Скачать презентацию Halloween Halloween All Hallows Eve or All Скачать презентацию Halloween Halloween All Hallows Eve or All


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Halloween Halloween

Halloween. All Hallows Eve or All Saints Eve We celebrated Halloween on 31 st Halloween. All Hallows Eve or All Saints Eve We celebrated Halloween on 31 st of October with on 1 st of November. Ancient Celts are celebrated in this day Samhain – a festival of dead and harvest. All Hallows Day is changed a festival Samhain. All Hallows Day is Christianity festival in 8 year. People wearing in horrible costume and go to on a streets to scare harmful spirits. Samhain is translated « November »


Fortune - telling. Apple. Girls are out of ring apple and cast across shoulder. Fortune - telling. Apple. Girls are out of ring apple and cast across shoulder. Originally falling ring apple to show a first letter name of young man. Bloody Mary Girl is must in dark house walk up on staircase back forward and lead candle before mirror and take a good look at it, she see young man , but if she see skull - she is dead unmarried

Fortune – telling. v. Barmbrack is a bread, which people to put wooden chip, Fortune – telling. v. Barmbrack is a bread, which people to put wooden chip, pea, piece of material, coin and ring. If a girl get v wooden chip - harm in family v a pea – unmarried v coin - a rich v ring - married v piece of material – a poorness.

 Apple at syrup. Food Apple at syrup. Food

Food Candy floss of apple. Food Candy floss of apple.

Food • Toffee of apple • Originally was a tradition to get this sweets Food • Toffee of apple • Originally was a tradition to get this sweets children , but were a talk , what bad people to put there needles and pins. Which events were record, but not result about traumas.

Candy Corn and Candy Pumpking Candy Corn and Candy Pumpking

 In XVI tradition of Guising – to ask sweets at night on the In XVI tradition of Guising – to ask sweets at night on the 31 st of October on 1 st of November. Children and their parents wearing material costume and masks and ask sweets about their relation and small play pranks. Border on XIX – XX century – tradition wearing role’s costumes and wear Jack – of – lanten in exchange of fun. In XX century – a tradition to wear carnival costume. Costume

Symbols. Pumpkin – lamp - Celts tradition to do lamp, which help to found Symbols. Pumpkin – lamp - Celts tradition to do lamp, which help to found wind at Purgatory. «Jack of lanten» was born in 1837 from legend about Jack is cheat of Devil. In 1866 this term «Jack of lanten» is associated with festival of Halloween. Apple.

Symbols Scare – symbol of autumn. Symbols Scare – symbol of autumn.

Costume Trick or treat was born in a Middle Ages and associated with Christmas. Costume Trick or treat was born in a Middle Ages and associated with Christmas. In England Ireland poorness people originally went family – to – family to ask « spirits pastry» and promise to pray from they dead relative in All Saints Day. This term is recorded in 1934 and spread with 1939. Translate « trick or treat» - comic threat menace to bring a harm , if landlord not pack a presents. Trick or treat is translate «life or purse» in Russia or “ sweets or dirty trick “

Relationship with Church. + - Protesters are celebrate it in memory of Reformation Propaganda Relationship with Church. + - Protesters are celebrate it in memory of Reformation Propaganda of paganism. Some Evangelic church in Halloween is issue many booklets , which characterized sorrow of sinners in Hell and they are protest against celebrate this festival.

Hymn of Halloween Monster Mash – Bobby Pickett Hymn of Halloween Monster Mash – Bobby Pickett

Other hand of Halloween has negative side. In this day criminals in masked freedom Other hand of Halloween has negative side. In this day criminals in masked freedom go in house and commit bad things. And many people begin to do horrible things.

“Halloween’s Killer” Gerald Turner is tormented 9 year old Lisa Ann French in Medicon “Halloween’s Killer” Gerald Turner is tormented 9 year old Lisa Ann French in Medicon in 1973. Girl was precipiced, when she is obtain by request and was founded in forest by raped and killed.

Father is killer Timaty Mark O’Brian was killing by his father Ronald Clark state Father is killer Timaty Mark O’Brian was killing by his father Ronald Clark state Taxis in 1974 year. Ronald ‘s sun Timaty was assured on a big sum of money, Ronald toss up intoxicate sweets our children, when go with them , because he want to cover up talk, what crazy people put into sweets for children blades, needles and tablets. Ronald’s is sentence to death in 1975 year, but he is dead by dint of injection 9 year after time.