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Halloween Ha! Ha! Halloween! Made by Liza Sagaidak
Menu n n n n 1. Witches’ Ball! 2. Let’s go party 3. Ghost Stories 4. Trick or treat 5. Mr. Jack o’Lantern 6. Halloween Songs 7. Good bye
Hi! I am Wiggie – the W itch, a designer of Halloween Fashion House. Welcome to our show! Welcome to Halloween night!
Invitation card Where: in a haunted house When: at Halloween night History How: in a scary costume Costumes
The Halloween is one of the oldest holidays which people celebrate in many countries on the 31 st of October. Hundreds of years ago in Great Britain lived the Celts. The Celts worshipped nature and had The Story of Halloween The Celts celebrated New Year on many gods. November 1 st because it was the end of the season of the sun and the beginning of the season of darkness and cold. Story of Halloween On October 31 st they met in the hilltop, made fires, sang and danced around the fires. They wanted to scare evil forces. The November 1 st festival was called Samhain (pronounced “sow-en”) and lasted for three days. Many people were in costumes made from the skins and heads of their animals. This festival became the first Halloween.
is fun ! Today Halloween is the best holiday for children. Children in England America put on masks and fancy costumes in the evening on the 31 st of October, go to their neighbours’ houses and shout “trick-or-treat”! Most people give them a treat – candy or fruit. They decorate their houses and schools in traditional Halloween colour: orange and black. Do you know the most popular costumes for Halloween? See
My friends come to my Halloween party in fancy dresses. We have a parade of Halloween costumes. Look! We have vampires, ghosts, pirates, black cats, Batmen, Spidermen, witches, magicians… Guess, who can win? See
A winner 2008 Harry Porter!!!
Halloween traditions! My favourite game At Halloween we play Halloween games. Two children take part in this game. You must take apples from the bucket without your hands. After this you get a prize. The prize is sweet.
A Scary Story In the dark, dark wood there is a dark, dark house. In the dark, dark house there is a dark, dark room. In the dark, dark room there is a dark, dark cupboard. In the dark, dark cupboard there is a dark, dark shelf. In the dark, dark shelf there is a dark, dark box. In the dark, dark box there is a ghost.
Trick or treat, trick or treat. Give us something sweet to eat. The eentsy, weentsy spider Went up the water spout. Down came the rain And washed the spider out. Out came the sun And drive up all the rain. And the eentsy, weentsy spider Went up the spout again.
How to make Jack o’Lantern: 1. You must cut out top of pumpkin. Then you must clean pumpkin of seeds. 2. Then you must cut out a mouth, nose and eyes. 3. Then you must put a candle into a pumpkin. Jack o’Lantern is ready! Do you want a special present? See
Let’s have some fun! Make a special present to your friends! Pumpkin pumpkin round and fat. Turn into a Jack-o'Lantern Just like that!
Halloween Rap Ha-Ha-Ha Halloween, sing ha-ha Halloween It’s October, 31, the time of year to have some fun! Ha-Ha-Ha Halloween, sing ha-ha Halloween. I’m a vampire, you are a ghost It’s the time of year I love the most! Ha-Ha-Ha Halloween, sing Ha-Ha Halloween. Wear a witch’s hat, wear a white sheet, Knock on the door, play trick-or-treat! Ha-Ha-Ha Halloween, sing Ha-Ha Halloween! In late October the days are short and the nights are long It’s cold and dark. Halloween! It’s time of fear.
An old Lady I know an old lady who swallowed a fly. I don’t know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps, she’ll die. I know an old lady who swallowed a spider That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. I don’t know why she swallowed the fly. Perhaps, she’ll die. See you next Halloween!