Скачать презентацию HELLENIC FORUM Athens 19 January 2004 Peter M Скачать презентацию HELLENIC FORUM Athens 19 January 2004 Peter M


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HELLENIC FORUM Athens 19 January 2004 Peter M. Swift HELLENIC FORUM Athens 19 January 2004 Peter M. Swift

Antitrust Compliance Statement INTERTANKO is firmly committed to maintaining a fair and competitive environment Antitrust Compliance Statement INTERTANKO is firmly committed to maintaining a fair and competitive environment in the world tanker trade, and to adhering to all applicable laws which regulate INTERTANKO’s and its members’ activities in this market. These laws include the antitrust laws, which the US, the European Economic Community and many nations of the world have adopted to preserve the free enterprise system, promote competition and protect the public from monopolistic and other restrictive trade practices. This meeting will be conducted in compliance with INTERTANKO’s antitrust guidelines.

2004 : DATES FOR THE DIARY January 20 Athens Legal and Insurance Seminar February 2004 : DATES FOR THE DIARY January 20 Athens Legal and Insurance Seminar February 25 February 26 -27 Shanghai Asian Regional Panel Mare Forum / Tradewinds Conference “Exploring Maritime Business in China” March 28 -31 Dubai Annual Tanker Event Executive Committee, Council & AGM May 20 -21 Moscow Tanker Seminar July 1 (TBC) Lisbon Vetting Seminar October 27 -28 October 29 Amsterdam Executive Committee & Council Mare Forum “Ship. Finance 2004” (Free registration for Members) 0930 -1530

Council Agenda (Sept 2003) • Selection of Flag • • Tripartite meeting - owners, Council Agenda (Sept 2003) • Selection of Flag • • Tripartite meeting - owners, builders and class Q 88 contract / Terminal Vetting report Executive Committee election and procedures INTERTANKO/INTERCARGO joint secretariat Maritime Security Prestige and regulatory developments New membership criteria 2004 Work Programme

Industry Flag State Guidelines Industry Flag State Guidelines

Permanent Means of Access [An exceptionally good initiative. . New construction from January 2005 Permanent Means of Access [An exceptionally good initiative. . New construction from January 2005 Bulk Carriers > 20, 000 GT Tankers > 500 GT (Cargo tanks, Water ballast tanks) . . . with a bad outcome in the form of rigid and impractical requirements]

ASSEMBLY - 23 rd Session PERMANENT MEANS OF ACCESS Submitted by BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO, ASSEMBLY - 23 rd Session PERMANENT MEANS OF ACCESS Submitted by BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO, and OCIMF Executive Summary: This paper advises the Assembly of concern about the SOLAS amendments BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO and OCIMF (“the industry”) draw the attention The industry welcomes the recent submission from Greece to the Secretary General (Circular le It is widely accepted that improved means of access to facilitate inspection of cargo and ballast

Q 88 Tanker questionnaire generator New service for members Q 88 Tanker questionnaire generator New service for members

Terminal Vetting Database Terminal Vetting Database

Chairman - Nominate • Mr Stephen Van Dyck (60) • Chairman and a major Chairman - Nominate • Mr Stephen Van Dyck (60) • Chairman and a major shareholder of Maritrans Inc. , listed on the NYSE, and operator of 15 ocean going tankers and ATBs • Council Member 4 years • Member of the Executive Committee and Vice-Chairman of the North American Panel since 2002. • Since 1985 Chairman of The West of England club & currently Chairman of the Chamber of Shipping of America.

INTERTANKO’s new London office St. Clare House, 30 Minories, London EC 3 INTERTANKO’s new London office St. Clare House, 30 Minories, London EC 3

Visitor desks for members Visitor desks for members

Multi-function meeting room - also available to members Multi-function meeting room - also available to members

Other news………. . • IOPC: Supplementary “third” tier to be paid by oil receivers Other news………. . • IOPC: Supplementary “third” tier to be paid by oil receivers – CLC/FC intact • Member of IMO Expert Group on Marpol revisions • Panama backs down on SOPEP • EU reconsiders Penal Sanctions • INTERTANKO key note speakers at EC double hull workshop • INTERTANKO to host Forum on Reception Facilities • INTERTANKO praised by WWF

Other news………. . • Productive outcome with Indian Govt. on draft regulations “banning” certain Other news………. . • Productive outcome with Indian Govt. on draft regulations “banning” certain tankers • INTERTANKO praised at IMO for MEH • Launch of multi-disciplinary discussion on “industry image” • Media Response seminars underway • Highly successful Chartering seminar in Asia • Vetting seminars in Singapore and China(2003), Lisbon (2004) • Launch of Chemical Tanker Review • Launch of Discussion on Direction Paper

INTERTANKO Today • Clear statement of basic aims : clean seas, safe transport, free INTERTANKO Today • Clear statement of basic aims : clean seas, safe transport, free competition - • Acknowledged & respected industry leader & spokesmen : - worldwide • Quality focus : strict membership criteria; solid industry performance record • Commitment to Stakeholders : – society, industry partners – partnerships with regulators, other industry players, other associations

 INTERTANKO Objectives • To be recognized by all sectors of the maritime industry INTERTANKO Objectives • To be recognized by all sectors of the maritime industry and by governments as the authoritative voice of the international tanker industry. • To actively support, and when necessary lead, the development and implementation of superior technical and operational standards that encourage the safe transportation of energy and chemical products. • To promote a positive public image of the tanker industry through educational and related initiatives that encourage a wider understanding of the essential role of the tanker operator in supporting the global economy. • To be the central coordinating body for the collection and dissemination of regulatory and operational information relevant to the safe transportation of energy and chemical products. • To positively reinforce the goals of safe transport, clean seas and free competition to all members, and to encourage their attainment through adherence to the principles of quality management.

Thank you www. intertanko. com Thank you www. intertanko. com