Скачать презентацию Helsinki SC Meeting 07 — 10 05 2011 Скачать презентацию Helsinki SC Meeting 07 — 10 05 2011


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Helsinki SC Meeting 07 - 10. 05. 2011 Helsinki SC Meeting 07 - 10. 05. 2011

Participants Ingrid Sarlov-Herlin, Diedrich Bruns, Elke Mertens, Erich Buhmann, Fabio Di Carlo, Gabriela Maksymiuk Participants Ingrid Sarlov-Herlin, Diedrich Bruns, Elke Mertens, Erich Buhmann, Fabio Di Carlo, Gabriela Maksymiuk Harlind Libbrecht, Kati Susi-Wolff, Kristine Vugule, Nilgul Karadeniz Richard Stiles 07. 2011 08. 07. 2011 09. 07. 2011 10. 07. 2011 22. 50 08: 30 late arrival 13: 10 11: 20 15: 45 13: 20 13: 50 11: 25 arrival departure 15. 35 18: 50 departure 17: 20 18: 00 departure 16: 30 Simon Bell, 21: 05 departure Sophia Meeres, Ellen Fetzer, not coming Frederico Meireles Rodrigues, 23: 00 12: 00 16: 15 morning 08: 25 departure Karsten Jorgensen, Ida Fasching Barbara Birli 14: 10 14: 05 12: 00 arrival 23: 40 Via Vitero

2+ III Thursday 7. July Morning Agenda Items Lunch Break arrival 14: 00 – 2+ III Thursday 7. July Morning Agenda Items Lunch Break arrival 14: 00 – 14: 45 Session 1 14: 00 – 15: 30 Break Session 2 16: 00 – 18: 00 Welcome – Kati, Richard, 1 News 14: 45 – 15: 30 2 General Dessau de-briefing; lessons for Antalya – All 15: 30 – 16: 00 – 17: 00 3 Feedback from Dessau Teaching Workshops; Documentation of the Dessau meeting – Elke, Kristine; 17: 00 – 18: 00 4 Consequences for Teaching Workshops in Antalya - All Evening Dinner: Kuu/Elite Moderator E

2+ 1 News LE: NOTRE TWO+ (RS) LN 2+ Finalised and Budget approved after 2+ 1 News LE: NOTRE TWO+ (RS) LN 2+ Finalised and Budget approved after only one round of financial evaluation (sub contracts and conference fee invoices had to be sent to EACEA during Dessau meeting) Official Evaluation – see next slide

2+ 2+

1 News LE: NOTRE III contract amendment III 1 News LE: NOTRE III contract amendment III

1 IFLA Congress 2011 Zürich 1. 358 participants from 74 countries (last record 650 1 IFLA Congress 2011 Zürich 1. 358 participants from 74 countries (last record 650 p. ) LA, architects, teachers, LAassociations, (Ph. D) students (cooperation ELASA), … 3 day programme, 3 keynotes per day Afternoon: parallel sessions + excursions Open office night Poster exhibitions Awards Proceedings on CD III

1 Planned Newsletter III 1 Planned Newsletter III

1 new web functions (IF) Encyclopaedia - editing - languages Possible to launch a 1 new web functions (IF) Encyclopaedia - editing - languages Possible to launch a european-landscape-forum. eu website on our new server Examples: Rotterdam Summer School: http: //www. rotterdamsummerschool. com/ Transect 2011/Denmark: http: //www. sl. life. ku. dk/English/education/msc_landscape_archite cture_urban_design/summer_school_transect_2011. aspx III

1 IFLA Congress 2011 Zürich 1. 358 participants from 74 countries (last record 650 1 IFLA Congress 2011 Zürich 1. 358 participants from 74 countries (last record 650 p. ) LA, architects, teachers, LAassociations, (Ph. D) students (cooperation ELASA), … 3 day programme, 3 keynotes per day Afternoon: parallel sessions + excursions Open office night Poster exhibitions Awards Proceedings on CD III

2 General Dessau de-briefing (all) 14: 45 – 15: 30 lessons for Antalya III 2 General Dessau de-briefing (all) 14: 45 – 15: 30 lessons for Antalya III

Break 15: 30 – 16: 00 Break 15: 30 – 16: 00

3 Feedback Dessau Workshops Proposals for Antalya (KV, EM) 16 -17: 00 III 3 Feedback Dessau Workshops Proposals for Antalya (KV, EM) 16 -17: 00 III

No. Potential themes for workshops Lecturers Teaching 1 Teaching methods 2 Academic writing Karsten, No. Potential themes for workshops Lecturers Teaching 1 Teaching methods 2 Academic writing Karsten, James Palmer 3 Soft skills, art pedagogics, pedagogics of insecurity, practical teaching method packages. Kati/Anu 4 Teaching approach of landscape design in steps from the 1 st year till the 4 th year Adrian Noortman, Ad Koolen or Johan Vlug (Larenstein) 5 Teaching internationally LA could have further developments and structures. 6 How to teach in design studios, large scale planning studios in co-operation with general public 7 How to use sketching as a creative tool in teaching. 8 e-learning practices in landscape architecture education (studio versus e-learning) 9 Developing the teaching of Landscape architecture theory and methodology both in master and Ph. D-studies 10 Theory and methodology in landscape planning

No. Potential themes Research 1 1. Planning and design research; 2. Research by planning No. Potential themes Research 1 1. Planning and design research; 2. Research by planning and design; 3. Research for planning and design - and organize workshops where examples of these types of research are presented as well as theories and methods that supported them. This would be very helpful, now that the amount of Ph. D candidates is increasing very fast. 2 Research methods Designing experimental studies 3 Research methodologies 4 Collaborative research techniques 5 European research funding opportunities How to apply for EU research projects 6 Contemporary landscape research tools (GIS, Remote Sensing) 7 Effective measures against climate change effects Lecturers

No. Potential themes Practice 1 Ecologycal Landscape Architecture Design 2 Landscape urbanism 3 Green No. Potential themes Practice 1 Ecologycal Landscape Architecture Design 2 Landscape urbanism 3 Green infrastructure and sustainable cities 4 LA's approach to mega cities and slams 5 Service design 6 Communicating desing 7 Involving society into planning process 8 Monitoring of Landscapes Lecturers

Organization • The education theme should continue, but the stress should be on research. Organization • The education theme should continue, but the stress should be on research. Also innovative practice should be introduced as the third theme. • There shouldn’t be so many workshops. • More practical. Theoretical concepts can be and should be given and discussed but then a practical application will be fantastic. • It should be good if moderator and lecture were experienced in the subject. I would prefer more preparation from workshop moderators/leaders - it is a bit contradictory - we should do a good learning practice by yourself, but we got not that good examples. • Discuss actual teaching contents on different topics among each other, to develop an international document of good practice, we can learn a lot from each other. . . techniques, methods. Hands on workshop with teachers and students, we don't use the potential situation enough of being together face to face. . . and wait till the next vitero session. • I could prefer more training and discussion oriented to teaching instead of presentations about some subject fields. We could have series of parallel trainings, which repeats under the same leader several times. Or we could go through a set of different studio course processes - what and how has been organized and what have been the outcomes for students. Also good practice from involving non academic world to course projects - tutoring and evaluation or as reflection and discussion partners for students.

Other ideas and comments • Finding joint research themes and building clusters across Europe Other ideas and comments • Finding joint research themes and building clusters across Europe • Please skip the onthology! This would require so much more effort than possible under these circumstances to accire a quailty. It felt like thrown away time! We are too busy to deal with "social games". Why not focus on QUALITY as a topic? The onthology exercise reflected the opposite to good quality. It was just a randomly performed activity and will have no value.

General conclusions: • Better preparation • Fixed program in advance • More detailed description General conclusions: • Better preparation • Fixed program in advance • More detailed description of workshops • Workshop should consist of short introduction lecture, presentation followed by practical work or moderated and structured discussion.

Questions to consider for Antalya • Length and number of workshops • Instruction for Questions to consider for Antalya • Length and number of workshops • Instruction for workshop leaders • Instructions for moderators ( if we have them separatelly from workshop leaders) • Time table – Ready program –date. . . . ? – Start of registration. . . –. .

4 Consequences for Teaching Workshops in Antalya (All) 17 -18: 00 4 Consequences for Teaching Workshops in Antalya (All) 17 -18: 00

Friday 8. July Session 3 9: 00– 10: 30 Agenda Items 9: 00 – Friday 8. July Session 3 9: 00– 10: 30 Agenda Items 9: 00 – 9: 30 Overview of LN III OUTPUTS – state of play, Richard 9: 30 – 10: 30 WGs based on Work packages; screening of Material from Dessau; Break Ontologies, with Vitero session – Ellen (via Vitero), Richard, ? ? ? 10: 30 – 11: 00 – 13: 00 Working Groups continue: Session 4 11: 00 – 13: 00 Conversion Master output - next steps towards finalising course; overall budgetary considerations 9: 30 – 10: 30 ECLAS Budget; Membership, Fees, Jo. LA Budget , Jo. LA Contract– Frederico, Barbara, Diedrich, Simon 11: 00 – 12: 30 ECLAS Conference – Anna J; Kristine; Ingrid; Diedrich, Simon; with Vitero ECLAS General Assembly; - Nilgül, Kristine, Diedrich, Frederico Moderator

Overview of LN III OUTPUTS 9: 00 – 9: 30 III Overview of LN III OUTPUTS 9: 00 – 9: 30 III

LN III Workpackages, Deliverables, start, end, duration and delivery dates WPs/Deliverables 2010 2011 1. LN III Workpackages, Deliverables, start, end, duration and delivery dates WPs/Deliverables 2010 2011 1. Nov-31. Apr 2012 1. May-31. Oct WP 1 1. May-31. Oct 1. Nov-31. Apr 24 months 1. 1 Staff Development Body 1. 2 Feasibility study 1. 3 Standards Council Summer School Dessau WP 2 2. 1 Eur. Landscape Ontology 1. Nov-31. Apr 18 months 30 months 36 months May 24 months 30 months 2. 2 Virtual Eur. Ph. D prog. 2. 3 Research Database Summer School Antalya WP 3 3. 1 Landscape Monographs 30 months 24 months April 18 months 3. 2 Design Projects Database 18 months 3. 3 Clusters Summer School Rome WP 4 4. 1 L: N Institute 4. 2 Extension outside Eur. 4. 3 LE: NOTRE Web WP 5 5. 1 Meetings 5. 2 Monitoring + Reporting 18 months 5. 3 Communication 5. 4 Evaluation April 36 months 18 months 36 36 36 III 2013 months months 36 months 1. May-31. Oct

parallel: Dessau Ontologies/ECLAS Budget 9: 30 – 10: 30 WGs based on Work packages; parallel: Dessau Ontologies/ECLAS Budget 9: 30 – 10: 30 WGs based on Work packages; screening of Material from Dessau; Ontologies, with Vitero session – Ellen (via Vitero), Richard, ? ? ? 9: 30 – 10: 30 ECLAS Budget; Membership, Fees, Jo. LA Budget , Jo. LA Contract– Frederico, Barbara, Diedrich, Simon III E

Break 10: 30 – 11: 00 Break 10: 30 – 11: 00

parallel: Conversion Master/ECLAS Conference 11: 00 – 13: 00 11: 00 – 12: 30 parallel: Conversion Master/ECLAS Conference 11: 00 – 13: 00 11: 00 – 12: 30 Working Groups continue: ECLAS Conference – Anna J; Kristine; Ingrid; Diedrich, Simon; with Vitero Conversion Master output - next steps towards finalising course; overall budgetary considerations ECLAS General Assembly; - Nilgül, Kristine, Diedrich, Frederico III E

Break 13: 00 -14: 00 Break 13: 00 -14: 00

Friday 8. July Agenda Items 14: 00 – 15: 00 Report back from WGs Friday 8. July Agenda Items 14: 00 – 15: 00 Report back from WGs and ECLAS Meeting –All Session 5 Jola News 14: 30 – 16: 00 15: 00 – 16: 00 – Evening excursion: (with representative of City of Helsinki, LA Maria Jaakkola/Jouni Heinänen, maybe) Using the project web site to develop outputs and to involve the rest of the Network – Ida; Richard Helsinki shoreline from water, canoeing in Western Helsinki Evening sauna + dinner/barbeque Moderator

Report back from WGs and ECLAS Meeting 14: 00 – 15: 00 • Ontologies Report back from WGs and ECLAS Meeting 14: 00 – 15: 00 • Ontologies Groups • Conversion Masters Groups • ECLAS Budget; Membership, Fees, Jo. LA Budget , Jo. LA Contract– Frederico, Barbara, Diedrich, Simon • ECLAS Conference – Anna J; Kristine; Ingrid; Diedrich, Simon; • ECLAS General Assembly; - Nilgül, Kristine, Diedrich, Frederico III E

Jo. LA News (SB) Jo. LA News (SB)

State of negotiations • A small team from ECLAS: Simon, Karsten, Diedrich, Jeroen and State of negotiations • A small team from ECLAS: Simon, Karsten, Diedrich, Jeroen and Barbara have been involved mainly with discussions. • We have gone to and fro with models for production. • The contract will be covered by Dutch law, since ECLAS is incorporated in the Netherlands • We have had three versions of a draft agreement which has been commented on by the editorial team and looked at by the Dutch lawyer • Financial aspects have also been studied to compare the offer with the current situation with Callwey

State of negotiations • A new (final we hope) agreement from Routledge is expected State of negotiations • A new (final we hope) agreement from Routledge is expected any time, incorporating changes made to accommodate Dutch law and other aspects we asked for consideration. • ECLAS (via the editorial team) will now be responsible for production of offset print ready files ie. all aspects of design, layout, copy editing and proof reading as well as editorial content will be handled by the team and Routledge will print, distribute and market the journal. • They have been very flexible and patient with our various versions and we are now close to a point where we can sign.

Jo. LA: outstanding issues for ECLAS 1. Routledge will only pay us £ 11000 Jo. LA: outstanding issues for ECLAS 1. Routledge will only pay us £ 11000 (€ 12 100) for all aspects of production – this is their absolute limit. 2. We anticipate getting at least £ 6000 (€ 6640) in royalty income (based on the current subscription numbers) 3. If we add the two figures together (€ 18740) this is a small shortfall compared with the current costs of € 19500 for full production – we wil need to subsidise it by € 760 until royalties increase or we squeeze the costs. 4. Routledge consider the production costs to be high – we need to look at them.

Jo. LA: outstanding issues for ECLAS Financial issues to be looked at: I. II. Jo. LA: outstanding issues for ECLAS Financial issues to be looked at: I. II. Oliver Kleinshmidt‘s fees Editorial meeting costs These will be the responsibility of the ECLAS committee. We anticipate royalties to rise quite quickly as better marketing takes effect so that we shoudl be able to pay for secretarial services too. We should aim to use some royalties to support other ECLAS activities in the longer term.

Using the project web site to develop outputs and to involve the rest of Using the project web site to develop outputs and to involve the rest of the Network

Saturday 9. July Session 6 9: 00– 10: 30 Break Agenda Items Moderator LE: Saturday 9. July Session 6 9: 00– 10: 30 Break Agenda Items Moderator LE: NOTRE ‘Long-Term-Evolution’ Carl’s ‘ 3 Options’ Possible Future funding bids 10: 30 – 11: 00 LE: NOTRE ‘Institute’ – Session 7 11: 00 – 12: 30 Establishment, Goals, Statutes; Structure/Organisation, Legal form, Activities, Business plan and costs, Funding/finance; Work programme; Next steps 12: 30 – 13: 00 Neighbouring Disciplines Book - Simon Lunch 13: 00 – 14: 00 LN_Institute Session 8 14: 00 – 16: 00 LN_Institute LE_Institute Working group: Education Programme – proposal Working group: Research Programme proposal Working group: Innovative practice – Programme proposal 15: 30 – 16: 00 Feedback from 3 Working groups

LE: NOTRE ‘Long-Term-Evolution’ - … LE: NOTRE ‘Long-Term-Evolution’ - …

LE: NOTRE ‘Institute’ The Story so far – Summary of Activities to date - LE: NOTRE ‘Institute’ The Story so far – Summary of Activities to date - Barbara Further Legal Forms

LE: NOTRE ‘Institute’ The Neighbouring Disciplines Book as an example of Institute Activities – LE: NOTRE ‘Institute’ The Neighbouring Disciplines Book as an example of Institute Activities – Simon

LE: NOTRE Institute The Story so far LE: NOTRE Institute The Story so far

Activities so far • Survey and discussion among SC members • Consultation of an Activities so far • Survey and discussion among SC members • Consultation of an UK lawyer on Charitable Companies based on UK law • Vitero sessions for Discussion and further plans Plans, 23. 02. 2011


Q 1. Why do we need the Institute at all? To safeguard and further Q 1. Why do we need the Institute at all? To safeguard and further develop the achievements of LE: NOTRE to date, and because the growth of involvement in LE: NOTRE has been such that the increased membership (students; non-European universities; planning and design offices; individual practitioners; academics from neighbouring disciplines, NGOs etc. ) will no longer comfortably fit back into ECLAS. . . We also want to establish an institution which can have access to other funding sources than those currently available to ECLAS More Flexibility to be “what you have to be” to be part in interesting applications (have NGO status, …)

Q 2. What are its specific purposes and goals? A: The goals need to Q 2. What are its specific purposes and goals? A: The goals need to be formulated carefully to make sure that they reflect the purpose of creating a ‘broader’ organisation than ECLAS. The same goes for getting funding from other sources – e. g. ETC/INTERREG – so local and regional authorities may need to be explicitly referred to. . . For example: “The aim of the LE: NOTRE Institute is to strengthen national and international collaboration both within and between landscape education, research and innovative practice in both the public, private and not for profit sectors, with the purpose of promoting a greater understanding of the central importance of the landscape to the everyday well-being of both society and the individual. ”

Q 3. Which main tasks/activities arise from these? A: It is suggested that there Q 3. Which main tasks/activities arise from these? A: It is suggested that there will be four main activities undertaken by the Institute: Running and continuing to develop the web site as a collaboration platform for all members Organising the annual ‘Summer Schools’ Developing and offering European Masters and Ph. D Programmes Organising working groups which cut across the boundaries between education, research and practice Accreditation, organising conferences, preparing publications, being a partner in research and development projects etc…

Q 4. How much will it cost to fund them? A: This is hard Q 4. How much will it cost to fund them? A: This is hard to answer at this stage before we have begun to develop more specific ideas: Cost items The web site and liaison with members (which might also include the role of ECLAS Secretariat) The Summer Schools would have to be largely self-funding if not be able to generate a surplus, but some pre-financing from the Institute may be necessary The educational programme would have to be largely self-funded. The working groups would also have to fund themselves if they required funding, but they could use the web site and the Summer Schools to meet.

Input from Lawyer • If desired, we can provide Registered Office and Company Secretarial Input from Lawyer • If desired, we can provide Registered Office and Company Secretarial Support services - the current annual fee is £ 500 (plus VAT and disbursements). • As I explained to you, our charges for this sort of work depend entirely on the amount of time spent. My current hourly rate for this kind of work is £ 250 an hour (plus VAT) and I would involve more junior lawyers and our company secretary for the more routine aspects of the work involved to keep costs down. Typical costs for a straightforward and smooth charity formation would be somewhere between £ 2, 500 and £ 3, 500 (plus disbursements and VAT). I will not charge you for today's call or for this e-mail. • To answer your VAT questions, it is not quite so straightforward. It is quite possible that there will be no VAT issues however we would need to discuss this in further detail with you. I suggest you contact my partner, Simon Moulden, to progress this aspect. Legal foundation 4500€ (plus VAT) Maintenance 600€/year for office Costs for TAX advice

Costs/Income Item Costs Web Site 30. 000 Maintenance Office 500 Tax office 400 (? Costs/Income Item Costs Web Site 30. 000 Maintenance Office 500 Tax office 400 (? ) Secretariat (extended? ) 3000 Membership fees Secretarial costs Income Subject to discussion, annual fee, flat rate or not? Who are the members? What can they afford, what do comparable associations charge? What does the market allow? Summer Schools Might have their own budget and pay for using the ECLAS Logo/identity Projects EU funded Based on working groups

Funding for Legal foundation +/-4500€ • (EU) or national Start Up funding? • LE: Funding for Legal foundation +/-4500€ • (EU) or national Start Up funding? • LE: NOTRE 3 Budget? • …

Q 5. Where will the money come from? Funding for the web site and Q 5. Where will the money come from? Funding for the web site and the basic secretariat would be from members fees. The idea is that we should maximise membership numbers in order to minimise the cost of being a member. The Summer Schools would have to be largely self-funding from fees, but if we seek sponsorship, it would be probably easiest to attract this for something concrete and high profile such as the summer schools. The educational programmes would have to be largely self-funded from student fees and time donations from teachers and their universities. The working groups apply for project funding e. g. to the EU e. g. INTERREG or COST but also the Framework Programme

Q 6. Who will take responsibility for running it? ECLAS should be the ‘owner’ Q 6. Who will take responsibility for running it? ECLAS should be the ‘owner’ of the Institute, so the main tasks will have to be taken on by ‘ourselves’, but specific responsibilities need to be defined and delegated. In line with the aim of broadening the basis of the Institute membership, we should also involve representatives from other stakeholder groups, at least in an advisory board, if not in the executive functions. Dividing the roles and responsibilities widely, so that no individual task is too onerous, and so that they would also mirror other roles and responsibilities which the office holders had anyway, would seem to be sensible A board of executive directors drawn from the ECLAS committee, a managing director (eg a retired ECLAS member), a full time administrator, a fund raiser, a publicity officer, non-exec directors (from other stakeholder organisations)…housekeeper, cook, driver…

Input from Lawyer • we will also need to see identification for two of Input from Lawyer • we will also need to see identification for two of the council members of ECLAS (Ideally it will be two of the people who will become the first directors of the charity). This identification needs to detail full names, addresses and dates of birth and should include photographic personal identification (such as passport or ID card/photo driving licence) together with two forms of home address verification. These documents need please to be certified as true copies of the original by a lawyer/bank officer/accountant or doctor of medicine.

Q 7. When do we start? A: We already have: the whole of LE: Q 7. When do we start? A: We already have: the whole of LE: NOTRE III ought to be about ensuring the long-term sustainability of everything which we have achieved so far. . . We need to use the outputs which we have to produce for LE: NOTRE III in order to lay the foundations for the Institute In particular we need to re-double our efforts to recruit members from other stakeholder groups who will in future be potential funders. The Summer Schools will play a key part in this – and maybe these would be a good place to start working more closely with our ‘Media Partner’ Topos.

LE: NOTRE ‘Institute’ Feedback from 3 Working groups - … LE: NOTRE ‘Institute’ Feedback from 3 Working groups - …

Neighbouring disciplines book “Exploring the Boundaries of Landscape Architecture” Neighbouring disciplines book “Exploring the Boundaries of Landscape Architecture”

Status • • • Layout is complete Proof reading is complete Final checks and Status • • • Layout is complete Proof reading is complete Final checks and changes are underway Cover is designed Everything is on track for launch at ECLAS conference in Sheffield • Launch will be shared with new books from Cathy Dee and Anna Jorgensen

Next steps? • We need to start thinking about volume 2: we have some Next steps? • We need to start thinking about volume 2: we have some papers already and other subjects to consider • Agriculture, hydrology, civil engineering, environmental psychology, horticulture, urban design, ? ?

Next steps? • We could also start looking at another type of book: teaching Next steps? • We could also start looking at another type of book: teaching methods in landscape architecture • I have informally sounded out the publishers and they are interested.

Sunday 10. July Session 9 Agenda Items Moderator European Landscape Forum 2012, Antalya 9: Sunday 10. July Session 9 Agenda Items Moderator European Landscape Forum 2012, Antalya 9: 30– 11: 00 Programme, Speakers; Workshops, Advertising, Posters? , Invitations, Public Relations; - All 11: 00 – 11: 30 Break ELF Antalya 11: 30 – 13: 00 Education Keynote and Workshops Research Keynotes and Workshops Innov. Practice Keynotes and Workshops Lunch 13: 00 – 14: 00 Session 10 Depart

European Landscape Forum 2012, Antalya - Programme, Speakers; Workshops, Advertising, Posters? , Invitations, Public European Landscape Forum 2012, Antalya - Programme, Speakers; Workshops, Advertising, Posters? , Invitations, Public Relations; …

Next Meetings - August 2 nd 2011, 18: 30 – 20: 00 CET ? Next Meetings - August 2 nd 2011, 18: 30 – 20: 00 CET ? ? ? Webmeeting link: http: //lenotre. org/meeting_room_edit_step 1. php? aufgabe=edit_init&w ebmeeting_id=147