Harrow school Main information Harrow School

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Описание презентации Harrow school Main information Harrow School по слайдам
Harrow school
Main information Harrow School is located in North-West London. This location is very convenient: on the one hand it is close to the attractions of the capital, and on the other hand is in a comfortable and safe area.
History Harrow School is a very prestigious boarding school for boys with its own traditions and values. Founded in 1572, she has been famous for its methods of teaching for several centuries. It also provides high academic performance and are, rightly, proud of its distinguished alumni. This school in due time graduated from Lord Byron, Winston Churchill, 5 Prime Ministers of England, Prime Minister of India and other prominent figures.
Living About 800 students study at Harrow, and all of them are here on constant basis. It means they do not leave the territory of the school and do not go to town till the end of the day/ They also don’t go home on weekends for parents or family. The school administration believes this is a huge advantage, because all students are on equal footing.
Programs GCSE — secondary school curriculum to receive a high school diploma (General Certificate of Secondary Education). A-Level — preuniversity 2 -year program aimed at training and exams for a variety of disciplines and to obtain a certificate of «advanced» level Advanced Level General Certificate of Education. In the first year (AS-level) students study 4 -5 subjects, on the second — 3 -4.
Uniform Boys at Harrow have two uniforms. Everyday dress, worn to most lessons, consists of a white shirt, black silk tie, light grey trousers, black shoes, an optional blue jumper (sweater), a dark blue woolen uniform jacket known as a «bluer», the option of the School blue and white scarf and dark blue woollen overcoat similar to the bluer on cold days and, notably, the Harrow Hat, often erroneously called a boater, made of varnished straw with a dark blue band. An alternative uniform, Sunday dress, worn every Sunday and for more formal engagements, consists of something similar to morning dress; a black tailcoat, which is cut similarly to an evening coat, but with a distinctly higher-cut skirt and no facing on the lapels, dark grey pinstriped trousers, a black waistcoat, a black tie, braces and a white shirt.
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