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Günther Steudle Head of Working Group Real Estate Cadastre (AK LK) Ministry of Rural Günther Steudle Head of Working Group Real Estate Cadastre (AK LK) Ministry of Rural Affairs and Customer Protection Baden-Württemberg ALKIS®Implementation in Germany PCC General Assembly 20 – 21 June 2013 in Dublin OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany Agenda 1. Frame conditions 2. Initial situation 3. Objectives, ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany Agenda 1. Frame conditions 2. Initial situation 3. Objectives, new cadastre standard, components 4. ALKIS® – status of implementation 5. Challenges and experiences in a mega-project - with the dimension and the complexity - with the participants and their roles - with the migration and its precursors 6. Benefit and future perspective 7. Summary Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - 16 Laender v In Germany ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - 16 Laender v In Germany official surveying and mapping is assigned to the 16 Laender v The laender have joined together to the Working Committee of the Surveying Authorities of the Laender of the Federal Republic of Germany (Ad. V) v The Ad. V (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Vermessungsverwaltungen der Länder) coordinates, harmonizes and creates uniformity Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - Plenum Ad. V President of ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - Plenum Ad. V President of Ad. V changes every 2 years Task Force PRM Secretary General is established in one of the laender Günther Steudle Working Groups (WG) § Real Estate Cadastre § Spatial Reference § Geo-Topography § Information and Communication Technology OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - Real Estate Cadastre - social ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - Real Estate Cadastre - social significance- v In Germany property is protected by German constitutional law v More than 50 % of the people in Germany live in their own homes v Land is often inherited over generations v Legal security is very important for property dealings Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - Real Estate Cadastre - main ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - Real Estate Cadastre - main function - In Germany the property system is based on two separate public registries. They are interlinked. E al e e tat C ad e str a ry d an L s t gis e R R Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - Real Estate Cadastre - main ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - Real Estate Cadastre - main function - v Official list of landed property according to Land Registry Code (§ 2 Abs. 2 Grundbuchordnung (GBO)) v Complete proof of all cadastral parcels on the location, size and land use v Securing the boundaries of cadastral parcels Together with the Land Register the Real Estate Cadastre ensures the property in Germany Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - Real Estate Cadastre - basic ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - frame conditions - Real Estate Cadastre - basic function Economic requirement Environmental protection Nature conservancy Development planning Real estate regulations Administration requirements Regional planning Real Estate Cadastre as essential part of GDI (= Infrastructure for Spatial Information) v The Real Estate Cadastre provides the geospatial reference data for applications of geospatial data Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - initial situation Automated Real Estate Register Automated Real ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - initial situation Automated Real Estate Register Automated Real Estate Map ALB ALK „Automatisiertes Liegenschaftsbuch“ Günther Steudle „Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte“ OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - initial situation Deficiencies of the process solutions ALB ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - initial situation Deficiencies of the process solutions ALB and ALK v the concepts of ALB and ALK are obsolete v large data redundancy in ALB and ALK v no consistently object structured data model v no uniform data structure v different data interfaces (EDBS, BGRUND, WLDGE, ASCII, …) v no standard scheme language v no concepts to describe metadata and data quality Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - objectives - ALB Migration ALKIS = Amtliches Liegenschaftskataster-Informationssystem ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - objectives - ALB Migration ALKIS = Amtliches Liegenschaftskataster-Informationssystem (Official Real Estate Cadastre Information System) Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - objectives - to get away from redundant data ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - objectives - to get away from redundant data management in ALB and ALK to get away from different data models to get away from many different data interface formats Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - new cadastre standard ALKIS – a new cadastre ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - new cadastre standard ALKIS – a new cadastre standard v uniform object-structured data model (instead of the previous parcel centered view in ALB) v integrated management of graphic and semantic data in ALKIS in attendance with harmonizing the content of ALKIS and ATKIS (object-structured AAA-model) v international standards (ISO, OGC) > interoperability v standardized exchange interface (NAS) v standardized description language (UML) v management of metadata and data quality Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - components ALKIS – Components v Component for data ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - components ALKIS – Components v Component for data collection and qualifying (EQK) v Component for data storage (DHK); nationwide and daily updated data v Component for information and presentation (APK); database for producing ALKIS standard outputs (e. g. land parcel proof and real estate map) described in the Documentation on the Modelling of Geoinformation of Official Surveying and Mapping (GID reference version 6) Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - actual status - Status of ALKIS®-Implementation already implemented ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - actual status - Status of ALKIS®-Implementation already implemented currently in migration in 2014 Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Dimension and complexity A ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Dimension and complexity A mega-project requires resources and time …. … for technical and organizational preparations … to take a lot of complex interrelationships into account … to respond to changed political and organizational frame conditions … to bring together numerous participants and their interests Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - government Participants and their ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - government Participants and their roles licensed surveyors software companies customers Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Government in multifunction (16 ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Government in multifunction (16 cylinder) … driver of innovation engine coordinator service provider user Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Licensed surveyors must have ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Licensed surveyors must have an open mind about… … intensive communication … further education (training, knowledge) … required investments in the new cadastre standard Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Software developers (companies) are ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Software developers (companies) are required as partners … to adapt developments of ALKIS to explore potentials of ALKIS Bild Sarah Wittlinger - Hessenpark Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Customers want to be ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Customers want to be informed completely about: timetable formats and interfaces ALKIS-Wave transitional phase benefit and added value investments Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Migration and its precursors ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - challenges and experiences - Migration and its precursors tool of migration pre-migration real-migration test-migration Günther Steudle after-migration, back-migration OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - benefit, future perspective ALKIS® is more than a ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - benefit, future perspective ALKIS® is more than a new cadastre standard with a new standardized interface… ALKIS® implicates more uniformity nationwide ALKIS® improves the quality of the data of the Real Estate Cadastre ALKIS® induces more synergy effects in administration processes ALKIS® provides a huge potential as a standardized database for all specialist technical applications ALKIS® makes an important contribution in the context of Infrastructure for Spatial Information (INSPIRE, GDI-DE) Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - benefit, future perspective ALKIS® is more than a ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - benefit, future perspective ALKIS® is more than a new cadastre standard with a new standardized interface… ALKIS® - base for a user oriented maintenance through geospatial data services (WMS, WFS) ALKIS® - base for the tax administration (topic: land taxation) ALKIS® - base for the official area statistics (topic: consumption of land) ALKIS® - base for standard ground values (topic: transparency in property market) ALKIS ® - base for the object-structured database land register Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - summary - v ALKIS® is one of the ALKIS® - Implementation in Germany - summary - v ALKIS® is one of the greatest changes in Real Estate Cadastre in Germany v ALKIS® is representing a milestone in the development of the official surveying and mapping in Germany v With ALKIS® a new step of data processing will be reached Günther Steudle OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING PCC General Assembly Dublin 2013

Günther Steudle Head of Working Group Real Estate Cadastre (AK LK) Ministry of Rural Günther Steudle Head of Working Group Real Estate Cadastre (AK LK) Ministry of Rural Affairs and Customer Protection Baden-Württemberg E-Mail: guenther. steudle@mlr. bwl. de Internet: www. adv-online. de Thank you very much for your interest! Please visit us at www. adv-online. de OFFICIAL GERMAN SURVEYING AND MAPPING