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HBD HV Control and Monitoring System INSTALLATION Manuel Proissl HBD Meeting 11/18/2008
Upgrades For Run 9 | PHENIX, BNL HBD HV Control System HBD Meeting : : November 18 th, 2008 OUTLINE v Development Status ü Software and Hardware components ü Server/HV Control Safety v Relay Board Rack in IR ü The New Shielding ü Add-on to PHENIX HV Racks v Installation Procedure ü Transfer from the HBD Simulation Project ü IR Implementation ü Counting Room Extension & First Testing v Coming Up HBD HV Control & Monitoring System Manuel Proissl Page 2 of 8
Upgrades For Run 9 | PHENIX, BNL HBD HV Control System HBD Meeting : : November 18 th, 2008 DEVELOPMENT STATUS § After discussions with Martin, the shell-based control option hvcontrol_HBD has been worked out and extended for all our HV needs: ü ü ü § Functions as init, quick_init, standby, operating, disable, set_tripcurrent, etc. are made easily available for users on va 022 (hvserver needs to be running!) So far, one would have to change all config data in the perl script manually… Not any more! The new script loads at every start-up the new data from hvdb, one central database every GUI client uses Documentation on how to use it at /hv_stuff/hvcontrol_HBD coming soon! Major VA Server Update Completed Successfully! ü Global HV parameters update every 5 sec in one-time transmission, triggered by the client! 1 hvclient 3 HBD Server HV Client § 2 combine package hvdb Software-based Trip-Behavior Function added to HV Control ü Based on monitoring measured (peak) current changes in 5 sec update frame HBD HV Control & Monitoring System Manuel Proissl Page 3 of 8
Upgrades For Run 9 | PHENIX, BNL HBD HV Control System HBD Meeting : : November 18 th, 2008 DEVELOPMENT STATUS § § VA racks have been moved and reconnected to network Due to complaints from RCF about gateway activities due to telnet usage of the HV Control, communication has been changed to SSH. ü § New communication setup still in testing & improving… Quick Intro to Control Protect. TM Server Malfunction NOT Loosing Control over Detector! 1. ) HV Client ü 2. ) + based on preferred list & process activity SA 1 Client 022 023 3. ) Transfer Authorization Message + Automated Expert in Charge Call 4. ) 5. ) HBD Expert VA 022 not responding / available on network… Initiating switch to other VA server via HBD HV Control & Monitoring System hvd b Transfer Approved by Expert via Call Start hvserver & HBD Server on VAxxx + Downtime overall less than 2 min 029 6. ) Return to VA 022 when problem resolved VAs Manuel Proissl Page 4 of 8
Upgrades For Run 9 | PHENIX, BNL HBD HV Control System HBD Meeting : : November 18 th, 2008 RELAY BOARD RACK IN IR § § All Relay Board issues have been completely resolved! In order to protect the VERY sensitive L 1471 Ns, customized 1 U Aluminum boxes were built and placed in our own rack Setup successfully tested without any trips up to 4 k. V! The Relay Board Rack will be installed up to the bridge in IR (2 nd Level) HBD HV Control & Monitoring System 16 ……… LC 1471 Air flow in between boxes Le. Croy 1458 HP Mainframe LC 1471 Second Level HV Rack in IR Dividers Plastic isolation between chassis and board Manuel Proissl Page 5 of 8
Upgrades For Run 9 | PHENIX, BNL HBD HV Control System HBD Meeting : : November 18 th, 2008 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE § HBD Simulation Project will find it’s end on installation date! ü Step 1: Removing Tunnel from 1008 to 510 § Le. Croy Module Tests NOW in the IR ü Step 2: LV Output tests of all 6 HBD-modified & calibrated Run 9 L 1471 Ns with Fluke r ve Rack er BM e. S I HVCV 2. 0 § IR LC 1471 16 …… VA 022 Le. Croy 1458 HP Mainframe Wireless PHENIX + Running HV Control on Laptop in IR + NO HV connection to actual detector!!! LC 1471 HBD East (1471 N #1 -3) & HBD West (1471 N #4 -6) Hook-Up ü Step 3: Connecting HV modules to Relay Board Rack & Repeat Step 2 ü Step 4: (Re-)Connecting Relay Boards with Dividers Hardware Installation Complete HBD HV Control & Monitoring System Manuel Proissl Page 6 of 8
Upgrades For Run 9 | PHENIX, BNL HBD HV Control System HBD Meeting : : November 18 th, 2008 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE § Counting Room Implementation IB M Rack IR e. S HVCV 2. 0 § LC 1471 16 …… r ve er Le. Croy 1458 HP Mainframe VA 022 LAN PHENIX ü Step 5: Installing HVCV 2. 0 on SA 1 Terminal and two backup machines ü Step 6: Run 9 Simulation Tests with first LV detector performance statistics Voltage Divider LC 1471 HBD Expert Distribution ü Step 7: HV Control for download on HBD website with documentation HBD HV Control & Monitoring System Manuel Proissl Page 7 of 8
Upgrades For Run 9 | PHENIX, BNL HBD HV Control System HBD Meeting : : November 18 th, 2008 COMING UP § § Finalizing all functions to incorporate in HV Control (incl. FB/RB table look-up) Intense Crash Testing & Debugging until Deadline!!! ü In order to guarantee system stability, this is The most important test period of all § Final Run 9 database & log report setup with Martin § Distribution / Installation Files for Linux & XP/Vista ü Platform independence ü Final installation files with Installation Wizard § Planned Run 9 HV System Installation: DEC 1 st, 9 AM ++ ü Preparation Tests in PHENIX continue until the second half shipped (approx. Dec 10 th) HBD HV Control & Monitoring System Manuel Proissl Page 8 of 8