H o w was your day, guys? What’s new?
W h a t time is it now? 7. 20 10. 15 3. 05 11. 40 9. 30 00. 00 1. 45 12. 55 2. 07 6. 32
Past Simple & Past Continuous What’s the difference?
Past Simple is used for past actions that happened at a specific time, which can be given by a time phrase (yesterday, last year, etc. ) or understood from the context.
Example: + Molly met her friends at the bus station. Kevin printed this photo last night. ? Did Molly meet her friends at the bus station? Did Kevin print this photo last night? • Molly didn’t meet her friends at the bus station. Kevin didn’t print this photo last night.
Past Continuous is used for actions and states that were unfinished at a certain time in the past. I / H e / She / It - was +Ving You / They / W e – were
Exam ples: • I was playing the piano at 10 pm yesterday. You were dancing at the club last Sunday night. ? W a s I paying the piano at 10 pm yesterday? W e r e you dancing at the club last Sunday night? • I wasn’t playing the piano at 10 pm yesterday. You weren’t dancing at the club last Sunday night.
!!! She was reading a book when I came into the room. They were standing at the door when we saw them. If you have a complex sentence that connects with “when” decide which action is longer!
Let’s practise!
1. A: W h a t (you, do) occurred? B: I (try) burnt out. 2. After I (find) immediately) (turn) it in. when the accident to change a light bulb that had the wallet full of money, I (go, to the police and 3. The doctor (say) that T o m (be) to go to work and that he (need) at home for a couple of days. too sick to stay
3. Sebastian (arrive) before 9: 00 PM, but she (study, at the library) examination in French. at Susan's house a little (be, not) there. She for her final 4. Sandy is in the living room watching television. A t this time yesterday, she (watch, also) television. That's all she ever does! 6. A: I (call) (be, not) B: I (work) you last night after dinner, but you there. Where were you? out at the fitness center.
7. W h e n I (walk) into the busy office, the secretary (talk) on the phone with a customer, several clerks (work, busily) at their desks, and two managers (discuss, quietly) methods to improve customer service. 8. I (watch) a mystery movie on T V when the electricity went out. N o w I am never going to find out how the movie ends. .
Let’s sing!