- Количество слайдов: 109
Henry Ford begun job flow production in manufacturing which are called serialized production systems. http: //www. youtube. com/swf/l. swf? video_id =S 4 Kr. IMZpw. CY
Operations Function
Feedback & Requirements
Hourly Wage Rates
The objective of a process strategy is to build a production process that meets customer requirements and product specifications within cost and other managerial constraints
How CAN WE achieve these strategies?
Volume Low Volume High Variety one or few units per run, (allows customization) Changes in Modules modest runs, standardized modules Changes in Attributes (such as grade, quality, size, thickness, etc. ) long runs only Poor Strategy (Both fixed and variable costs are high) Repetitive Process High Volume
Repetitive Focus Flexible people and equipment Accommodating Product and Process Design Modular techniques Mass Customization Effective scheduling techniques Process-Focused High variety, low volume Low utilization (5% to 25%) General-purpose equipment Responsive Supply Chains Rapid throughput techniques Product-Focused Low variety, high volume High utilization (70% to 90%) Specialized equipment
Vehicle models Vehicle types Bicycle types Software titles Web sites Movie releases per year New book titles Houston TV channels Breakfast cereals Items in supermarket LCD TVs 140 18 8 0 0 267 40, 530 5 160 14, 000 0 286 1, 212 211, 000 400, 000 162, 000 765 300, 000 185 340 150, 000 102
Many parts and component inputs (chips, hard drives, software, cases) Many modules (high-volume, high-variety) Dell Computer Many output versions (custom PCs and notebooks)