- Количество слайдов: 17
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Snow, Ice and Bad Weather Thank you to everyone that contacted others re the recent bad weather. It is quite difficult for me to know sometimes, whether to close or not. In Wimborne it was fine last week. In fact, I have noticed that around Cheselbourne the temperature is been between two and five degrees lower than where I live. Thank you also for making such sterling efforts to get your children to school on Monday and Tuesday of this week. If the school is to be closed again, I will put it on the dorsetforyou webside as early as I can. Putting it on this website means it automatically is given out on the local radio stations. I will still ring the four contact people but Mr Duffin will also try and put it on the front page of our website. So you should be informed through our website, dorsetforyou website on the closed schools page, the local radio or our own ‘robin’ system. There have been comments on weather broadcasts that Friday could be problematic. Hopefully we will be in. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Snow, Ice and Bad Weather Thank you to everyone that contacted others re the recent bad weather. It is quite difficult for me to know sometimes, whether to close or not. In Wimborne it was fine last week. In fact, I have noticed that around Cheselbourne the temperature is been between two and five degrees lower than where I live. Thank you also for making such sterling efforts to get your children to school on Monday and Tuesday of this week. If the school is to be closed again, I will put it on the dorsetforyou webside as early as I can. Putting it on this website means it automatically is given out on the local radio stations. I will still ring the four contact people but Mr Duffin will also try and put it on the front page of our website. So you should be informed through our website, dorsetforyou website on the closed schools page, the local radio or our own ‘robin’ system. There have been comments on weather broadcasts that Friday could be problematic. Hopefully we will be in. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Operation Christmas Child Thank you to those people that sent in boxes. We had an email from the distributers letting us know that they have had 8000 boxes to send to Swaziland. They thanked us, the children and you for your generosity. A lot of children are going to be very happy when they open our boxes. We sent in 19. They were full up with great goodies. How great was that. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Christmas Fair What a fantastic evening. I could not believe how many people were there. What wonderful parents, grandparents and villagers we have. As well as having a great time the Friends collected over £ 640. Mr Duffin has been bought a ghetto blaster – definitely not a £ 600 one, but he is delighted with it and ALL the children will gain from us having it. Thank you all so very much. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Christmas Celebration A huge thank you to everyone involved in our nativity celebration in the church. The church looked beautiful, it was warm and we got all the children up there (great taxi service)!! Also the costumes, crib, violins, guitars, piano etc. Thanks to everyone for their help. It really was massive. But – it was so worth it. The children were brilliant – as always. In only four days they had learned lines and learned songs. The violins and guitar playing was superb. What talented children we have at Cheselbourne. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk I have got to say that the staff was even more ‘outstanding’ than usual. It was a mammoth job getting it all together in such a very short time. A big thank you to all the villagers, grandparents and family members that came. You all help to make it so special. It was super to see our lovely church so full of people. Do try to get to some of the celebrations over the Christmas period. It is a lovely, warm and welcoming church community. Well done Cheselbourne – AGAIN! Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Teacher placement We have been very privileged to have Mrs Simmons with us for the past three weeks as part of a special course in which she has been involved. She has brought an extra dimension to our school and it has been so good having her with us. Hopefully she will be able to visit us again soon – very soon. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Bus Information Please can you put in your child’s ‘Bus contact’ book or ring the school if your child is not being collected by yourself when they leave the bus. We will not let a child be collected by someone else, particularly on the word of a child. Nordcat have tried very hard to ensure the children get to school safely over the past couple of weeks. This has been difficult for them, but also I know, difficult for some of you. The safety of the children is the most important element so please do help support them during this very difficult weather. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk I have made arrangements for Helen, the Nordcat owner, to meet parents so you can discuss strategies with her. This will be at 2. 30 pm on Thursday 13 January. As we now have so many children on the bus, it will often be making two runs, particularly of an evening on days when we do not have an after school club. The bus will leave school at 3. 00 pm with the children from Cross Lanes and then return to school to collect the rest. This may make a difference of about 7 -8 minutes to all the other children. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Christmas Cake Sale Big thank you to Mrs Folley for all her efforts with the sale of Christmas cakes, requested by the School Council. She has made £ 100 for them. I wonder what they will buy with it. I expect they will send a note out thanking you all for your support and they will, when they have decided, let you know what they are going to buy. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Christmas Week On Monday of this week the children and staff had the most wonderful Christmas lunch cooked and served by parents. It was truly a great meal – thank you all so much for your efforts – it was so worth it for us and made us all feel very special. Next Father Christmas came and gave every child a present. Tuesday was quiet!! Wednesday we went to the pantomime at Weymouth. It was great. The children clapped, screamed, shouted and generally had a great time. Thank you Friends for giving us two super days. On Friday the children can bring in a sensible game and wear their own clothes. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Presents Galore Thank you to everyone for the biscuits, cake, the wine and chocolates. We have been so grateful and, will continue to be so for quite a while into the New Year!! It really if very kind of you and we do so appreciate your generosity. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Our Website Do have a look at our website over the holidays. It is truly great and packed with things that your children can do, safe sites to go to and all the time learning a bit more. Class 2 have all had ‘training’ on Fronter so they can contact each other, post pictures (I think) and let others know what they are doing and share good times – sort of a safe Facebook. Mr Duffin has issued the staff with login details so maybe I will try too. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Scarecrows had their party this week too – that’s what happened on Tuesday! They had a bouncy castle and there were absolutely loads of little people there. This is such a lovely way for grown-ups to meet too and they all looked as if they were having a great time. Cheselbourne School is growing all the time. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Thanks to everyone that has loaned me ‘baby’ equipment for my grandson’s visit. What a wonderful, supportive community you are. Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Well it only leaves me to say that we all hope you have a super Christmas and wish you a Happy New. It is a staff a training day on Tuesday 4 January. The children return Wednesday 5 January. We look forward to seeing you all safe and well in January. Enjoy! Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010
Headteacher – Mrs Ann Herridge B. Ed (Hons) Email office@cheselbourne. dorset. sch. uk Newsletters are also to be found on the school website on the news page. Remember that there is a wealth of information on our website! Info from Newsletter sent on 16 th December 2010