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Hazel Avenue Widening Project Presentation To CGSA April 25, 2017 Presented By: Michael Turner Chief, Real Estate Division Department of General Services County of Sacramento
Project Phasing & Timeline September 2006: EIR Approved by Board of Supervisors September 2007: Acquisitions began Roadway Phase I December 2008: Phase I Right-of-Way Complete June 2009: Groundbreaking for Phase I October 2011: Construction Complete for Phase I County DOT earned APWA Project of the Year Award Full Acquisitions Full Property Purchases & House Removal 42 Single Family Residences and Duplexes March 2008: Initiate appraisal and purchase process June 2011: Last relocation completed November 2012: Demolition of houses completed
Project Phasing and Timeline Roadway Phase II (Curragh Downs to Sunset) 59 Partial Acquisitions February 2013: Began appraisal and purchase process June 2015: Possession obtained for all Phase II properties. January 2016 groundbreaking for Phase II December 2017: Anticipated construction completion for Phase II Roadway Phase III (Sunset to Madison) 27 Partial Acquisitions Right of Way activities underway currently Spring 2019 anticipated groundbreaking End 2020 anticipated construction completion for Phase III
Construction Cost Bridge/Roadway Phase 1: $23, 900, 000 House Demo/Soundwall: $3, 900, 000 Roadway Phase 2: $20, 000 Roadway Phase 3: $9, 000 Total: $56, 800, 000 Funding Federal Highway Funding Measure A Sales Tax Increment Local Development Fees
Completed Project
Project Considerations Economic Recession caused most owners to have a larger mortgage than the Fair Market Value offered. Total difference was over $5 M 17 Owner occupied houses 16 Owners upside-down SMUD Substation & F. O. Water District __________ 26 Tenant occupied houses 24 Owners upside-down __________ 52 Tenants or family units relocated 17 Owners/occupants relocated
Overview of Phase 2 & 3 Roadway Improvements • Widening for six vehicular lanes, bikelanes, sidewalks, and landscape strips from Curragh Downs Drive to Madison Avenue. • Raised, landscaped, center medians. • Additional traffic signals at Phoenix and Roediger • U-turns allowed at all signalized intersections • Soundwalls and rubberized asphalt • Undergrounding 12 k. V and telecom. 69 k. V to remain overhead. • Signal interconnect/synchronization
Existing Condition
Photo Simulation of Proposed Widening
Existing Pavement ~ 62’
Full Parcel Purchase, Structure Removal and Soundwall Construction Update • Soundwalls construction complete for Phase 2 and some Phase 3 - 62 lots • Surplus Property disposition nearing completion
Project Update • Tree relocation project was recently awarded and will be implemented in the spring to relocate 6 oak trees that were originally slated for removal with the project. These oak trees will be transplanted to recently acquired property that is outside the limits of the proposed road widening and new sidewalks. • Ongoing homeless relocations and debris removal.
Project Update • The remaining roadway work will be phased. Phase 2 will cover Hazel Avenue from Curragh Downs Drive to Sunset Avenue. Phase 3 will cover Sunset Avenue to Madison Avenue. • Undergrounding of 12 k. V SMUD lines and telecom lines will be included with the project. The 69 k. V poles will be relocated and the lines will remain overhead. The County has applied and been accepted to participate in SMUD’s System Enhancement Program. Under this Program, SMUD will share in the cost of the utility undergrounding. • SMUD substation relocation work was completed earlier this year. • Partial property acquisition required from 58 properties for Phase 2 and from 35 properties for Phase 3. Phase 2 partial acquisition work is nearly complete. Several in Eminent Domain nearing final settlement
Phase 2 Impacts at Curragh Downs Drive Frontage • The monument entry walls at Curragh Downs Dirve are not impacted. • Some of the corner landscaping and irrigation located in front of the monument entry walls will be impacted by the project. • Approximately 20’ of the curbed median, landscaping, and irrigation on Curragh Downs Drive will be impacted by the project. • In order for the County to move forward with construction of Phase 2, easements will be required from six (6) properties in the Curragh Downs neighborhood. • There are no property impacts to the Bluffs in Phase 2 or Phase 3.
West Side Hazel Ave Looking North
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