- Количество слайдов: 11
History of Halloween So, before we talk about Halloween, you must know where he came from, which was a prerequisite to the emergence of such a holiday, and that he is a symbol. Halloween history began more than two thousand years ago. Territory of present-day England, Ireland, parts of Europe inhabited pagan Celtic tribes who worshiped many gods. For the Celts divided the year into two parts - light and dark. The bright part of the year begins in late March - early April, the dark part began in late October - early November (month called samonios). These shifts parts of the year to celebrate holidays. The transition from summer to winter, the onset of the new year and the end of the harvest Celts celebrated 31 October oktyabrya. V last night opened the gates between the worlds of the living and the dead, between the past and the future. During this time, one could see the souls of the dead, to ask for help, to think about his life. On the night of Nov. believed by the Celts, the supreme god of the sun is captured by the ruler of the dead Samoniosu the entire winter. Although he was not the devil Samonios or absolute evil for the Celts, it was neither good nor evil. Death, according to the tradition of the Celts, it's a better life without the hassles and worries. The first three nights samoniosa Celts celebrated the new year. They wore masks, performed rituals addressed to the souls of the dead, carried out divination, sought to know the future. To appease the spirits - exhibited offerings, and extinguished the light in the houses, not to bring into the house of evil spirits. Morning Celts again lit a fire in the house, but only an arranged lit priests, the Druids of the sacred fire, the coals from which people carry in their homes, to the whole winter in the house had a hearth and charm.
How to celebrate Halloween today Nowadays, many quite misunderstood, and some did not know the meaning of certain events. Halloween - a holiday, history and traditions which originated many centuries ago, its origins can be found even in the ancient religion of the Druids. As a result, many new features and innovations, it is now primarily a day when honor the dead and appease evil spirits. In our times, this day too commercialized, because it will be very interesting to learn about the traditions of Halloween celebrations in different countries. This will help us colorful vintage postcards.
On this day people do make-up and dress up аs witches; ghost; devils; cats or bats.
People believe that on this day the sould of the evil spirits woke
by Myra Cohen Livingston Green cats eyes In midnight gloom Fly with the witch On her ragged broom Over dark hills where Bonfires loom. (by Myra Cohen Livingston)
THERE A LOT OF POEMS ABOUT Jack-o-lantern, Jack-olantern, you are such a funny sight As you sit there by the window, looking out at the night You were once a sturdy pumpkin growing on a vine Now you are a Jack-olantern, see the light shine
Old Roger is dead and he lies in his grave Lies in his grave, lies in his grave Old Roger is dead and he lies in his grave ( Heigh ho, lies in his grave They planted an Apple tree over his hand The apples grew ripe and they all tumbled down There came and old woman a-picking them up Old Roger got up and he gave her a knock This made the old woman go hippity-hop
10 MOST FRIGHTENING HORROR FILMS 1. HOUSE OF WAX 2. Friday the 13 th 3. darkness falls 4. sleepy hollow 5. paranormal experience 4
6. risen from hell 7. cry 8. bell 9. seekers of graves 10. the living dead