax 35 50 MV/m bunch-sep. 337 1. 4 ns Lumi 3 10 -4 5 3 1034 cm-2 s-1 Factor 5 Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 35

Beam Sizes © M. Tigner Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner Beam Sizes © M. Tigner Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 36

TESLA Layout • super-conducting RF @ 1. 3 GHz • loaded gradient up to TESLA Layout • super-conducting RF @ 1. 3 GHz • loaded gradient up to 35 MV/m • for site length 33 km: Ecm = 800 Ge. V (can be made longer) The Technical Design Report including cost was published in March 2001 Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 37

(GLC)/NLC Overall Layout - warm RF, 11. 4 GHz - loaded gradient 50 MV/m (GLC)/NLC Overall Layout - warm RF, 11. 4 GHz - loaded gradient 50 MV/m - for site length 33 km: Ecm = 1. – 1. 3 Te. V Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 38

Accelerating Structures TESLA: 9 -cell L-band pure Niobium cell iris diameter: 70 mm L=1 Accelerating Structures TESLA: 9 -cell L-band pure Niobium cell iris diameter: 70 mm L=1 m GLC/NLC: DDS structure, X-band copper cell - iris diamater : 9 mm Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 39

High Gradients in EP nine-cell Cavities High gradient: high priority item for DESY and High Gradients in EP nine-cell Cavities High gradient: high priority item for DESY and the TESLA collaboration TESLA 800 AC 70: 39. 4 MV/m gradient at 2 K using EP at DESY no 1400 o. C treatment! Test of 1/8 th of a TESLA cryo-module at 5 Hz, 500 s fill, 800 s flat-top 35 MV/m with no interruption related to cavitycoupler-klystron for more than 1000 hours No field emission Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 40

The TESLA Test Facility Construction + running of a prototype accelerator: TTF I n The TESLA Test Facility Construction + running of a prototype accelerator: TTF I n Tasks: - test of all components - operation for > 13 000 h - proof SASE-FEL - first experiments - base for costing – - step towards X-FEL Conclusion: the readiness of the TESLA technology has been demonstrated d y vit ith 3 m V/ 5 M ins ta an d lle r wo gi in II F TT k w Ca TTF II starting-up running in autumn 2004 Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 41

The NLC Test Accelerator The NLCTA with 1. 8 m accelerator structures (ca 1997). The NLC Test Accelerator The NLCTA with 1. 8 m accelerator structures (ca 1997). Demonstration of Xband concept, wakefield control, beam loading compensation Accelerating gradient limited to < 40 MV/m (loaded) Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 42

Future e+e- colliders Beyond NLC and SC type LC e+e- accelerators for which R&D Future e+e- colliders Beyond NLC and SC type LC e+e- accelerators for which R&D is done: CLIC: new acceleration principle: two-beam accelerator Emax= 3 Te. V L=1035 cm-2 s-1 22 drive beams 70 Ge. V each E=150 MV/m f= 30 GHz several years of R&D ahead Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 43

R 1: R&D – Recommendation from ILCTRC *) Where do the individual technologies stand R 1: R&D – Recommendation from ILCTRC *) Where do the individual technologies stand ? Review defines and ranks R&D needed for choosing technology Score Card In addition, system aspects like uptime, reliability, etc. are of utmost importance to meet the challenges of a LC Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 44

What next ? Technology Choice – Wise Men The International Linear Collider Steering Committee What next ? Technology Choice – Wise Men The International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) has selected twelve members for the International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP): Asia: G. S. Lee A. Masaike K. Oide H. Sugawara Europe: J. -E. Augustin G. Bellettini G. Kalmus V. Soergel North America: J. Bagger B. Barish (Chair) P. Grannis N. Holtkamp first meeting end of January at RAL meeting 5. -6. April at DESY, Hamburg, next meetings at SLAC and KEK recommendation of one technology (NLC or TESLA) before end of 2004 Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 45

Next Milestones towards a Global Linear Collider Roadmap: 2004 selection of collider technology (warm Next Milestones towards a Global Linear Collider Roadmap: 2004 selection of collider technology (warm or cold) and setting up of an international project team with branches in America, Asia and Europe continuation of discussion between funding agencies further studies of organisation structures 2005 start of work of project teams (‚pre GLC‘) 2006 completion of the project layout including costing 2007 decision in principle by governments to go ahead with LC 2015 start of commissioning Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 46

USA: near-term readiness for construction Political Situation mid-term readiness for construction Germany: „The government USA: near-term readiness for construction Political Situation mid-term readiness for construction Germany: „The government is the first one to have announced to be principally committed to participating in the project. “ UK: substantial increase in R&D spending for LCs OECD-Science Ministers: endorsed road-map (Jan. 04) The consensus of the hep-community is essential for success! Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 47

Linear Collider Detector R&D Why? detector challenges LC << LHC ? Precision of LC Linear Collider Detector R&D Why? detector challenges LC << LHC ? Precision of LC needs detectors with precision not achieved so far! TESLA TDR Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY GLC-detector NA-all Si detector Robert Klanner - DESY 48

Active LC Detector R&D Collaborations World-wide co-ordinated R&D activities under way: TESLA TDR Loops Active LC Detector R&D Collaborations World-wide co-ordinated R&D activities under way: TESLA TDR Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY Robert Klanner - DESY 49

High Energy Programme DESY - HERA: HERA II until mid 2007 - Astro-Particle-Physics: high High Energy Programme DESY - HERA: HERA II until mid 2007 - Astro-Particle-Physics: high energy neutrino astrophysics: Baikal Amanda Ice. Cube - Theory: - Experiments beyond HERA: Loops and Legs 2004: HEP Programme DESY a broad scientific programme prepare for Linear Collider + participation in an experiment at an external accelerator between HERA II and the LC Robert Klanner - DESY 50