- Количество слайдов: 61
Health Work Programme 2011 FP 7 (5 th year calls) Рабочая программа «Здоровье-20117 РП » (5 -й конкурс) Директорат «Здоровье» Генеральный директорат по науке Европейская комиссия Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. June 2009
HEALTH-NCP-NET – это сеть, объединяющая Национальные контактные точки (НКТ) по приоритетному направлению «Здоровье» в Европе и контактные точки за ее пределами. Сайт Еврокомиссии по приоритетному направлению «Здоровье» : http: //cordis. europa. eu/fp 7/health/home_en. html Национальный информационный офис 7 РП ЕС в Беларуси: http: //fp 7 -nip. org. by/ Руководитель офиса: Мееровская Ольга Анатольевна тел. +375 17 2867630 e-mail: meerovskaya@fp 7 -nip. org. by Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 2
ГНУ «Институт биофизики и клеточной инженерии НАН Беларуси» г. Минск, ул. Академическая, 27 e-mail: ipb@biobel. bas-net. by http: //ibp. org. by/ru/? page_id=229 тел. + 375 17 284 15 68 + 375 17 284 23 57 факс: + 375 17 284 23 59 НАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ КОНТАКТНАЯ ТОЧКА 7 РП ЕС ПО ПРИОРИТЕТНОМУ НАПРАВЛЕНИЮ «ЗДОРОВЬЕ» Приказом Государственного комитета по науке и технологиям от 16 марта 2007 г. № 28 «О развитии научно-технического сотрудничества с Европейским Союзом» Институт биофизики и клеточной инженерии назначен Национальной контактной точкой (НКТ) 7 РП ЕС по приоритетному направлению «Здоровье» . Основные направления деятельности: Распространение информации о возможностях участия белорусских ученых в проектах 7 Рамочной Программы. Консультирование действующих и потенциальных участников из Беларуси по вопросам подготовки заявок и реализации проектов. Поиск партнеров в странах ЕС для белорусских организаций, желающих присоединиться к формирующимся консорциумам, и наоборот – поиск партнеров в Беларуси по запросам организаций из ЕС. Реклама научно-технического потенциала Беларуси в странах ЕС для продвижения участия отечественных ученых в проектах 7 РП. Проведение информационных дней и семинаров. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 3
Типы программ 7 РП Европейского союза • Cooperation (сотрудничество) – • Ideas (идеи) – • Реople (люди) • Capacities (cпособности) – • Joint Research Projects (совместные исслед. проекты) – • Euroatom (евроатом) Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 4
• • Приоритеты научной и науч но технической деятельности Европейского союза 1. Energy (Энергетика ) 2. Environment (including Climate Change) (Окружающая среда, включая изменения климата) 3. Food, Agriculture and Fishery, Biotechnology (Питание, сельское и рыбное хозяйство, биотехнологии) 4. Нealth(Здоровье) 5. Information and Communication Technologies (Информационные и коммуникационные технологии) 6. Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (Нанонауки, нанотехнологии, материалы и новые производственные технологии ) 7. Socio economic sciences and Humanities (Социальноэкономические и гуманитарные науки) 8. Transport (including Aeronautics) (Транспорт, включая аэронавтику) • 9. Security (Безопасность) По приоритетам Еврокомиссия объявляет ежегодные конкурсы Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 5
Схемы финанси рования • Collaborative projects (совместные проекты); • Networks of excellence (сети превосходства) • Coordination and support actions (работы по координации и поддержке) • Individual projects (индивидуальные проекты) • Support for training and career development of researches (поддержка совершенствования и карьерного роста исследователей) Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 6
Совместные проекты Выполняются консорциумами из представителей различных стран, проекты преследуют задачи: получение новых знаний, создание новых технологий и продукции, выполняются в рамках приоритетов по различным темам, предложено 3 типа совместных проектов (малые, средние и крупные), проекты могут быть ориентированы на специальные группы, например, SME. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 7
• Сети превосходства • Поддерживают совместные программы ряда организаций (Joint Programme Activities), объединяющих свою деятельность в определенной области исследований в ходе длительной кооперации • Работы по координации и поддержке • Поддерживают деятельность по координации и поддержке научных исследований (создание сетей, обмены учеными и информацией, транснациональный доступ к инфраструктурам и исследованиям, проведение конференций) Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 8
• Индивидуальные проекты Осуществляются национальными или международными группами ученых по новым актуальным научным направлениям во взаимодействии с Европейским научно-исследовательским советом • Поддержка совершенствования и карьерного роста ученых Осуществляется через систему грантов им. Марии Кюри Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 9
Сети 7 РП В рамках схемы Coordination and Support Action Еврокомиссия создала ряд сетей: • Inco. Net EECA http: //www. inco-eeca. net • Inco. Net CA/SC S&T International Cooperation Network for Central Asian and South Caucasus Countries http: //icbss. org/index. php? option=com_content&task=view&id=2 73 • incr. EAST Information Exchange in Science and Technology between the European Research Area and Eastern European / Central Asian Countries http: //www. increast. eu/ • HEALTH NCP NET http: //www. healthncpnet. eu/jahia/Jahia/ • INCONTACT network of the INCO NCPs http: //www. ncpincontact. eu/nkswiki/index. php? title=Main_Page • HITT CIS Health In Times Transition: Trends in Population Health and Health Policies in CIS countries http: //www. hittcis. net/ Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 10
ERA-NETs: • ERA. NET RUS Linking Russia to the ERA: Coordination of MS´/AC´ S&T programmes towards and with Russia http: //www. era. net-rus. eu/, http: //ec. europa. eu/research/iscp/pdf/russia_eranet. pdf • BS-ERA. NET Networking on science and technology in the Black Sea region http: //www. bs- era. net/main/index. php? we=9 bfdbe 988 abcff 430168 e 60524 a 69 c 11&wchk=c 1960 ad 06 e 70 dbaee 80 ab 8641 db 51532, http: //ec. europa. eu/research/iscp/pdf/black_sea. pdf BILATs • BILAT-RUS Enhancing the bilateral S&T Partnership with the Russian Federation http: //www. bilat-rus. eu/, http: //ec. europa. eu/research/iscp/pdf/russia_bilat. pdf • BILAT-UKR Enhancing the bilateral S&T Partnership with Ukraine, http: //www. bilat-ukr. eu/, http: //ec. europa. eu/research/iscp/pdf/ukraine. pdf Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 11
Participation and Success Rate in FP 7 Health Research • The countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia include: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. (EECAlink focuses on those underlined) • FP 6: Armenia (3 250 k€), Belarus (1 22 k€), Ukraine (8 650 k€), Russia (38 € 5. 8 Mio) • FP 7: Armenia (8/2/25%), Belarus (12/2/17%) , Georgia (10/4/40%), Kazakhstan (9/2/22%), Moldova (7/3/43%), Russia (113/25/22%), • Ukraine (28/5/18%), Uzbekistan (2/1/50%) CPM Status March 2010 Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 12
5 ый конкурс «Здоровье» • Бюджет: € 650 m • Дата объявления: 30 July 2010 • Последняя дата внесения проектов : - FP 7 -HEALTH-2011 -single-stage, deadline: 10 Nov. 2010 (tbc) - FP 7 -HEALTH-2011 -two-stage, deadline: 13 Oct. 2010 (tbc) Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 13
Некоторые данные по 7 РП «Здоровье» FP 7 HEALTH Proposals received все страны- 21’ 829 , третьи страны N° of participations Grant Agreements (N° of participations EU funding 2315 405 4241 1464 591 123 327 € 1’ 606 Mio Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 14
Приоритеты 5 ого конкурса • Области главных приоритетов: – the brain: neurodegenerative + lifestyle related aspects – diabetes/obesity & lifestyle induced conditions – antimicrobial drug resistance – emerging epidemics – health inequalities, … • Исследовательские инициативы высокой значимости: – Epigenomics – Better immunisation Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 15
Исследовательские инициативы высокой значимости • Major strategic investments to foster European competitive position in target areas with important economical/societal return • Programmatic approach (structuring the ERA): several research components integrated in each project, allowing synergies. • High-impact outcomes expected from coherent & ambitious strategies • Collaborative Project, but larger in size (€ 30 Mio) • Participation of SMEs (min. 15% of EU contribution to each project) • Governance and management will be critical. • Adapted evaluation: single-stage, with hearings Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 16
Тематика клинических испытаний Руководящие принципы: • Двустадийная схема внесения • Вклад EC : max. € 6 m/project in most cases • Читсло партнеров: в каждом случае свое (with minimum 3) • Продолжительность проектов: по усмотрению заявителей • Поощряется участие больных • Предусмотрены этические моменты (EU and national) • Возможно участие субподрядчиков Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 17
Тематика клинических испытаний Цель: • Translating research into clinical practice • Focus on investigator-driven CTs – relevant to public health Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 18
SME участие Одна из задач: облегчить и увеличить участие SME Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 19
Принципы междуна родного сотрудничества • Болезни не имеют границ, поража ют население богатых и бедных стран • Здоровье является политическим приоритетом для большинства стран (богатых и бедных) • Болезни богатых (рак, диабет, сер дечно сосудистые заболевания и др. ) поражают население развиваю щихся стран и, наоборот (малярия, туберкулез, …). • Лечение всегда универсально Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 20
• Все темы открыты для участников из третьих стран • Некоторые темы имеют целевое значение • Ряд тем получил название Specific International Cooperation Actions (так называемые SICAs) – Address specific issues that partner countries face or have a global character, on the basis of mutual interest and benefit Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 21
Ключевые факторы успеха – Предложения должны быть адресованы тематике, рабочей программе, конкретными не расплывчатыми; (not wishful thinking) – Консорциум партнеров должен быть превосходным и соответствовать задачам (select the right partners) – Предложения должны соответствовать всем требуемым критериям – Должны быть убедительными для рецензента (don’t rely on reputation) – Соответстовать основным правилам (deadlines, N° of participants, ceilings, length, ethics Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 22
• 3 критерия соответствия; • Science & Technology excellence Пороги 3/5 Implementation & Management 3/5 Potential Impact Overall 3/5 10/15 Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 23
Европейское исследовательское пространство (R&D aria) • 27 EU Member States • +7 Outermost Regions • Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion (the four French overseas departments), the Canaries (Spain), and the Azores and Madeira (Portugal) • +12 Associated Countries (the EU neighbourhood countries) • Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland , Israel, Liechtenstein, FYR of Macedonia, Norway, Republic of Montenegro, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey • +FP 7 Third Countries • Other countries worldwide can participate in FP 7 • some can receive funding (ICPC, incl. BRICS) and others only exceptionally (high-income countries) Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 24
Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 25
Участие третьих стран Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 26
• Участие Восточноевропейских стран (2007 2010) • Russia: 35 • Ukraine: 6 • Georgia: 5 • Rep. Moldova: 4 • Belarus: 3 • Armenia, Kazakhstan: 2 • Uzbekistan: 1 Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 27
Требования и финансирование • Для большинства типов проектов (CP IPs, small/medium CP FPs): • Минимальное число участников: 3 из MS/AS • Средний объем: большой CP-IPs – € 10. 7 Mio /17 partners, средний CP-FP - € 3. 5 Mio / 10 partners, малый CP-TP – € 3. 2 Mio / 8 partners • Средний показатель участия третьих стран: 30% по грантам, 8% по участникам • Specific International Cooperation Actions • Минимальное число участников: 2+2 (2 from MS/AS + 2 from ICPCs) • В среднем от третьих стран: 4 partners • Средний объем: CP-SICA - € 3. 4 Mio / 9 partners (5 MS/AS + 4 TC) Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 28
Возможности 5 ого конкурса c точки зрения сотрудничества • • • Programme-Level Cooperation with: – Russia: 1. 1 -3 HTP Proteomics – Brazil: 1. 1. 4 -5 Inflammatory and Autoimmune diseases – India: 2. 2. 1 -4 Neurodegenerative paediatric diseases – India: 2. 4. 1 -3 Cancer from Infectious Agents – Brazil: 3. 4 -3 Multilateral cooperation in Public Health Specific International Cooperation Actions: – 2. 1. 1 -4 Pop. Genetics on Cardio-Metabolic Disorders – 2. 3. 3 -2 Control of Dengue Fever – 2. 4. 3 -4 Obesity and/or Diabetes in Specific Populations – 3. 4 -1 Reproductive Health and Health Equity Other topics of particular international nature: – 2. 3. 3 -1 Zoonotic Viruses – 2. 3. 3 -3 Major Epidemic Outbreaks – 2. 3. 1 -2 Evolution/transfer of AMDR – 3. 3 -1 Determinants of Health – 3. 4 -2 Research Capacity Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 29
Где искать информацию? • Calls for Proposals, Work Programme (Topics) http: //cordis. europa. eu/fp 7/health/ • National Contact Points (NCPs) - Information & support for applicants http: //www. healthncpnet. eu • FP 6/FP 7 projects databases http: //www. lifecompetence. eu/; http: //www. healthcompetence. eu/ • Partner search tools http: //www. smesgohealth. org/ • EU health research website http: //ec. europa. eu/research/health/ Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 30
• Proposed topics for 2011 WP • • Activity 1 - Биотехнология, мето ды и технологии для медицины Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 31
Биотехнология, мето ды и технологии High throughput research • 1. 1 – • • 1. 1 1 SME targeted research for developing tools and technologies for high throughput research. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 1. 1 2 Genome based biomarkers for patient stratification and pharmacogenomic strategies. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 1. 1 3 High throughput proteomics for human health and disease. (Russia) • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, single-stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 32
Биотехнология, мето ды и технологии • 1. 2 Detection, diagnosis and monitoring • • Closed in 2011 – 1. 3 Suitability, safety, efficacy of therapies – – Closed in 2011 Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 33
Биотехнология, мето ды и технологии • 1. 4 Innovative therapeutic approaches and interventions • 1. 4 1 Regenerative medicine clinical trials. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 1. 4 2 Tools, technologies and devices for application in regenerative medicine. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 1. 4 3 Development and production of new, high-affinity protein scaffolds for therapeutic use. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 34
Биотехнология, мето ды и технологии 1. 4 – Innovative therapeutic approaches and interventions – 1. 4 4 High impact project immunisation. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 30 m, single-stage, max one proposal. – 1. 4 5 New therapeutic approaches in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. (Brazil) – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, single-stage, one or more proposals Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 35
• Proposed topics for 2011 WP • Activity 2 - Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья (translating research for human health) Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 36
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 1. 1 – large scale data gathering: • 2. 1. 1 1 High impact initiative on the human epigenome. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 30 m, single-stage, max one proposal. • 2. 1. 1 -2 Proteins and their interactions in health and disease. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 12 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 2. 1. 1 3 Large scale genomics approaches to identify host determinants of infectious diseases. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 12 m, single-stage, max one proposal. • 2. 1. 1 4 Population genetic studies on cardio metabolic disorders in EU/AC and EECA populations. • Funding scheme: Specific International Cooperation Action (SICA), collab. project, max € 6 m, single-stage, max one proposal. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 37
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 1 – Integrating biological data and processes • 2. 1. 2 – Systems biology • Closed in 2011. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 38
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 2. 1 – Research on the Brain and related diseases, human development and ageing: – 2. 2. 1 1 Investigator driven clinical trials for childhood onset neurodegenerative diseases. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. – 2. 2. 1 2 Understanding the role of neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 12 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. – 2. 2. 1 3 Addictive and/or compulsive behaviour in children & adolescents: translating preclinical results into therapies – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 39
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 2. 1 – Research on the Brain and related diseases, human development and ageing: – 2. 2. 1 4 Creating clinical and molecular tools for experi mental therapy of paediatric neurodegenerative disorders causing childhood dementia in Europe and India. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, single-stage, one or more proposals. – 2. 2. 1 5: ERA Net on disease related neuroscien ces. – Funding scheme: CA ERA-NET, ~€ 2 m, single-stage, max. one proposal. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 40
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 2. 2 – Human development and ageing: – 2. 2. 2 1 Investigator driven clinical trials for therapeutic interventions in elderly populations. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 stage, one or more proposals. – 2. 2. 2 2 Linking human development and ageing. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, 2 stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 41
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 3 1 Anti microbial drug resistance • 2. 3. 1 1 Investigator driven clinical trials of off patent antibiotics. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 2. 3. 1 2 Multi disciplinary research on the evolution and transfer of antibiotic resistance. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 12 m, single-stage, max one proposal. • 2. 3. 1 3 Management of Gram negative multi drug resistant infections. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 12 m, single-stage, max one proposal. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 42
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 3 1 Anti microbial drug resistance • 2. 3. 1 4 Development of multi analyte diagnostic tests. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, 2 stage, one or more proposals. • 2. 3. 1 5 Development of tools to control microbial biofilms with relevance to clinical drug resistance. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, 2 stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 43
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 3. 2 – HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis • Closed in 2011 Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 44
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 3. 3 – Potentially new and re emerging epidemics • 2. 3. 3 1 Identification of factors promoting the emergence of pathogens with human pandemic potential from pathogens with a zoonotic background and related prevention strategies. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 12 m, two-stage, max one proposal. • 2. 3. 3 2 Comprehensive control of Dengue fever under changing climatic conditions. (SICA: Latin Am. & Asia) • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, single-stage, one or more proposals. • 2. 3. 3 3 Development of an evidence based behavioural and communication package to respond to major epidemic outbreaks. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 2 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 45
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 3. 4 – Neglected infectious diseases • Closed in 2011 Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 46
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 4. 1 – Cancer • 2. 4. 1 1 Investigator driven, treatment trials for rare cancers. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 2. 4. 1 2 Translational research on cancers with poor prognosis • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 2. 4. 1 3 Epidemiology and aetiology of infection related cancers (in Europe & India) • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, 1 -stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 47
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 4. 2 – Cardiovascular disease – 2. 4. 2 1 Investigator driven clinical trials for the management of cardiovascular diseases. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 12 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. – 2. 4. 2 2 Evaluation and validation studies of clinically useful biomarkers in prevention and management of cardiovascular disease. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 48
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 4. 3 – Diabetes and obesity • 2. 4. 3 1 Investigator driven clinical trials to reduce diabetes complications. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 2. 4. 3 2 Development of novel treatment strategies based on knowledge of cellular dysfunction. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 2. 4. 3 3 Molecular and physiological effects of lifestyle factors on diabetes/obesity. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 49
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 4. 3 – Diabetes and obesity • 2. 4. 3 4 Genetic and environmental factors in obesity and/or diabetes in specific populations. • Funding scheme: SICA (Africa, Asia, Latin America, Mediterranean countries), max € 3 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 2. 4. 3 5 ERA NET on diabetes prevention and treatment. • Funding scheme: ERA-NET CA, ~€ 2 m, singlestage, max one project. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 50
Сквозные исследова ния в области здоровья • 2. 4. 4 – Rare diseases • Closed in 2011 • 2. 4. 5 – Other chronic diseases • Closed in 2011 Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 51
• Proposed topics for 2011 WP • Activity 3 - Оптимизация ока зания лечебной помощи (Optimising the delivery of health care) Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 52
Оптимизация ока зания лечебной помощи • 3. 1 – Translating the results of clinical research outcome into clinical practice • Closed in 2011 • 3. 2 – Quality, efficiency and solidarity of healthcare systems • Closed in 2011. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 53
Оптимизация ока зания лечебной помощи • 3. 3 – Health promotion • 3. 3 1 Developing methodologies to reduce inequities in the determinants of health. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 3. 3 2. Analysis of integrated strategies for sustainable behaviour change. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, 2 -stage, one or more proposals. • 3. 3 3 Developing and implementing methods for the transfer of research into policy in the fields of health promotion and disease prevention. • Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, single-stage, max one proposal. • 3. 3 4 A road map for mental health research in Europe. • Funding scheme: CA, max € 2 m, single-stage, max one proposal. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 54
Оптимизация ока зания лечебной помощи • 3. 4 – International public health & health systems • 3. 4 1 Development and assessment of comprehensive and integrated interventions and programmes to improve repro ductive health and health equity. • Funding scheme: SICA (all ICPC) collab. project, max € 3 m, singlestage, one or more proposals. • 3. 4 2 Building sustainable capacity for research for health and its social determinants in low and middle income countries. • Funding scheme: CA, max € 2 m, single-stage, one or more proposals. • 3. 4 3 Multilateral cooperation between Europe, Africa and Latin America on public health and health services research. • Funding scheme: CA, max € 2 m, single-stage, max one proposal. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 55
• Proposed topics for 2011 WP • Activity 4 - Мероприятия поддержки и ответ на требования политики (support actions & response to policy need) Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 56
Мероприятия поддержки 4. 1 – Coordination and support actions across theme • 4. 1 1 Networking of major research institutions to coordinate communication actions aimed at the media and the general public. • Funding scheme: CA, max € 2 m, single-stage, max one proposal. • 4. 1 2 Targeting publication bias. • Funding scheme: SA, max € 0. 5 m, single-stage, one or more proposals. • 4. 1 3 Linking EU and Latin American policy making institutions in the field of health research. • Funding scheme: CA, max € 2 m, single-stage, max one proposal. • 4. 1 4 Organisation of supporting actions and events related to the presidency of the EU. • Funding scheme: SA, max € 100, 000, single-stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 57
Мероприятия поддержки • 4. 2 – Responding to EU Policy needs – 4. 2 1 Investigator driven clinical trials on off‑patent medicines for children. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 6 m, single-stage, one or more proposals. – 4. 2 2 Adverse drug reaction research. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, single-stage, one or more proposals. – 4. 2 3 New methodologies for clinical trials in personalised medicine. – Funding scheme: collab. project, max € 3 m, single-stage, one or more proposals. Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 58
ГНУ «Институт биофизики и клеточной инженерии НАН Беларуси» Tel. : (+375 17) 284 -17 -49 Fax: (+375 17) 284 -23 -59 E-mail: ibce@basnet. by WWW: http: //www. ipb. org. by/ - войти в раздел « общая информация» , а затем – «НКТ» Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 59
Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 60
Not legally binding: (based on draft documents) applicants must refer to final published work programme. 61