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Hazlewood Exemption & Military Waivers Justin Greiner Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
HAZLEWOOD EXEMPTION FY 2011 Veterans Public Univ. 7, 061 Public HR Grand Total $520, 501 198 $288, 631 16, 845 $39, 524, 010 0 $0 $11, 695, 465 $666, 686 2, 166 477 $121, 386 0 $17, 668 3 $346, 823 35 $9, 233, 656 $118, 193 280 Amount 1, 458 Legacy $11, 109, 063 26 $8, 292, 037 212 Amount 1, 825 $1, 488, 917 9, 134 Lamar TSTC $28, 933, 924 240 CC Amount Dependents: (children/spouses) $0 0 $0 1, 938 $9, 918, 010 2
Changes from SB 639 Veterans are required to “reside” in Texas during the time for which the exemption is claimed; *applies to new recipients beginning fall 2011; Applicants are allowed to submit the application and supporting documentation to the school no later than one year after the earlier of the date the school: ◦ provides written notice to the applicant of his/her eligibility, or ◦ receives written notice from the applicant that acknowledges the applicant’s awareness of his/her eligibility; A veteran’s spouse or child’s guardian, conservator, custodian, or other legally designated caretaker can re-assign unused hours to an eligible child through Legacy on behalf of a veteran who died prior to requesting the transfer of hours; 3
SB 639 Changes, Continued Clarifies that an eligible child must be 25 years of age or younger on the first day of classes. Applies to both regular Hazlewood and Legacy (unless granted an extension due to an illness or debilitating condition); “Grandfathers” recipients who received the exemption prior to fall 2011 from the requirements that the veteran must reside in Texas, and children must be under the age of 26; Adds new provisions and moves the Combat Exemption from Hazlewood to its own statutory section, 54. 2031 - *No Combat Exemption funds available. 4
Eligibility for Veterans At the “time of entry” into the U. S. Armed Forces: ◦ Entered the service in Texas, ◦ Designated Texas as Home of Record, or ◦ Were Texas residents. Served at least 181 days of active military duty excluding training as indicated on the DD-214. Received an honorable discharge or a general discharge under honorable conditions. Are not in default on a student loan made or guaranteed by the State of Texas. Physically reside in Texas *applies Eligibility for Children and Spouse Current spouse or children/dependents of veterans of the U. S. Armed Forces, Texas National Guard, or Texas Air National Guard who: ◦ Died as a result of service-related injuries or illness, ◦ Are missing in action, or ◦ Became 100% disabled for purposes of employability as a result of service -related injury or illness. Children must be 25 or younger on the 1 st day of the semester *applies to new recipients beginning fall 2011. 5
Eligibility for: Veterans, Children, and Spouse Children and spouse must be classified as Texas residents, Federal veterans education benefits under CH 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill or CH 31 Vocational Rehabilitation must be stacked with the Hazlewood Exemption. Other federal veterans education benefits that can be used for purposes other than tuition and fees are not relevant), Enroll in classes for which the college receives tax support or formula funding, Submit the application and supporting documentation to the school no later than one year after the earlier of the date the school: ◦ Provides written notice to the applicant of his/her eligibility, or ◦ Receives written notice from the applicant that acknowledges the applicant’s awareness of his/her eligibility. 6
Legacy Requirements Eligible veterans may assign unused hours of exemption to an eligible child under certain conditions. To be eligible, the child must: Be a Texas resident, Be the biological child, stepchild, adopted child, or claimed as a dependent in the current or previous tax year, Be 25 years or younger on the first day of the semester or term for which the exemption is claimed, and Make satisfactory academic progress as determined by the institution. A veteran’s spouse or child’s guardian, conservator, custodian, or other legally designated caretaker may re-assign unused hours to an eligible child on behalf of a veteran who died prior to requesting the transfer. 7
Legacy Policies Veteran may revoke assigned hours. However, if the legacy child disputes the revocation of the hours then the revocation cannot happen until the end of the academic year; If Child #1 does not use all available hours, veteran may cancel the assignment and “re-assign” remaining hours to another child; Only one child can be assigned unused hours at a time; Once hours have been transferred, veteran loses access to Hazlewood for his/her education (unless assignment of hours is “revoked”); Veteran may transfer up to 150 hours even if the veteran is eligible to receive CH 33 or CH 31 benefits. 8
Loan Default Verification Hazlewood Exemption rule 21. 2107 states that for each term or semester of an academic year, the institution shall confirm that the veteran, spouse, or child is not in default on an education loan made or guaranteed by the State of Texas. Applicants who have a loan with THECB: ◦ Applicants who have state student loans (CAL, HELP, Stafford, BOT) should logon to www. hhloans. com to register and print their loan status page and submit it to the institution. Applicants who do not have a loan with THECB: ◦ Institution may submit a secure e-mail with an attachment listing the students that need to be verified. To obtain access to a secure e-mail, please e-mail Hazlewood@thecb. state. tx. us to request to be setup. 9
New Hazlewood Applications HE-V for veterans ◦ Veterans using the exemption or establishing benefits for a child through Legacy must complete this form. The HE-V should be used for returning veterans. HE-D for dependents ◦ Eligible children and the spouse of an eligible veteran who have never used the exemption must complete the HE-D. The HE-D should be used for returning children or spouse of the veteran. Applications can be downloaded online at: www. collegeforalltexans. com 10
Supporting Documentation Appropriate Hazlewood application; Plus: ◦ DD 214 or revised DD 215 for the veteran; ◦ DD 1300 for surviving dependent of deceased veterans; ◦ Rating Decision Letter for the dependent of a qualified disabled vet; ◦ Federal education benefits letter (CH 33, CH 31); ◦ Death certificate for the qualifying veteran if hours are being transferred though Legacy on the deceased veteran’s behalf; ◦ Tax return, birth certificate, marriage certificate, legal guardianship, adoption papers, etc. to show relationship to qualifying veteran. 11
Supporting Documentation Cont’d DD 214 documentation is available through the Military National Archives. http: //www. archives. gov/veterans/military-service-records/get-service-records. html This request can be faxed to their office: NPRC Fax Number : 314 -801 -9195 National Personnel Records Center Military Personnel Records 9700 Page Avenue St. Louis, MO 63132 -5100 314 -801 -0800 To obtain a copy of the federal education benefits letter, a veteran can: call 1 -888 -442 -4551, or visit www. gibill. va. gov 12
New Hazlewood Database Report First due date is November 15 th, 2012. First report should reflect hours used for Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Summer 2012, and Fall 2012; April 30 th, 2013 for the Spring 2013 semester; Will allow accurate tracking and monitoring of Hazlewood hours used by veterans, spouses, and children, including Legacy students; Can now report Hazlewood students directly to the database in “real time”; Retroactive awards and revisions can now easily be made. 13
Field 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Type Character Character Numeric Numeric Numeric Character Length 2 9 30 30 1 9 8 4 1 2 2 1 7 1 1 16 Character 1 17 Character 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 Numeric Character Numeric 9 8 30 30 1 9 24 Character 1 Field Description Record Code Recipient SSN Number Recipient’s Last Name Recipient’s First Name Recipient’s Middle Initial Recipient’s Zip Code Recipient’s Date of Birth Fiscal Year of “Award” Semester of “Award” Hazlewood Hours Used Federal Hours Used Type of Hours Used Value of Exemption Relation to Service Member Is Recipient a Dependent of a Service Member? Is Recipient /Service Member in Default on a student loan? Is Child/Spouse currently a Texas Resident? Does Veteran Reside in Texas? Service Member’s SSN Service Member’s Date of Birth Service Member’s Last Name Service Member’s First Name Service Member’s Middle Initial Service Member’s Zip Code Does Service Member Meet Initial Time of Entry Requirement? 14
Online Database Login (to view hours used) Students: Hazlewood page at College For All Texans website ◦ https: //www 1. thecb. state. tx. us/apps/HSH/students/ Schools: To obtain a password contact Justin Greiner at (800) 242 -3062 ◦ https: //www 1. thecb. state. tx. us/apps/HSH/ 15
For More Information Web: www. collegeforalltexans. com Email: hazlewood@thecb. state. tx. us Phone: Inside Austin 512 -427 -6340 Outside Austin 800 -242 -3062 G&SP Listserv and Contact Information To subscribe, go to http: //lists. state. tx. us/mailman/listinfo/txgnsp-l or send an email to majordomo@lists. state. tx. us with the phrase “subscribe TSGNSP-L‟ in the body of the message. 16