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Harkin Grant - Iowa Demonstration Construction Grant Program 2010 -11 Funded under Catalog of Harkin Grant - Iowa Demonstration Construction Grant Program 2010 -11 Funded under Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number 84. 215 K n n ICN Session Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 10: 00 -Noon Gary Schwartz, Facilities Consultant, Iowa Department of Education Review of the application process and program

Grant Funding $7, 287, 000 in federal funds this year – 2010 Eleven years Grant Funding $7, 287, 000 in federal funds this year – 2010 Eleven years of funding: 1998 $ 8, 000 1999 $ 10, 000 2000 $ 9, 249, 813 2001 $ 9, 000 2002 $ 50, 000 2003 $ 6, 954, 499 2004 $ 6, 958, 699 2005 $ 14, 880, 000 2008 $ 4, 694, 034 2009 $ 5, 471, 000 2010 $ 7, 287, 000 Total $132, 495, 045

Harkin Grant – Iowa Demonstration Construction Grant Program (IDCGP) 2010 -11 n Two grants Harkin Grant – Iowa Demonstration Construction Grant Program (IDCGP) 2010 -11 n Two grants available: Fire Safety and Construction. n Applying for one grant does not prevent the district from applying for the other type of grant under the IDCGP. n Funding sources for both grants: 1. 2010 -11 – New Grant Funds (grant period October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2013) for projects to be completed in the three-year grant period. 2. Carry-Over Grant Funds for fire safety (grant period October 1, 2010 through August 30, 2011 and October 1, 2010 through August 30, 2012) for projects that can be completed in less than two years. Carry-over funds depend on amount of funds reverted back to the grant.

Grant Applications Available on Iowa Department of Education website http: //www. iowa. gov/educate/: n Grant Applications Available on Iowa Department of Education website http: //www. iowa. gov/educate/: n § Under PK-12 Education, “School Facilities” then “Funding”

Purpose n n These funds are discretionary grants for fire safety repairs, and for Purpose n n These funds are discretionary grants for fire safety repairs, and for the new construction, repairing, improving, modernizing or remodeling a schoolhouse or acquiring an existing building and converting it for use as a schoolhouse. These funds are for public school districts only.

Size Categories Size Number Districts Small Percent Districts Number of Students Percent Students 280 Size Categories Size Number Districts Small Percent Districts Number of Students Percent Students 280 77% 157, 969 33% 67 19% 153, 823 33% 14 4% 162, 434 34% 361 100% 477, 226 100% 0 – 1, 299 Medium 1, 300 – 5, 399 Large 5, 400+ All Districts

Fire Safety Grants – 35% of the funds n n $2, 473, 935 allocated Fire Safety Grants – 35% of the funds n n $2, 473, 935 allocated for fire safety (no local match required) Funds must be used for new activities that address fire safety issues of school districts. New activity means a project that the board takes action to approve the fire safety project on or after October 1, 2010. n n n Must have received an order/citation within the past three years from the State Fire Marshal or local fire department officials acting in the capacity of the State Fire Marshal. A district may apply for a grant to correct a fire safety deficiency not cited by the fire marshal, which the district thinks is a significant hazard. However, the district must consult with the state fire official and include a letter indicating the official agrees that there is a significant hazard. Grant Categories: District Category Enrollment Max. Award Total Funds Small Medium Large $25, 000 $100, 000 $150, 000 $824, 645 0 -1, 299 1, 300 -5, 399 5, 400+

Construction Grants – 65% of funds n n n $4, 594, 455 allocated for Construction Grants – 65% of funds n n n $4, 594, 455 allocated for construction (local match required at 75%). Funds must be used for new activities. New activity means a project that the board takes action to approve advertising for bids on or after October 1, 2010. Districts are eligible for a grant up to $500, 000. Projects must be for new construction, repairing, improving, modernizing or remodeling a schoolhouse, to create or expand space in existing structures, or to acquire and/or convert an existing building for use as a schoolhouse. Outdoor recreation, playgrounds, athletic complexes, gymnasium additions, or stadiums are not eligible. Priority shall be given to applicants with projects that involve green building techniques for energy efficiency, provide space for such programs as reducing class size, establishing preschool programs, establishing before and after school programs, engaging in community integrated construction projects, modernizing, attending to health repairs, and updating school safety/security in conjunction with the construction project.

Construction Grants n Grant Categories: District Category Small Medium Large n n (continued) Enrollment Construction Grants n Grant Categories: District Category Small Medium Large n n (continued) Enrollment 0 -1, 299 1, 300 -5, 399 5, 400+ Max. Award $500, 000 Total Funds $1, 531, 485 Districts must provide a local match (75%) from: Issuance of bonds Local option / statewide sales, services & use tax Physical plant and equipment levy (PPEL) Donations or other money locally obtained excluding other state or federal moneys Districts have until December 15, 2011, to meet the match requirement if local match has not been obtained at the time of applying for grant funds. Under Iowa Code 39. 2 Special Elections, the last opportunity for a bond election is September 13, 2011. For school districts with a certified enrollment of fewer than 250 students in the entire district or certified enrollment of fewer than 100 high school students, an approved certificate of need from the Iowa Department of Education is required for new construction (Iowa Code 423 E & 423 F). Applying for this grant does not prevent the district from applying for the fire safety portion of the Harkin Grant (Iowa Demonstration Construction Grant Program).

Important Information for both Fire Safety and Construction Grants n n n School board Important Information for both Fire Safety and Construction Grants n n n School board minutes (highlight board action) need to be attached to the application indicating initiation of project and authorization of grant application in Appendix A. Districts must sign the Assurances and Certification form that is the official notification that the district will abide by all federal assurances. Minority Impact Statement (MIS) must be attached to application to be eligible for grant funding (Iowa Code 8. 11).

Assurances important for grant applicants: DAVIS-BACON ACT: Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions Assurances important for grant applicants: DAVIS-BACON ACT: Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act regarding labor standards for federally assisted construction projects. Advertised specifications for every contract in excess of $2, 000 for construction, alteration, and/or repair, including painting and decorating, of public buildings or public works which requires or involves the employment of mechanics and/or laborers shall contain a provision stating the minimum wages to be paid shall be based upon the wages that will be determined by the Secretary of Labor to be prevailing for contract work in the city, town, village, or other civil subdivision of the State in which the work is to be performed. § Information can be obtained at the department’s web page: http: //www. iowa. gov/educate/content/view/95/324/. § Information about Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations: http: //www. access. gpo. gov/davisbacon/ia. html. §

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 n n n Section Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 n n n Section 106 applies to school buildings over 50 years old. SHPO means State Historical Preservation Office. Need to submit the form: “Requesting SHPO Comments on a Department of Education Project. ” SHPO comment form may be found on this website: http: //www. iowahistory. org/historic-preservation/review-andcompliance/doe-review-process/index. html Submit unsigned SHPO form with accompanying information to, Gary Schwartz, Facilities Consultant, at Iowa Department of Education. The SHPO form will be reviewed, signed, and forwarded to Barbara Mitchell, SHPO Compliance and Review Coordinator.

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (continued) n Questions or Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (continued) n Questions or comments regarding SHPO documents should be directed to: Barbara A. Mitchell, Architectural Historian State Historical Society of Iowa 515. 281. 4013 Barbara. Mitchell@iowa. gov

Suspension and Debarment of Contractors n n Obtain certification from contractors that the contractor Suspension and Debarment of Contractors n n Obtain certification from contractors that the contractor and/or its principal officials are not suspended or debarred as required by EO 12549 and EO 12689. Website for Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) for list of excluded parties: https: //www. epls. gov/. Contractors should submit in writing to school district that they are not suspended or debarred. School district will keep on file for subrecipient monitoring procedures during grant site visits. Districts should receive certification from the contractors with contracts over $100, 000 that they were not suspended or debarred from participating in contracts financed by Federal funds.

Other Reminders for School Districts Federally Funded Projects n n n with Have contractors Other Reminders for School Districts Federally Funded Projects n n n with Have contractors complete “assurances and certification” statement as appropriate. Recommend for contractors to sign the “assurances and certification” section of the grant application to be kept on file with the school district. This precaution will make contractors aware of the federal requirements of the grant. Recommend including building improvements in fixed asset listing and identify them as being financed with federal funds. Recommend to develop written procedures for management to monitor award compliance and reporting.

Important Calendar Dates Application due to DE Awards Local Match Req’d Interim Report Due Important Calendar Dates Application due to DE Awards Local Match Req’d Interim Report Due Final Report Due Project Completion Fire Safety December 17, 2010 March 2011 Construction December 17, 2010 March 2011 December 15, 2011 Annually Sept. 15 45 days after completion September 30, 2013 (2010 -11 Grant) (Carry-Over Funds) August 30, 2011 August 30, 2012 Annually March 15 45 days after completion September 30, 2013 (2010 -11 Grant) Interim/Final Project Report available on DE website: http: //www. iowa. gov/educate/index. php? option=com_content&task=view&id =97&Itemid=1345#Reporting. Form

Declining Grant Awards n n School districts that decline grant awards must notify the Declining Grant Awards n n School districts that decline grant awards must notify the Iowa Department of Education within three months after notification of the award. Reverted grant funds will be used to fund partially-funded awarded Fire Safety Grants or award to unfunded Fire Safety Grant applications next in rank order of points within the grant period.

Questions About the Grant You may contact us at: Gary Schwartz Phone: FAX: Email: Questions About the Grant You may contact us at: Gary Schwartz Phone: FAX: Email: (515) 281 -4743 (515) 281 -8777 gary. schwartz@iowa. gov Janice Evans Phone: FAX: Email: (515) 281 -4740 (515) 281 -8777 janice. evans@iowa. gov