- Количество слайдов: 31
Hardware Testing and Integration Services FASTEK Proprietary and Confidential
Fastek Adopts NI Platform n Fastek selected NI platforms for our use in Test & Integration in 2005 n n Automated, Well Documented, Reusable Test Software n n Accelerated Time to Market Scalable Solutions Fastek became NI Alliance Partner in 2006 n Consultant and Reseller of NI Hardware n Test. Stand & Lab. VIEW Software Development and Testing n Testing Services Proprietary and Confidential 2
Benefits of NI Products n Applicable over Entire Development Life Cycle n NI Graphical System Design and Solution Software is Reusable and Expandable: n Research / Modeling n Requirements Capture / Traceability n Design / Simulation n Functional / Qualification Testing n Verification / Validation n Manufacturing n Life Testing Proprietary and Confidential 3
Benefits of NI Products n Applicable over Entire Development Life Cycle n Availability of Various Hardware Platforms Results in Optimal System Designs Proprietary and Confidential 4
Lab. VIEW Design – Develop - Deploy Sensors Microprocessors FPGAs on NI RIO Handheld Devices Vision Systems Embedded Controllers Programmable Automation Controllers PXI Industrial Controllers Portable PCs Desktop PCs Proprietary and Confidential 5
Benefits of NI Products n Applicable over Entire Development Life Cycle n Availability of Various Hardware Platforms Results in Optimal System Designs n Inherent parallelization to exploit multi-core and multiprocessor systems Proprietary and Confidential 6
Lab. VIEW is a Parallel Processing Environment n Lab. VIEW is a multithreaded application n Takes full advantage of multi-core or hyperthreaded processors n n simultaneously executes multiple independent threads to take advantage of multitasking environments such as Windows XP. Lab. VIEW creates independent threads for independent branches in Lab. VIEW code Proprietary and Confidential 7
Benefits of NI Products n Applicable over Entire Development Life Cycle n Availability of Various Hardware Platforms Results in Optimal System Designs n Inherent parallelization to exploit multi-core and multiprocessor systems n Multiple Software Suites Proprietary and Confidential 8
NI Multiple Software Suites n Lab. VIEW Real-time n Lab. VIEW FPGA Lab. VIEW Data logging and Supervisory Control Lab. VIEW Simulator, Mathtools and others Lab. VIEW Embedded (any 32 bit Microprocessor) n n Test. Stand n n Complete off-the-shelf test executive software Intermix, Sequencer, Report Generator, Script Compiler, etc. n Lab. Windows CVI (for C, C+, ANSI Applications) n Measurement Studio (Libraries for. Net, C++ and C#) Proprietary and Confidential 9
Benefits of NI Products n Applicable over Entire Development Life Cycle n Availability of Various Hardware Platforms Results in Optimal System Designs n Inherent parallelization to exploit multi-core and multiprocessor systems n Multiple Software Suites n Modular Hardware Proprietary and Confidential 10
NI Hardware Platform Options Proprietary and Confidential 11
What can be Tested/Simulated with NI Lab. VIEW n Temperature, Voltage, Torque, Flow n Resistance, Strain, Current n Pulse, Vibration, Frequency n Period, Sound, Light n Visual Inspection n Digital Signals Proprietary and Confidential 12
Benefits of NI Products n Applicable over Entire Development Life Cycle n Availability of Various Hardware Platforms Results in Optimal System Designs n Inherent parallelization to exploit multi-core and multiprocessor systems n Multiple Software Suites n Modular Hardware n Multi-Domain Applications Proprietary and Confidential 13
NI Multi-Domain Applications n Aerospace, Military & Government n Automotive n Communications n Consumer Electronics n Industrial Measurement & Control n Life Sciences n Semiconductor Proprietary and Confidential 14
Benefits of NI Products n Applicable over Entire Development Life Cycle n Availability of Various Hardware Platforms Results in Optimal System Designs n Inherent parallelization to exploit multi-core and multiprocessor systems n Multiple Software Suites n Modular Hardware n Multi-Domain Applications n Math, Analysis, Control and Signal Processing Libraries Proprietary and Confidential 15
NI Libraries n Mathematics (including Math. Workstm and Simulinktm) n Signal Processing n Modulation n Spectral Measurements n Digital Filter Designs n Statistical Analysis n Sound & Vibration Proprietary and Confidential 16
Benefits of NI Products n Applicable over Entire Development Life Cycle n Availability of Various Hardware Platforms Results in Optimal System Designs n Inherent parallelization to exploit multi-core and multiprocessor systems n Multiple Software Suites n Modular Hardware n Multi-Domain Applications n Math, Analysis, Control and Signal Processing Libraries n Report and Data Generation Proprietary and Confidential 17
NI Report Generation Capability n Interactive, Reusable, Multi-Page Report Templates or Easily Customized Reports n Integration of 2 D, 3 D Graphs, Table, Graphics, Texts and Variables n Export Capability as Graphic, XML, HTML or PDF documents n Test. Stand – Sequencing, Data Sheets and Reports n DIAdem – Analysis and Visualization = Data to Information and Insight! Proprietary and Confidential 18
Benefits of NI Products n Excellent Customer Support n Fastek is your LOCAL Resource n NI Website has EVERYTHING n 5 x 12 Telephone Support n Web, E-Email Access to Industry Experts Proprietary and Confidential 19
Fastek’s NI Expertise n Fastek has experienced NI development and integration staff certified in: n Test. Stand Development n Lab. VIEW Development n NI Professional Instructor n PCB Design Proprietary and Confidential 20
Areas of Fastek Expertise n Hardware Platforms n n n n PXI PCI / PCI-Express SCXI Compact RIO/FPGA Compact DAQ USB PLCs and Traditional Test Equipment (GPIB, Serial) Proprietary and Confidential 21 Software Platforms n Lab. VIEW Real- time n Lab. VIEW FPGA n Test. Stand n Lab. Windows/CVI n Measurement Studio
Areas of Fastek Expertise n Application Domains n Building Automation n Industrial Measurement & Control n Security Systems n Avionics n Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) n Transportation Electronics n Visual Inspection Systems n RF Test and Measurement Proprietary and Confidential 22
Areas of Fastek Expertise n Communication Protocols n CAN/Device Net n BACnet n LONWorks n ARINC 429/629/708 n AFDX n 1553 n Mod. BUS n Profibus / Profinet n Low-Voltage Differential Signals (LVDS) n I 2 C n SPI etc. Proprietary and Confidential 23
Fastek’s Experience n Flow Meter Development n Industrial measurement & control domain n Product development phases n n Functional testing n Production testing n n Design/simulation Qualification testing Signal interfaces (synchronized) n n BACnet, Mod. BUS, Analog, Pulse, RTDs, Relays and USB Platform n Compact RIO n Lab. VIEW n Proprietary and Confidential Real-time and FPGA 24
Fastek Experience n Power Controller n n Industrial measurement & control domain Product development phases n n Signal Interfaces n n 3 -Phase Simulation Software functional testing Production testing Voltage & current measurements, and relays Platform n n n PXI Lab. VIEW Test. Stand Proprietary and Confidential 25
Fastek Experience n Transmission Control n Automotive domain n Product development n n n Unit testing Performance testing Signal interfaces n n CAN bus, analog signals Platform n PC using NI PCI CAN Board n Lab. VIEW Proprietary and Confidential 26
Fastek Experience n Automotive Smart Switches n Transportation Domain n Product Development Phase n n n Life Test Environmental Test Signal Processing n n CAN bus, Analog and Discrete Signals Platform n SCXI Chassis n Lab. VIEW Proprietary and Confidential 27
Fastek Expereince n Avionics Software Verification n Fastek was first to apply and qualify Test. Stand in avionics DO-178 B software verification including Level A software verification n Reduced test time n Repeatability n Statistical data collection Proprietary and Confidential 28
What can Fastek do for YOU n Avionics software verification with Test. Stand, including qualification planning, and procedures n System Engineering, Test System Specification and Test Plan Development to Provide Solutions that can Replace or Augment your Existing Hardware n Software Development in Test. Stand, Lab. VIEW, Measurement Studio, NIVision, Lab. Windows and Other Platforms n Develop Turn-key Test Solutions including System Setup including Fabrication of Custom Cables, Interfaces and Special Test Equipment n Refactor existing software Programs n n For Improved Performance and Maintainability To exploit multicore processors Proprietary and Confidential 29
Your Partners in Success… National Instruments and Fastek provide: n Today’s solutions and tomorrow’s growth with reusable software platforms, expandable open architecture hardware, continuous product development and support. n A Structured and Disciplined Approach to Automated Software Development Testing and Documentation Proprietary and Confidential 30
Fastek International Ltd. Contacts Corporate Headquarters 1425 60 th St NE, Suite 100 Cedar Rapids Iowa 52402 Telephone Fax 319 -294 -6664 319 -294 -6672 Milwaukee Office Telephone 262 -754 -9197 Toronto Office Telephone 905 -707 -5409 Omaha Office Telephone 402 -408 -2966 www. ni. com Proprietary and Confidential www. fastekintl. com 31