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HEALTHY LIVING GUIDE “Health is not all, but all without health is nothing. ”
Мета проекту: з'ясувати в процесі соціологічного опитування та дослідження звички групи «Чи правильно ми харчуємося? »
OUR HEALTH DEPENDS ON • • Social conditions Lifestyle (50%) Heredity (20%) Habits Food Water Medical service (10%) Geographical environment (20%)
HEALTHY FOOD • Fruit, vegetables – 35% • Cereals, bread – 25% • Milk – 20% • Meat, fish – 15% • Fat – 5%
CALORIE COMPARISONS No calories-a cup of tea without milk but with lemon
IT’S INTERESTING A man who weighs 150 pounds needs only 1. 680 calories per day if he is in a state of absolute rest. And if he does heavy work, he may need as much as 6. 720 calories a day to keep the body functioning properly.
З життя знаменитих вегетаріанців Одного разу Бернарда Шоу запитали, як він себе почуває. «Прекрасно, - відповів 70 річний письменник, тільки мені докучають лікарі, які стверджують, що я помру, якщо не буду їсти м'яса» . Минуло 20 років. І у 90 -річного письменника знову запитали про самопочуття. «Прекрасно, - була відповідь. -Більше мене ніхто не турбує: лікарі, які лаяли мене за те, що я не їм м'яса, вже давно всі померли» .
BON APPETITE ! Dear fellow, make your choice as quickly as possible , because if you follow a saying “we are what we eat” , and you choose vegetables, you take a strong risk of becoming a house-plant. So you’d better make a vegetable salad and eat it with meat.
A PIECE OF FRIENDLY ADVICE • You don’t kill rare species of animals like babypandas or “otis tarda” and eat them, whereas cows and chickens are rather fertile and not likely to disappear from the earth’s surface. • Eat whatever you like, not too much and not too little. • Remember the Chinese or Japanese – they eat even snakes and live happily for ages.
DIETING • Many Americans believe that “you can never be too rich or too thin”. • The key to weight loss is a balanced diet combined with regular exercise. • Dr. G. A. Sheehan said, ”Man was not made to remain at rest”.
• Boys: meat, borsch, sweets, cakes, salads, vegetables and fruit, cheese, sour cream, fish, eggs, roast potatoes, curd, milk, coffee, tea with jam and pies.
Girls: Vegetables and fruit, tasty cooked potatoes or sometimes some meat, apple pies, salad, cheese, porridge, chicken, chips, nuts, stewed fruit or vegetables, hamburgers, cakes, chocolate “Mars and Snickers”, curd, milk.
What habits do the classmates have? Do We Eat Healthy Food? The Pyramid of Healthy Diet Піраміда здорового харчування
• • The traditional food in our group Cutting out certain foods as fish, cereals, vegetables and fruit is the fastest way to unhealthy diet. Remember, please! Our food must be of 5 food groups: The Fat Sweet group: butter, bakery, candies, potatoes, chocolate (5%) The Milk-Cheese group: milk, cream, sour cream, cheese, curd (20%) The Meat-Poultry-Fish-Beans-Nuts group: ham, chicken, beef, hazel nuts (15%) The Vegetable-Fruit group: carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, bananas, and apples. (35%) The Bread-General group: bread, pie, corn, porridge, and wheat (25%).
Healthy Eating Tips. 1. Eat more vegetables and fruit. 2. Do not eat between meals. 3. Too many sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth. 4. Eat little high fat food and much fibre.
Iden: “Be physically active, exercise more and you will be as fit as a fiddle. ” Jecky: “Do not smoke and you will be as fresh as a daisy. ” Robert: “Do not forget to visit dentist twice a year and have medical checks. ” Diana: “Do not drink alcohol. There is the only way to be happy it is to be healthy. ” Kevin: “Do not skip breakfast. If you do not think about your healthy, you will not have it. ” Antony: “Eat only healthy food, eat more vegetables and fruit. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. ” John: “Sleep 7 or 8 hours a day and remember. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ” Fill: “Regularity in life promotes your health. Health is not all but all without health is nothing. ” Nick: “Do not overeat, drink milk, juice, tea with lemon. Do not be angry envy. Be kind and merry. A merry heart is a good medicine. ” Helen and Kate: “Do not eat foreign Chinese food. Eat Russian products and you‘ll be healthy. ”