Скачать презентацию Have a lot of fun Re ad Learn Скачать презентацию Have a lot of fun Re ad Learn


  • Количество слайдов: 42

Have a lot of fun Re ad Learn E j n y o Have a lot of fun Re ad Learn E j n y o

Аа [ei] ( эй ) Вb [bi: ] ( би: ) Nn [en] ( Аа [ei] ( эй ) Вb [bi: ] ( би: ) Nn [en] ( эн ) Oo [ou] ( оу ) Cc [si: ] ( си: ) Pp [pi: ] ( пи: ) Dd [di: ] ( ди: ) Qq [kju: ] ( кью: ) Ее [i: ] ( и: ) Rr [α (r): ] ( а: ) Ff [ef] ( эф ) Ss [es] ( эс ) Gg [dзi: ] ( джи: ) Tt [ti: ] ( ти: ) Hh [eit∫] ( эйч ) Uu [ju: ] ( ю: ) Ii [ai] ( ай ) Vv [vi: ] ( ви: ) Jj [dзei] ( джей ) Kk [kei] ( кей ) Ll [el] ( эл ) Mm [em] ( эм ) Ww ['d٨blju: ] ( дáбл ю: ) Xx [eks] ( экс ) Yy [wai] ( уай ) Zz [zed] ( зэд )

A is for Apples and Apple-trees You can see apples on apple-trees Aa [eɪ] A is for Apples and Apple-trees You can see apples on apple-trees Aa [eɪ]

B is for Books and for Bookcase. I have many books in my bookcase B is for Books and for Bookcase. I have many books in my bookcase Bb [bɪ: ]

C is for Cat. My cat is grey, And with me it likes to C is for Cat. My cat is grey, And with me it likes to play Cc [sɪ: ]

And for Doggy Dd [dɪ: ] I have a dog, not a doggy And for Doggy Dd [dɪ: ] I have a dog, not a doggy

E is for Eight and for Ee [ɪ: ] How much is and ? E is for Eight and for Ee [ɪ: ] How much is and ?

red and blue, White and yellow and rosy, too. Ff [ef] red and blue, White and yellow and rosy, too. Ff [ef]

for Garden I see a girl going to the garden. Gg [dʒɪ: ] for Garden I see a girl going to the garden. Gg [dʒɪ: ]

H is for Hand. I have two hands. Hh [eitʃ] This is the way H is for Hand. I have two hands. Hh [eitʃ] This is the way I clap my hands

I is for I. I’m a boy, and I’m ten. I like to play I is for I. I’m a boy, and I’m ten. I like to play with my brother Ben. Ii [ai]

J is for Jam. This is apple jam. Jimmy likes it, and so does J is for Jam. This is apple jam. Jimmy likes it, and so does Sam. Jj [dʒei]

K is for Kite. Kate has a kite. It is little, and it is K is for Kite. Kate has a kite. It is little, and it is not white. Kk [kei]

This letter is for me. It is from my sister, as you can see. This letter is for me. It is from my sister, as you can see. Ll [el]

M is for May and May Day, For March and for Mother’s Day. Mm M is for May and May Day, For March and for Mother’s Day. Mm [em] “Happy Mother’s Day!”

N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine. Children, how much is ninety and nine? N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine. Children, how much is ninety and nine? Nn [en] +

Three little cats in a tree. Oo [əu] + = Three little cats in a tree. Oo [əu] + =

P is for Pencils. With them I can draw: A red pen, a green P is for Pencils. With them I can draw: A red pen, a green tree or a blue door. Pp [pi: ]

Q is for Questions: How are you? How old are you? And How do Q is for Questions: How are you? How old are you? And How do you do? Qq [kju: ]

R is for Red. Many things are red. What can be red? Do you R is for Red. Many things are red. What can be red? Do you know, Fred? Rr a red apple [a: ʳ] red flowers a red flag a red letter

S is for Street. This is my street. There a lot of trees in S is for Street. This is my street. There a lot of trees in my street Ss [es]

T is for Tick and for Tock. “Tick-tock”, says the clock Tt [ti: ] T is for Tick and for Tock. “Tick-tock”, says the clock Tt [ti: ]

U is for Under, but not for At. “I’m under the tree”, says Pat. U is for Under, but not for At. “I’m under the tree”, says Pat. Uu [ ju: ]

V is in Five And also in seven Vv [vi: ] It is in V is in Five And also in seven Vv [vi: ] It is in Twelve and in Eleven

W is for Where? Why? and Ww When? What? Who is in the garden? W is for Where? Why? and Ww When? What? Who is in the garden? ['dʌbl ju: ] and Who is not?

X is in Six. Let’s count up to six! one Xx [eks] two three X is in Six. Let’s count up to six! one Xx [eks] two three four five six

Y is for a Yard where children play. They play in the yard every Y is for a Yard where children play. They play in the yard every day. Yy [wai]

Z is for the Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo. I like to go Z is for the Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo. I like to go to the Zoo. And you? Zz [zed]

I know all leters well, I can read them all and spell. Oh! Well, I know all leters well, I can read them all and spell. Oh! Well, you see, Now I can say the ABC!

Aa в открытом ударном слоге буква А читается как [ei]: say [sei], take [teik], Aa в открытом ударном слоге буква А читается как [ei]: say [sei], take [teik], lake [leik]. n В закрытом ударном слоге она дает короткий звук [æ]: cat [kæt], hat [hæt], daddy ['dædi], battery ['bætǝri]. n

Ee Гласная E в открытом ударном слоге читается [i: ]: me [mi: ], these Ee Гласная E в открытом ударном слоге читается [i: ]: me [mi: ], these [ði: z], meter ['mi: tǝ], see [si: ], delete [di'li: t]. n В закрытом звучит короткое [е]: pen [pen], letter ['letǝ], nest [nest], yellow ['jelou]. n

Ii Гласная I в открытом ударном слоге дает [ai]: ice [ais], nice [nais], ride Ii Гласная I в открытом ударном слоге дает [ai]: ice [ais], nice [nais], ride [raid], drive [draiv]. n В закрытом слоге звучит короткое [i]: big [big], lid [lid], his [hiz], sitting ['sitiŋ]. n

Oo Гласная О в открытом слоге читается [ou]: go [gou], home [houm], tone [toun], Oo Гласная О в открытом слоге читается [ou]: go [gou], home [houm], tone [toun], alone [ǝ'loun]. n В закрытом - короткое [о]: dog [dog], lottery ['lotǝri], pot [pot], on [on]. (Этот звук также обозначается как [ɔ] - прим. ) n

Uu Гласная U и в алфавите, и в открытом ударном слоге - это [ju: Uu Гласная U и в алфавите, и в открытом ударном слоге - это [ju: ]: use [ju: z], mule [mju: l], refuse [ri'fju: z]. n В закрытом - короткое [ʌ]: bus [bʌs], Russian ['rʌʃn], cut [kʌt], nut [nʌt]. n

Yy Буква Y [wai] в открытом ударном слоге звучит как [ai]: by [bai], my Yy Буква Y [wai] в открытом ударном слоге звучит как [ai]: by [bai], my [mai], rhyme [raim], dynamo ['dainǝmou]. n В закрытом звучит короткое [i]: hymn [him], gym [ʤim], rhythm [riðm]. n

ch [ʧ] children (дети), which (который) sh [ʃ] ship (корабль), fish (рыба) th [θ] ch [ʧ] children (дети), which (который) sh [ʃ] ship (корабль), fish (рыба) th [θ] [ð] thing (вещь), both (оба) ng [ŋ] this (этот), with (c) ck [k] song (песня), singing (пение) ph [f] stick (палка), stocking (чулок)

n n n C читается как [s] перед гласными е, i, у: centre ['sentǝ] n n n C читается как [s] перед гласными е, i, у: centre ['sentǝ] - центр; city ['siti] - город; cypress ['saipris] - кипарис. В остальных случаях будет звук [k]: carpet ['kɑ: pit] - ковер; coffee ['kofi] кофе; cut [kʌt] - резать; act [ækt] действовать; music ['mju: zik] - музыка. Буква G дает звук [ʤ], похожий на русское дж, перед гласными е, i, у: geometry [ʤi'omitri] - геометрия; giant ['ʤaiǝnt] - великан; gym [ʤim] - спортзал.

n n Однако есть исключения со звуком [g]: get [get] - получать; girl [gǝ: n n Однако есть исключения со звуком [g]: get [get] - получать; girl [gǝ: l] - девочка; give [giv] - давать. Перед гласными а, о, u, перед согласными и в конце слова G дает звук [g]: garden ['gɑ: dn] - сад; good [gud] - хороший; gun [gʌn] - ружье; grow [grou] - расти; big [big] большой.

n [i] it, shilling, ticket, bitter, sitter, hit, did, lid n [i: ] tree, n [i] it, shilling, ticket, bitter, sitter, hit, did, lid n [i: ] tree, he, meat, seed, lead, read, see, sea, deed, eat

I Я You Ты He/She Он/Он /It а/Оно We Мы You Вы They Они I Я You Ты He/She Он/Он /It а/Оно We Мы You Вы They Они

n n n n I see a ball. - Я вижу мяч. You see n n n n I see a ball. - Я вижу мяч. You see a ball. - Ты видишь мяч. Не sees a ball. - Он видит мяч. She sees a ball. - Она видит мяч. We see a ball. - Мы видим мяч. You see a ball. - Вы видите мяч. They see a ball. - Они видят мяч.

n n n n to cook [tǝ'kuk] - готовить (еду) to come [tǝ'kʌm] - n n n n to cook [tǝ'kuk] - готовить (еду) to come [tǝ'kʌm] - приходить, приезжать to read [tǝ'ri: d] - читать to say [tǝ'sei] - говорить, сказать to take [tǝ'teik] - брать to want [tǝ'wont] - хотеть to eat [tu'i: t] - есть (еду) to open [tu'oupǝn] - открывать