Healthy way of life
The concept of health and healthy lifestyles Health is the most important need of the person, which determines the ability of it to work and ensures the harmonious elodevpment of an individual. It is an essential prerequisite to the happiness of man.
Harmful habits are harmful to our health
n. Effect of nicotine is especially dangerous in certain periods of life, youth, old age, when even a stimulative effect violates the nervous regulation. Especially harmful nicotine pregnant women, as the weight leads to the birth of weak, with a low of children and lactating women, as it increases the morbidity and mortality of children in the first years of life. The majority of smokers surprisingly pushy in relation to others.
n As a result of the systematic consumption of alcohol is developing симтомокомплекс painful addiction to him: - loss of the sense of measure and control over the quantity of alcohol consumed; - violation of the activities of the Central and peripheral nervous system (psychoses, neuritis, etc. ) and the functions of internal organs.
n Drug use, in addition to the psychological and physical dependence, it always leads to irreversible a gross violation of vital activity and social degradation of the drug addict. These consequences are the greatest danger to human health and life.
hygiene n Hygiene of children and adolescents Food hygiene Communal hygiene Health or occupational health
physical n Best motoring - the most important condition of a healthy way of life. It is based on the systematic physical exercise and sports, effectively solving tasks of health promotion and development of physical abilities of young people, health and motor skills, enhancing prevention of unfavourable age-related changes. While physical culture and sports serve as the most important means of education.
Tempering n One of the methods of tempering the body are water procedures. Bathing in an ice-hole belongs to this kind of hardening. To begin with, of course, it should not be, because this is just good-tempered people, приучившим your body to low temperatures. For them, however, bathing in an ice-hole is very useful for the organism: cold water acts on receptors in the skin, restores muscle tone, improves immunity.
Healthy nutrition