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Haz Ahora Today’s Essential question: Why is it important to know the Spanish Alphabet? Answer the following questions about the Spanish Alphabet: 1. How many letters are there in the Spanish alphabet? 27 – veinte y siete 2. What is different about the letter H in Spanish? The H is silent/not pronounced 3. What two letters are pronounced differently in Spain than in Latin America. C and Z 4. What does the ñ tell you that you should do? tilde/it is pronounced like an ny
Haz Ahora Today’s Essential question: Why is it important to know the Spanish Alphabet? Answer the following questions about the Spanish Alphabet: 1. How many Spanish vowels are there? 5 2. How many ways are there to pronounce each vowel in Spanish? 1
Essential Question: Why should you be able to know Spanish pronunciation? DO NOW Using The Info sheet on the alphabet, Phonetically spell your name: (ejemplo) w a l l y doble u/a/ele/i griega s e i n ese/e/i/ene
Find a partner, divide the list into two, then underline the consonant pronunciation rule that applies to each word. Be able to pronounce and explain your answer. ferrocarril ¡Venga! viviana anaranjado geografía zapato uña gato zanahoria feliz hombro paralelogramo anillo quinto billete juntos quetzal termómetro año zoológico colegio hielo compañía Essential Question: Why should you be able to know Spanish pronunciation?
La vocal La pronunciación El vocabulario El inglés a as in the word “palm” casa house fama fame cama bed lento slow verde green mes month as in the word “elite” mitad half as in the word “beet” primo cousin vino wine no no oso bear todo all as in the word “lunar” luna moon as in the word “boot” uno one cuna crib e i o u as in the word “very” as in the word “oh”
• • a - la da ta ba fa e - le de te be fe i - li di ti bi fi o - lo do to bo fo u - lu du tu bu fu la de ti bo fu 1 lu do ti be fa 2 1. There is only one way to pronounce the vowels in Spanish. 2. If you see a vowel in a word, you have to pronounce it. 3. There is no such thing as a silent vowel in Spanish. ex. chocolate
The letters b and v have the same pronunciation as b. bien, victoria The c of ca, co, cu is pronounced like the c in cot. cama, coco, cubo The c of ce, ci is pronounced like the c in center in cerebro, cierto Latin America; and with a th sound in Spain. The g of ga, go, gu is pronounced like the “G” in go. gato, gorra, guante The g of ge, gi is pronounced like helium. gente, gira In the letter combinations gue and gui the u is always silent. guerra, guitarra Occasionally the u is pronounced when it comes after a g. pingüino, cigüeña When this is the case, you will see a dieresis (ü) over the u. The letter h is always silent. hotel, hospital The letter j is pronounced like the h in heavy. Jorge The letters k and w are usually found in words kilogramo, windsurf borrowed from other languages. The letter combination ll is pronounced like the y in the word you or like the s in the word measure or the letter j lluvia, calle The letter ñ sounds like an ny. The diacritical mark over the ñ is a tilde Señor, Señorita, uña The letter combination que is pronounced like kay and queso, quetzal the letter combination qui is pronounced like key. Quijote, arquitecto The letter r at the beginning of a word and the letter Rita, perro combination rr is trilled. The letter z is pronounced like s in Latin America and lápiz, zona like th in Spain. cognates are words from two different languages that are spelled alike and have similar or identical meanings.
a–a j – jota r - ere b – be k – ka s - ese c – ce l – ele t - te d – de m – eme u-u e–e n – ene v – uve, ve chica f – efe ñ – eñe w – doble u, doble ve g – ge o–o x - equis h – hache p – pe y – i griega i–i q – cu z - zeta