Harvard University History

Harvard University
History Harvard university is the oldest private institution of higher education of the USA - is located in the city of Cambridge (Massachusetts). The university was founded on September 8, 1636 , 16 years after the appearance on the american continent the first colonists. History of the university begins with the moment of foundation of the Harvard college, a decision which was taken by the Supreme Court of Massachusetts settlement. The name of the college was in honour of his first patron of John Harvard, a young minister, who after his death in 1638 left a legacy of a new educational institution half of his property and the library. Historically, this library was the second public library on the continent.
Supplementary information Now the university has a number of their own museums, including the botanical (with a collection of glass plants), comparative zoology, mineralogy and geology, archeology and ethnology (where you can find out many details from the life of the mayans and the aztecs). The university has not only its own botanical garden, but even its own forest, whose life is investigated by the biologists. Here is the world's largest scientific library; in addition to the central book collection, there are separate libraries (the library of rare books and manuscripts, medical, sino- japanese, etc. ). Most of all Harvard is proud of their scientific achievements, including the development of world-famous medical faculty.
Information for applicants Competition for all specialties is huge, but, as in most universities, there is especially popular medicine, law, business, and political science. Today, the Harvard study of more than 18000 students from all regions of the United States and 100 countries of the world (including about 50 people from Russia). Year of study at Harvard university costs about $42000. At the moment two thirds of Harvard students receive financial aid. This also applies to foreign, including Russian applicants.
Faculties: n Faculty of Arts and Sciences n Harvard College (to get Bachelor’s degree) n Graduate School of Arts and Sciences n Harvard Division of Continuing Education n Faculty of Medicine n Harvard Divinity School
Faculties: n Harvard Law School n Harvard Business School n Graduate School of Design n Harvard Graduate School of Education n Harvard School of Public Health n John F. Kennedy School of Government
The system of "houses" n Almost all the students at Harvard University and the college since the first year live in dormitories on campus, within or near the park of Harvard Yard. Students who have good marks or other achievements, live in the so- called "houses", which are as place of residence, and the administrative department of the university to help students adapt to the social environment of the school. The hostel and the house are different structures of the university, which should not be confused. Such a system of residence was established by the president of Harvard Abbott Lawrence Lowell in the 1930 s for combating harmful habits and social stratification among the students of campus. Lowell decided to provide student housing throughout the study at the university.
Interesting facts n The bells of the belfry of the Harvard university were previously held in the St. Daniel monastery and were sold by the soviet government in the 1930 s. In 2007, the bells were returned to the monastery, in return for the exact copies casted in Voronezh
Interesting facts n In the park of Harvard Yard there is a statue of a seated John Harvard, made by the sculptor Daniel French. Plate under the statue reads: "John Harvard, a founder, 1638". Students of the university called the sculpture "the Statue triple lie". In fact, the seated man is not John Harvard, and a student of the university German Shore, which was randomly selected and became the model for the sculptor; John Harvard was not the founder of the university, and the only contributor, giving his library and half of the state; the university was founded in two years before, in 1636.
Interesting facts Among the graduates there are such famous people as: Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Matt Damon, Mark Zuckerberg, Natalie Portman, Barack Obama and 49 winners of the Nobel Prize.