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Harmonisation Working Group Retail Market Harmonisation Working Group NIAUR Offices, Belfast 02 November 2009 Harmonisation Working Group Retail Market Harmonisation Working Group NIAUR Offices, Belfast 02 November 2009

Harmonisation Working Group Agenda v Minutes from HWG 2 20 th October v Matters Harmonisation Working Group Agenda v Minutes from HWG 2 20 th October v Matters Arising from HWG 2 20 th October v Presentation of Fieldwork Proposals and Issues v. General v. Meter Point Status Change v. Meter Works v. Special Read Requests v. Meter Problems and Faults v Clarification of Comments on HWG 2 20 th October Presentation v Any Other Business v Next Meeting 2 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Matters Arising v Message spreadsheets will include an indicator to identify Harmonisation Working Group Matters Arising v Message spreadsheets will include an indicator to identify numeric fields v Message spreadsheets will provide key details on validation v ESB and NIE columns will be added v Due to the workload involved it is not possible to provide message guides until later in the work programme v NIE to provide presentation and message data, via RMDS, two working days before HWG v EU Third Package v EU 3 P proposes Co. S should be completed within three weeks • impacts required date rules, cancellation rules, use of scheduled reads v Guidance requested from CER/NIAUR ex HSG v NIE MPRN Website data publication v Report on guidance from NIAUR to NIE on publication of customer name, customer lists, medical/special needs data and address search 3 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Fieldwork – Appointment Booking v ESB Web-Site allows Supplier to identify Harmonisation Working Group Fieldwork – Appointment Booking v ESB Web-Site allows Supplier to identify available appointment slots v. Appointment date and time is entered on message v. Appointment ID is not appropriate as a firm appointment has not been made v NIE Web-Site allows Supplier for book an appointment v. Appointment ID is entered on message v. Appointment date and time can be used to indicate a preferred date where an appointment cannot be booked (e. g. HH metering) 4 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Fieldwork – Messaging Introduction v NIE to introduce messages 017, 030, Harmonisation Working Group Fieldwork – Messaging Introduction v NIE to introduce messages 017, 030, 252 and 260 v Message 031 replaced by the above messages v NIE to introduce response messages as per Ro. I design v 106 D/E; 117 R/D; 130 R/D; 137 R; 352 R v Message 131 replaced for most purposes with a new version consistent with ESB MCR 0171 5 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Fieldwork – Messaging Fields General v NIE to carry Market Participant Harmonisation Working Group Fieldwork – Messaging Fields General v NIE to carry Market Participant Business Reference through to response messages v Review of code list contents to harmonise ve. g. works type, observation codes, reason codes v Change of Tenancy allowed on message 017 only v. Also will be allowed on 010 and 016 v. Message 017 is only message to include customer name, contact address, notification address and technical contact v. All request message include party contact segment 6 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Party Contact Harmonisation Working Group Party Contact

Harmonisation Working Group Meter Point Status Change v MP Status Change using Message 017 Harmonisation Working Group Meter Point Status Change v MP Status Change using Message 017 v Responses using v 106 D/E Interval Meter Point De-Energised or Energised v 117 R Request Rejection v 137 R Appointment Rejection (ESB only) v 117 D Delay prior to appointment date – no significant NIE use expected v 131 Usage described in later section on message 131 v 306; 307; 332; 700 or 701; Readings / Consumption • These messages to be presented on December 1 st v Message 017 can be used to advise Co. T/Co. LE v. Required Date will refer to the Co. T/Co. LE Date (not fieldwork date) • If omitted for Co. T/Co. LE then Co. T/Co. LE occurs on receipt v. Change of Usage Type can only be notified on message 013/016 8 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Meter Point Status Change – Process Differences v Restrictions on domestic Harmonisation Working Group Meter Point Status Change – Process Differences v Restrictions on domestic de-energisation in NI v. De-energisation for non payment not allowed v. De-energisation when there is no supply agreement is allowed • Supply agreement flag set to No • De-energisation disallowed on site if site is not vacant v De-energisation suspends capacity and standing charges in NI v Keypad tariff configuration can be changed on energisation v Customer name is required in NI for HV Sites 9 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 017 Change of Meter Point Status Request Also includes party Harmonisation Working Group Message 017 Change of Meter Point Status Request Also includes party contact, customer name, contact address, notification address and technical contact 10 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 117 R Rejection of Request 11 Private and Confidential Harmonisation Working Group Message 117 R Rejection of Request 11 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 137 R Rejection of Appointment v Message 137 R in Harmonisation Working Group Message 137 R Rejection of Appointment v Message 137 R in Ro. I is used for a variety of reasons v Invalid call type, route v Timeslot not available v Meter works delay v Use of 137 R in NI will be restricted to failure to provide a fieldwork request message after making an online appointment booking v NIE will issue warning by e-mail prior to rejection v Timeline for e-mail and rejection to be addressed in detailed design v Applies to v Change of Meter Point Status v Meter Works v Special Read Request (NI only) 12 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 137 R Appointment Rejected 13 Private and Confidential Harmonisation Working Group Message 137 R Appointment Rejected 13 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 117 D Fieldwork Delayed Delay reason codes may be extended Harmonisation Working Group Message 117 D Fieldwork Delayed Delay reason codes may be extended 14 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 106 D Interval Meter Point De-energised 15 Private and Confidential Harmonisation Working Group Message 106 D Interval Meter Point De-energised 15 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 106 E Interval Meter Point Energised 16 Private and Confidential Harmonisation Working Group Message 106 E Interval Meter Point Energised 16 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Meter Works v Meter Works requested using Message 030 v Responses Harmonisation Working Group Meter Works v Meter Works requested using Message 030 v Responses using v 130 R Request Rejection v 137 R Appointment Rejection (ESB only) v 130 D Delay prior to appointment date – no significant NIE use expected v 131 Usage described in later section on message 131 v 331 (Interval), 332 (Non Interval, to be presented December 1 st) v Message 030 cannot be used to advise Co. T/Co. LE v An updated set of Meter Works Types to be agreed reflecting the differing metering arrangements in NI and Ro. I v. Includes meter tests 17 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Meter Works – Processing Differences v Differences between keypad and token Harmonisation Working Group Meter Works – Processing Differences v Differences between keypad and token metering v Site visit may not always be required in NI v Data to support request is different v Validation of customer name in NI for HV Sites (not on message) v NIE propose to imply change of usage type from message 030 v Message 013/016 not required where usage type can be determined from metering configuration v Usage type remains as is if it is supported by new meter configuration v Supplier to send message 013 or 016 if implied usage type is incorrect v NIE propose to imply energisation is required when receiving an 030 message that requests a change of metering configuration v Supply agreement must previously be set to ‘Y’ v Typically supports installing/energising keypad at site de-energised for nonpayment by using only one message (assuming no change of tenancy) v ESB expect message 017 to energise in addition to 030 v NIE will also support message 017 in addition to 030 but appointment ID must be the same on both messages 18 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 030 Meter Works Request Also includes party contact 19 Private Harmonisation Working Group Message 030 Meter Works Request Also includes party contact 19 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 130 R Rejection of Request 20 Private and Confidential Harmonisation Working Group Message 130 R Rejection of Request 20 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 130 D Meter Works Delayed Delay reason codes may be Harmonisation Working Group Message 130 D Meter Works Delayed Delay reason codes may be extended 21 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Special Reads v Meter Works requested using Message 252 v Responses Harmonisation Working Group Special Reads v Meter Works requested using Message 252 v Responses using v 352 R Request Rejection v 137 R Appointment Rejection (NI only) v 131 Usage described in later section on message 131 (NI only) v 300 S (Special Read, to be presented December 1 st) 22 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 252 Special Read Request Also includes party contact 23 Private Harmonisation Working Group Message 252 Special Read Request Also includes party contact 23 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 352 R Special Read Request Rejection 24 Private and Confidential Harmonisation Working Group Message 352 R Special Read Request Rejection 24 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Meter Problems and Damage v Meter problems / damage reported by Harmonisation Working Group Meter Problems and Damage v Meter problems / damage reported by Supplier using message 260 v Response report using message 261 v. Message 261 will only issue in response to message 260 to close off process upon final resolution v. Message 131 can also issue as an interim, see later slide v Meter problems and damage raised through message 260 (Supplier) may also lead to meter replacements reported using the normal messages 331 and 332 25 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Meter Problems and Damage - Differences v NIE do not propose Harmonisation Working Group Meter Problems and Damage - Differences v NIE do not propose to introduce distribution company detected problems / damage reporting to Supplier using message 311 v. Typically has revenue protection implications v. Handled in NI through Revenue Protection process 26 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 260 Observation of Problem/Damage or Tampering Also includes party contact Harmonisation Working Group Message 260 Observation of Problem/Damage or Tampering Also includes party contact 27 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 261 Resolution of Problem or Damage Also includes party contact Harmonisation Working Group Message 261 Resolution of Problem or Damage Also includes party contact 28 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 311 Meter Problem Notification Proposed as ESB only message 29 Harmonisation Working Group Message 311 Meter Problem Notification Proposed as ESB only message 29 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 131 Fieldwork Status v Message 131 implementation will be broadly Harmonisation Working Group Message 131 Fieldwork Status v Message 131 implementation will be broadly consistent with MCR 171 in Ro. I v Message 131 will advise on cancellation, rescheduling, completion, non-completion of fieldwork initiated through messages 017, 030, 252 and 260) v Message 131 will not be used to acknowledge acceptance of requests v Suppliers have indicated this has little value v Reason, observation, work type and other codes described in MCR 0171 will be reviewed and additional codes relevant to NIE business practice added where appropriate 30 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 131 Fieldwork Status Code 31 Private and Confidential Harmonisation Working Group Message 131 Fieldwork Status Code 31 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 131 Usage Matrix Table describes where each message 131 type Harmonisation Working Group Message 131 Usage Matrix Table describes where each message 131 type is issued Status Code S and responses to 252 applies in NI only 017/C 1 – 106 D/E, 306, 307, 700, 701 issues instead 030/C 1 – Issues for M 02/M 03 special and major meter tests only Will also issue for K 03 (keypad) in NI RP/260/C 1 – Issues as result of initial meter assessment and tests 260/R, S, X, C 2 – No circumstance envisaged for use in NI RP/311 – Revenue protection 131 s apply to ESB only 32 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 131 33 Private and Confidential Harmonisation Working Group Message 131 33 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message 131 – Process Differences v Status ‘S’ applies in NI Harmonisation Working Group Message 131 – Process Differences v Status ‘S’ applies in NI only v A supplier can arrange a new appointment through the on-line booking system v To be used where non-completion was due to customer fault (missed appointment, site not ready) v Duplicate Request v NIE will generally reject the request rather than issue 131 X v NIE propose to also use 131 message for special read request 252 34 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Clarifications from HWG 2 v Comments received on: v. Message header Harmonisation Working Group Clarifications from HWG 2 v Comments received on: v. Message header / alternative supplier ID v. MPRN Web Site v. Co. S Estimates v. Required Dates and Cooling Off Period v. Objection and Cancellation v. New Connection v. De-registrations v……and a range of miscellaneous items 35 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Message Header v Alternative Supplier has been removed from the Message Harmonisation Working Group Message Header v Alternative Supplier has been removed from the Message Header because NIE will no longer create messages on behalf of Suppliers v. This was a feature of the interim implementation in NI v It was not intended that a Supplier is prevented from creating messages on behalf of other Suppliers (e. g. such as a retailer) v We will refer this issue to the ESB and NIE technical messaging workstreams to determine how this requirement can be achieved v within a harmonised message content v. . and ideally from a single messaging client 36 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group MPRN Web Site Clarifications v NIE proposals for downloads are: 1. Harmonisation Working Group MPRN Web Site Clarifications v NIE proposals for downloads are: 1. Single MPRN download of data returned by MPRN search 2. Subject to NIAUR agreement: Bulk MPRN download, containing data for all non-domestic meter points v Data equivalent to that obtainable through single searches v Download files may be split (e. g. interval / non-interval) v Domestic bulk downloads are being considered in Ro. I under discussion request 172 v NIAUR are requested to provide guidance and direction on the provision of sensitive customer data in Northern Ireland v This may include customer opt-in/opt-out arrangements v Load profile, meter and timeslot data will be available in both Ro. I and NI v This should be sufficient to allow tariffs to be set by Suppliers v Suppliers request visibility of messages sent/received by NIE v This is not the same as messages received/sent by Supplier v NIE technical work-streams to review this requirement 37 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Co. S Estimates v Two suppliers have supported the use of Harmonisation Working Group Co. S Estimates v Two suppliers have supported the use of estimates to complete a Co. S where a valid actual read is unavailable v NIE and one supplier have raised concerns due to the risk of increased levels of Co. S reading disputes and billing reversals v. Disputes to be handled through market message 208 & associated Co. P v ESB will provide data on current numbers of Co. S estimates and disputes v Where there is no reading in the last 12 months: v. Both NIE and ESB require a reading or, where possible, an access arrangement to obtain a special reading v. Where access to the meter is provided, the reading is non-chargeable v. If access is impossible (hard to read meter) an estimate may be allowable v Discussion is required to achieve a consensus on: v. Whether the use of estimates should be extended to NI market v. If so, what the maximum time from a previous actual read to a Co. S estimate should be (e. g. 3 months, 6 months, 12 months) 38 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Cooling Off Period Clarifications v General support for retrospective Co. S Harmonisation Working Group Cooling Off Period Clarifications v General support for retrospective Co. S after cooling off period v General consensus from Suppliers and NIE that: v. Reading and required date provided on N 010 v. Required date interpreted as reading date • Must be set between current date (D) and D-3 inclusive v. Suppliers can provide a subsequent N 210 read if they wish • Instead of an N 010 read or as replacement to N 010 read v. Scheduled read received prior to end of Co. P, if valid, will take priority over any N 010 or N 210 read v. Co. S becomes effective the day after the date of whichever reading is used v. Co. S completion, DUo. S billing and messaging (310/320/105) will take place at end of Co. P provided there has been no cancellation v Aggregation for settlement cannot be suspended during Co. P v. At D+4 to old supplier until Co. S completion v. Re-aggregation at M+4 to new Supplier from Co. S effective date v. Co. S effective date is not available in aggregation audit files 39 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Co. S Required Date Clarifications v NIE proposal on harmonising registration Harmonisation Working Group Co. S Required Date Clarifications v NIE proposal on harmonising registration required date with ESB are: Interval meters v Required data mandatory between D+3/D+40 • ESB allow between D+5/D+40 v. Co. S effective will be required date (unless cancelled) Non Interval Meters v. Reading not provided/allowed–optional for non-interval meters • For fieldwork; date will be determined by appointment date in NI • Fieldwork lead times continue to vary between NIE and ESB • Otherwise determined by scheduled / supplier provided read date v. Reading provided on 010 - required date must be between current date (D) and D-3 inclusive v. Co. S effective date will be the day after the read date (unless cancelled) 40 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Objection and Cancellation v Objections v. Suppliers have requested that harmonisation Harmonisation Working Group Objection and Cancellation v Objections v. Suppliers have requested that harmonisation decisions are deferred until completion of CER consultation v Cancellations v. NIE clarify that automated cancellation time-out rules will be harmonised with the current ESB arrangement v. Rules subject to decisions on EU Third Package v. NIE propose to continue to cancel a registration where it is clear that fieldwork cannot be completed • ESB request the Supplier to cancel in this circumstance 41 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group New Connection v NIE clarify that: v. The enduring solution documented Harmonisation Working Group New Connection v NIE clarify that: v. The enduring solution documented in MP NI 101 v 4. 1 that there would be no energisation without an accepted registration from a Supplier v. No further change is proposed v. NIE would not propose to energise new connections on a weekend or public holiday and therefore Suppliers would not be expected to submit registrations on these days v. No circumstances are envisaged where an “emergency” energisation would be required v ESB clarify that: v. Requests for similar arrangements in Ro. I should be progressed through an IGG discussion request 42 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group De-Registration Proposals v The incentives for de-registration differ in Ro. I Harmonisation Working Group De-Registration Proposals v The incentives for de-registration differ in Ro. I and NI due to differences in DUo. S charging for de-energised sites v. DUo. S charges are stopped in NI on de-energisation v. Changes to DUo. S charging arrangements for de-energised sites are not envisaged in either NI or Ro. I v. Where NIE is unable to de-energise following supplier request it is proposed that DUo. S charges will be stopped provided that the Supplier accepts responsibility for transaction charges and appropriate additional charges (e. g. such as required to gain access) v NIE does not propose to change current arrangements for deregistration, MPRN termination and/or service removal v. These are driven by customer request or as a result of NIE fieldwork and observation v NIE consequently proposes: v. The current arrangements will remain in place v. The above arrangement on failure to de-energise are agreed v. Message 021 (Supplier de-registration) is not introduced in NI 43 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Miscellaneous Clarifications v MPRN format is the same in NI and Harmonisation Working Group Miscellaneous Clarifications v MPRN format is the same in NI and Ro. I v. ESB and NIE will investigate possible differences in the check digit algorithm and report back at a later HWG v Change of usage v. Field becomes optional on 010 registration request v. Field not used by ESB v. NIE will assume no change of usage type if omitted; unless • If a change of meter configuration is requested that is only permitted under a different usage type then NIE will generally assume that a change of usage type is required • NIE will manually review and check certain types of change – e. g. change from non-domestic to keypad might be queried; change from domestic credit to keypad would not be queried 44 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Miscellaneous Clarifications v Medical Equipment Data v. NIE propose to retain Harmonisation Working Group Miscellaneous Clarifications v Medical Equipment Data v. NIE propose to retain details of specific medical equipment v. NIE conduct an annual review of customers with such equipment v. NIE also monitor removal of medical equipment v. No prioritisation exists between different types of equipment v. There around 3, 000 such customers in NI v. Around 300 customers are estimated have multiple equipment types • Requirement for subsequent message 013 should be rare 45 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Any Other Business 46 Private and Confidential Harmonisation Working Group Any Other Business 46 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Comments on Todays Proposals v To be forwarded to v. RMDS@esb. Harmonisation Working Group Comments on Todays Proposals v To be forwarded to v. RMDS@esb. ie v. Ann. ferguson@nie. co. uk v. Paul. p. merkens@uk. ibm. com v By Friday November 6 th 2009 47 Private and Confidential

Harmonisation Working Group Next Meetings v Wednesday November 11 th, 12 am to 4 Harmonisation Working Group Next Meetings v Wednesday November 11 th, 12 am to 4 pm v. At NIAUR offices, Queen Street, Belfast v. Clarification of Comments on Fieldwork v. Proposal Agreement on Registration v Monday November 16 th, 11 am to 3 pm v. At NIAUR offices, Queen Street, Belfast v. Proposal Agreement on Fieldwork v. Presentation of Customer Data and MP Characteristics 48 Private and Confidential