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Hematemesis in Blunt Trauma Diagnosis and Discussion Presenter: Paris Lovett, MD Beth Israel Medical Center, New York May 18, 2002
Hospital Course l l l Vitals remained stable after crystalloid and packed RBC infusions Contrast CT of the abdomen showed a heterogeneous collection in the lesser sac, consistent with a hematoma, measuring 15 x 12. 5 cm A small left perinephric hematoma was also identified
Hospital Course cont’d l l l Patient went from CT to OR EGD performed showing fresh blood in stomach, but no source and no lesions Laparotomy revealed a tense 1000 ml hematoma in a well-formed pancreatic pseudocyst, which had perforated into posterior wall of stomach Bleeding either from ruptured wall, or from pseudocyst. Hemostasis achieved with wall repair Histology benign, suggested acute traumatic rupture Discharged on day 9
Discussion l l Unfamiliar confluence of two cardinal Emergency Medicine presentations: hematemesis & blunt abdominal trauma Very few cases in the medical literature
Diagnosis suggested by: l l Monteggia Fx suggests significant mechanism Blunt abdominal trauma suggests viscus rupture as mechanism Alcohol abuse and chronicity of prior abdominal pain suggests pancreatic pathology Sudden onset massive bright hematemesis, and lack of melena, suggests acute process, temporally related to the trauma
Diagnosis suggested by cont’d: l l Vaguely located abdominal pain, and lower back pain without bruising or tenderness, suggests retroperitoneal injury Abdominal tenderness with lack of peritoneal signs, consistent with retroperitoneal injury
Diagnosis Confirmed By: l l l Coagulation studies normal (ED Ultrasound not performed) (Amylase 82; Lipase 45; available after OR) CT showed blood in lesser sac. Limits source to pancreas, spleen, kidneys, aorta, proximal small bowel, stomach EGD non-contributory (in this case) Laparotomy and histology confirmed diagnosis
Diagnostic Grid - Hematemesis Causes of Hematemesis Bl. Trauma PUD, Erosions Retroperit. Varices Mallory-Weis Malignancy Fistula Mucosal tear AVM Hemobilia Hemosuccus Pancreaticus
Diagnostic Grid – Fistula/Tear Cause Et. OH Chronic Pain Mucosal Tear Fistula Aorta Pancreas Bowel (& vessels) Spleen Kidneys
Case Reports #1 l Pancreatic pseudocyst with pseudoaneurysm 1 -13 – – – Follows chronic pancreatitis, trauma, surgery Perforation and fistula formation, most often to GI tract Bleeding spontaneous, not s/p trauma
Case Reports #2 l Traumatic aneurysms of splanchnic vessels 1, 14 -19 – – Aneurysm formation after blunt or penetrating trauma Perforation and fistula formation weeks to years after traumatic event
Case Reports #3 l Intramural and/or mesenteric hematoma of small bowel in blunt trauma 20 -24 – – – Steering-wheel, seat-belt, falls, child abuse Pain Obstruction Palpable mass Minor blood loss via Lower GI Few reports of heavy blood loss. One report of upper GI blood loss
Case Reports #4 l Mucosal tears and upper GI bleeding in blunt trauma 29 -32 – – Some have occurred through CPR 31 -32 Similar presentation, different mechanism
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Summary l l Pancreatic pseudocyst + traumatic rupture to stomach + major upper GI bleed = unique in literature Unfamiliar paring of very familiar presentations Some similar or contiguous case reports Set of clinical elements pointing the way to diagnosis
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