Скачать презентацию Help the captain to find his naughty monkey Скачать презентацию Help the captain to find his naughty monkey

phrasal verbs.ppt

  • Количество слайдов: 49

Help the captain to find his naughty monkey. Click on the barrel behind the Help the captain to find his naughty monkey. Click on the barrel behind the correct answer. PHRASAL VERBS real sounds animated 50 slides START

end relationship break up break down break on NEXT end relationship break up break down break on NEXT

stop working properly break away break down break in NEXT stop working properly break away break down break in NEXT

raise a child bring out bring down bring up NEXT raise a child bring out bring down bring up NEXT

arrive and register at a hotel or airport check in check out check into arrive and register at a hotel or airport check in check out check into NEXT

tidy clean down clean up clean in NEXT tidy clean down clean up clean in NEXT

handle, take care of (problem, situation) deal up deal on deal with NEXT handle, take care of (problem, situation) deal up deal on deal with NEXT

wear elegant clothes dress out dress on dress up NEXT wear elegant clothes dress out dress on dress up NEXT

leave school without finishing drop out of drop in of drop up of NEXT leave school without finishing drop out of drop in of drop up of NEXT

visit, usually on the way somewhere drop in drop out drop up NEXT visit, usually on the way somewhere drop in drop out drop up NEXT

complete a form fill up fill in fill out NEXT complete a form fill up fill in fill out NEXT

discover find up find out find down NEXT discover find up find out find down NEXT

enter (a bus, train) get up get on get in NEXT enter (a bus, train) get up get on get in NEXT

have a good relationship get up get on with NEXT have a good relationship get up get on with NEXT

exit (a small boat, car) get up get out of get out NEXT exit (a small boat, car) get up get out of get out NEXT

quit a habit give up give out give on NEXT quit a habit give up give out give on NEXT

date go away with go on go out with NEXT date go away with go on go out with NEXT

distribute to a group of people hand up hand out hand down NEXT distribute to a group of people hand up hand out hand down NEXT

stay in a place for fun hang up hang around hang on NEXT stay in a place for fun hang up hang around hang on NEXT

wait a short time hang on hang out hang up NEXT wait a short time hang on hang out hang up NEXT

spend time at a particular place, or with a group of friends hang up spend time at a particular place, or with a group of friends hang up hang on hang out NEXT

tell someone to wait on the telephone hold on hold up hold down NEXT tell someone to wait on the telephone hold on hold up hold down NEXT

continue doing something keep on keep in keep up NEXT continue doing something keep on keep in keep up NEXT

try to find look after look on look for NEXT try to find look after look on look for NEXT

take care of (a child, a house, a pet) look on look over look take care of (a child, a house, a pet) look on look over look after NEXT

search for information in a reference book or dictionary look up look out look search for information in a reference book or dictionary look up look out look on NEXT

write something note up note on note down NEXT write something note up note on note down NEXT

insult, make someone feel stupid put down put out put up NEXT insult, make someone feel stupid put down put out put up NEXT

not have any more of something run out of run up run down NEXT not have any more of something run out of run up run down NEXT

organize, resolve a problem sort after sort on sort out NEXT organize, resolve a problem sort after sort on sort out NEXT

boast, draw attention to oneself show off show out show up NEXT boast, draw attention to oneself show off show out show up NEXT

continue doing something, limit yourself to one particular thing stick to stick out stick continue doing something, limit yourself to one particular thing stick to stick out stick on NEXT

stop the energy flow, turn off switch out switch on NEXT stop the energy flow, turn off switch out switch on NEXT

start to fly take off take out take up NEXT start to fly take off take out take up NEXT

consider something think up think over think down NEXT consider something think up think over think down NEXT

appear suddenly turn on turn up turn down NEXT appear suddenly turn on turn up turn down NEXT

prepare body for exercise warm away warm on warm up NEXT prepare body for exercise warm away warm on warm up NEXT

wear something to see if it suits or fits try up try on try wear something to see if it suits or fits try up try on try down NEXT

solve work up work on work out NEXT solve work up work on work out NEXT

start a business set on set up set down NEXT start a business set on set up set down NEXT

recover from (illness, disappointment) get away get over get down NEXT recover from (illness, disappointment) get away get over get down NEXT

be careful watch up watch out watch down NEXT be careful watch up watch out watch down NEXT

resemble, in appearance or character take after take on take up NEXT resemble, in appearance or character take after take on take up NEXT

postpone, arrange a later date put off put on put up NEXT postpone, arrange a later date put off put on put up NEXT

collect somebody pick up pick on pick down NEXT collect somebody pick up pick on pick down NEXT

find or meet unexpectedly run out run on run across NEXT find or meet unexpectedly run out run on run across NEXT

accumulate (money) save up save away save down NEXT accumulate (money) save up save away save down NEXT

die pass away pass on pass down NEXT die pass away pass on pass down NEXT

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