june 14thnew.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 101
Hand to hand self-defense techniques in case of alien invasion
Athens marathon in Greece 42 km
Randy and Debra Warren
During a practical exercise at a military police base, the instructor was giving the class instruction in unarmed self- defense.
After he presented a number of different situations in which they might find themselves, he asked a student, "What steps would you take if someone were coming at you with a large, sharp knife? "
The student replied, "BIG ones. "
To raise money for the karate school a monk was selling pizza.
A man walked in and said, "Make me one with everything. "
So the monk said that would be $15. The man handed the monk a twenty dollar bill.
After a minute he asked where his change was, to which the monk replied,
"Change must come from within. "
Flower, flower
A beautiful flower by the gates sits for hours And for day, she has a dream of being plucked to trouble, far away
She's almost certain he won't come She really wants to be the one, that he puts into the hands of his one and only love
But little does she know, it's almost time for her to go Her dream will soon come true, she's about to belong to you
Flower, flower, don't you worry Flower, flower, there's no hurry Flower, flower don't you cry Your day will come before you die
Your day will come before you die
новорожденный newborn (n) ожидать expect (v) продолжительность жизни life expectancy (phr)
толчёк poke (n) продовольственный grocery (adj) пандемия pandemic (n)
смелый bold (adj) весить weigh (v) предсказание prediction (n)
фатальный fatal (adj) в соответствии according to (phr) большая волна surge (n)
менее fewer (adj) весь entire (n) полиомиелит, детский паралич polio (n)
ноль nil (n) вероятность odds (n) атомное оружие nuclear weapon (phr)
погода weather (n) в среднем average (n) круто опускаться plunge to (v)
единственный single (adj) бесплатный free of charge (phr) поразительный astounding (adj)
министерство энергетики Department of energy (phr) предлагать offer (v) уменшиться decline (v)
достаточно enough (adv) ещё as recently as (adv) устройство device (n)
sick as a dog очень больной
be a pain in the neck (informal) быть невыносимым
under the weather больной, плохо себя чувствующий
Hand to hand self-defense techniques in case of alien invasion
Whatever slide
Wrist Grab release. Rotate your wrist so that the thumb-side of your forearm is at the weak point in his grip, and pull your arm out of his hand in that direction. If he's much stronger than you, use your free hand to grab your fist and put more power behind your pull.
Wrist Grab release. Rotate your wrist so that the thumb-side of your forearm is at the weak point in his grip, and pull your arm out of his hand in that direction. If he's much stronger than you, use your free hand to grab your fist and put more power behind your pull. fist (n) кулак rotate (v) вращать forearm (n) предплечье
Stomp Kick. To get the full force of your leg behind the kick, use the heel of your foot to make contact with the assailant. In a stomp kick, you bring your knee up and drive your heel down as hard as possible.
Stomp Kick. To get the full force of your leg behind the kick, use the heel of your foot to make contact with the assailant. In a stomp kick, you bring your knee up and drive your heel down as hard as possible. force (n) сила heel (n) пятка assailant (n) противник
Waste Grab Release. Go for the assailant's sensitive areas. If you're grabbed around the waist, stomp hard on his instep and follow it with a kick to the groin, bringing your foot up behind you between his legs so your heel makes contact with his tender bits.
Waste Grab Release. Go for the assailant's sensitive areas. If you're grabbed around the waist, stomp hard on his instep and follow it with a kick to the groin, bringing your foot up behind you between his legs so your heel makes contact with his tender bits. tender (adj) уязвимый sensitive (adj) чувствительный stomp (v) топать
Palm strike to the chin. Strike your assailant under the chin with your palm. Put as much power behind the hit as you can, use your legs and hips to provide strength, and be sure to follow through. Spread your legs about shoulder width apart to give yourself a stable base and crouch down a bit as a sort of windup.
Palm strike to the chin. Strike your assailant under the chin with your palm. Put as much power behind the hit as you can, use your legs and hips to provide strength, and be sure to follow through. Spread your legs about shoulder width apart to give yourself a stable base and crouch down a bit as a sort of windup. chin (n) подбородок strike (v) наносить удар crouch (v) присесть
Front Choke Hold Release. When someone comes at you from the front and grabs you by the neck, don’t panic. Stay as calm as possible. His throat is probably the best place to hit first, whether it's with a palm strike, a punch, or two fingers jabbed into his trachea at the base of his throat.
Front Choke Hold Release. When someone comes at you from the front and grabs you by the neck, don’t panic. Stay as calm as possible. His throat is probably the best place to hit first, whether it's with a palm strike, a punch, or two fingers jabbed into his trachea at the base of his throat. base (n) основание calm (adj) спокойный jab (v) вонзать
Back Choke Hold Release. With the attacker behind you, reposition your body and move your left leg and hip behind his right leg. Then using your arm and elbow against his chest, push him backwards so that he falls over your leg onto the ground.
Back Choke Hold Release. With the attacker behind you, reposition your body and move your left leg and hip behind his right leg. Then using your arm and elbow against his chest, push him backwards so that he falls over your leg onto the ground. move (v) передвигать backwards (adv) назад reposition (v) перегруппировывать
Eye Gouge. Attacking the eyes is a great method to get someone to pull back and let go of you. They will instinctively reach for their eyes and your hands, which might give you room to kick and move away. Put your hands on the sides of his face and dig your thumbs into his eyes.
Eye Gouge. Attacking the eyes is a great method to get someone to pull back and let go of you. They will instinctively reach for their eyes and your hands, which might give you room to kick and move away. Put your hands on the sides of his face and dig your thumbs into his eyes. thumb (n) большой палец руки pull back (phr) оттянуть gouge (n) обман
Groin Kick The key to delivering a crippling groin kick is the element of surprise. Put your fists up like a boxer would and keep your gaze around the attacker's neck. Don't look where you're going to kick him, or you'll give him time to protect himself.
Groin Kick The key to delivering a crippling groin kick is the element of surprise. Put your fists up like a boxer would and keep your gaze around the attacker's neck. Don't look where you're going to kick him, or you'll give him time to protect himself. protect (v) защищать gaze (v) пристальный взгляд groin (n) пах
The Grab, Twist, and Pull. The steps are simple: grab the testicles, twist quickly (or squeeze tightly), and pull as hard as you can.
The Grab, Twist, and Pull. The steps are simple: grab the testicles, twist quickly (or squeeze tightly), and pull as hard as you can. twist (v) крутить grab (v) схватить squeeze (v) сжимать
Head-butt The head-butt can hurt you more than the other person if you do it wrong. It should probably be one of your last resorts of selfdefense. Try to hit sensitive parts of your attacker's face (nose, cheekbone, eye) with your much-less-sensitive forehead (near your hairline).
Head-butt The head-butt can hurt you more than the other person if you do it wrong. It should probably be one of your last resorts of self-defense. Try to hit sensitive parts of your attacker's face (nose, cheekbone, eye) with your much-less-sensitive forehead (near your hairline). hurt (v) причинять боль self-defence (phr) самозащита last resort (phr) крайнее средство
a fighting chance
a fighting chance шанс на победу в борьбе a small but real possibility that you might do or achieve something
an uphill battle
an uphill battle неравный бой if something you are trying to do is an uphill struggle, it is very difficult, often because other people are causing problems for you
fight a losing battle
fight a losing battle вести неравный бой (не иметь никаких шансов) to try hard to do something when there is no chance that you will succeed
fight fire with fire
fight fire with fire бить противника его же оружием (клином вышибает) Use against your opponent the same methods he or she is using against you.
pick a fight (with someone) and pick a quarrel (with someone)
pick a fight (with someone) and pick a quarrel (with someone) затевать драку to start a fight or argument with someone on purpose.
a cover-up, disguise, deception Front
Go postal
Go postal to perpetrate acts of premeditated violence
Hose to seriously injure or kill
Jack up
Jack up to break or ruin
Jump to beat someone up via a sudden surprise attack, usually as a group
Pearl of Wisdom
Bruce Lee
“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect. ”
“If you truly love life, don’t waste time; because time is what life is made of. ”
Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind. ”
10 Infamous Crimes Inspired By Fictional Works
Flower, flower
The sun was shining bright that day Leaves were falling when she lay She saw him coming and her heart stopped She began to pray
He took his time and did it right, One last flower caught his sight He placed her in the center oh the bouquet was so bright
She didn't think she had a chance Good thing he took one last glance And the flower got her wish It was all for just one kiss
Flower, flower, don't you worry Flower, flower, there's no hurry Flower, flower don't you cry Your day will come before you die.
Your day will come before you die