- Количество слайдов: 16
INVATION TO POLAND q The Poland is a country in the very heart of Europe ü Poland is borders on Germany, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia. Its northern border – runs along the Baltic Sea coast ü The capital city is Warsaw q Poland has a moderate climate with both martime and continental elements ü Generally, in northern and western Poland the climate is predominartly martime, while the eastern part of the country has a distinctly continental climate with harsh winters and hotter drier summers
Katowice – the major city of Silesia q You cannot get bored in Katowice ü The city vibrates with social, cultural, and first of all, night life ü Everybody will find something for themselves ü Katowice offers a lot to night life enthusiasts ü There are many places where the fun goes on till the morning q Polish bars are commonly called “pubs”, although beside the name they have little in common with the traditional, English ones ü They are stylised after Irish or Scottish pubs, but each one has its own unique décor and atmosphere ü They serve exquisite beer and close when the last guest leaves, which means the fun can last until the early morning ü Dance lovers may “have their fling” in discos to the rhythms of techno, hip-hop or rock music
q Silesian School of Economics and Languages Silesian School of Economics and Language in Katowice is the largest non-public higher school in Upper Silesia ü The School was awarded the title of the best non-public higher school in Upper Silesia by the Chapter of Polish Ranking of Higher schools announced by “Rzeczpospolita” and “Perspektywy” ü Silesian School of Economics and Languages has very rich educational facilities covering the area of 20 thousand square meters ü They comprise state of the art equipment of lecture rooms, computer work rooms and airconditioned auditorium
Silesian School of Economics and Language q The School facilities also include ü the Academic Computer Centre ü 500 desktops serving for educational and research purposes ü as well as 40 thousand volumes of the school library q 15 thousand students are educated in these friendly conditions, at the faculties: ü Management and Marketing ü and Languages q School offers ü bachelor’s, ü master graduation ü and complementary master graduation studies – intramural and extramural q The school has ü a status of TELC/ICC examination centre ü and a British Council examination centre ü The students also have the possibility to obtain computer science certificates – ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence)
We have been closely cooperating with the: v v v v Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes University of Extremadura Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Universidad Sek Segovia Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha University of Aarhus, Institute of Business and Technology Fachhochschule Wurzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences Worms Universitaet Siegen Universitatea Din Oradea Maltepe University Fh Joanneum Gesellschaft Hochschule Bremerhaven Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein Stredocesky vysokoskolsky institut
GENERAL INFORMATION q Name of the host institution ü Silesian School of Economics and Languages ü Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Marketingowego i Języków Obcych w Katowicach q Erasmus Institutional Code ü PL KATOWIC 10 q Adress ü International Office ü 12, Gallusa Street ü 40 – 594 Katowice ü Phone: + 48 32 20 79 228 ü Fax: + 48 32 20 79 228
ACCOMODATION q Foreign students may find accommodation at the student hostel ü School offers single and double rooms, all with bathroom and some also with kitchen ü Kitchen, laundry, television rooms are for general use ü We offer a double room for one person ü Students who decide to stay in this kind of room will have to pay an extra charge ü The price for room include: accommodation, water, electricity and internet connection q Even if you decide to come for spring semester we have to be informed about your accommodation requirements no later than 15 th September! We have to book a room early otherwise we do not guarantee free rooms q We do not offer any apartments to let. ü There is a possibility to let a flat through the estate agency and monthly rent is around 1500 PLN in the centre of Katowice ü The estate agency charge is equal to one month rent q A student hostel is called a “ Dom Studenta ” ü Adress: 12, Ondraszka Street, 40 -594 Katowice, ü Phone: + 48323595803
COST OF LIVING q Living expenses in Poland will vary according to personal requirements and standards. The required minimum is 300 – 350 PLN/month, excluding accommodation q Approximate average prices of basic products: ü ü ü ü ü Loaf of bread: 3 zł Bottle of mineral water: 2 zł Cup of coffe: 5 zł Butter: 3, 5 zł Beer: 5 zł Apples ( 1 kg): 3 zł Ham ( 1 kg): 25 zł Cheese ( 1 kg): 30 zł Milk ( 1 l): 2. 5 zł Chocolate: 5 zł q There is a University canteen for student where you can buy cheep dinner ü Otherwise there are many restaurants in Katowice, which vary in standard and thus prices as well ü There is however a very range of international cuisine
ORGANISATION OF ACADEMIC YEAR q The academic year is divided into two terms ü The winter semester starts on the 1 st of October and lasts until mid-January when the exam session starts ü The summer semester starts in mid February and lasts until the beginning of June ü There are short breaks at the end of December (from Christmas till New Year) and during Easter ü There is practically no teaching from mid-June to the end of September v ü ü ü ü ü Public Holiday All Saint’s Day – 1 st November Independence Day – 11 th November Christmas Day – 25 th December Boxing Day – 26 th December New Year’s Day – 1 st January Easter Sunday – 4 th April State Holiday – 1 th May Constitution Day – 3 rd May Corpus Christi – 3 rd June Feast of the Assumption – 15 th August
HEALTH CARE AND INSURANCE q The institution responsible for health care in Poland is the National Health Fund – Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (NFZ) ü To get treatment by a general practitioner you should go to a doctor who has a contract with NFZ and show your European Health Insurance Card or a replacement certificate ü To get treatment by a specialist, such as an obstetrician, dentist, dermatologist, venerologist, oncologist, eye specialist or psychiatrist you don’t need a referd. To go to any other specialist you need to go a general practitioner first q In case of emergency call 999 or 112 q Detailed information concerning health care in Poland can be found at: http: //www. nfz. gov. pl/ue/
LEGALIZATION OF STAY q Students who are the citizens of the European Union or European Economic Area do not a visa when entering Poland ü However, for stays longer than 3 months, students should obtain a temporary residence permit at Silesian Voivodeship Office q Documents required to obtain temporary residence permit: ü European Health Insurance Card ü Passport or other official document which confirms the personal date and enables entry to Poland (identity card) ü Confirmation or financial means (minimum 150 euro per month)- it is enough to have a photocopy of a credit card and statement written in Polish in which you declare that you have adequate money to stay in Poland without taking social benefits ü Confirmation of temporary registration issued by local government offices of the place of residence (registration for students staying at the student hostels will be done by hostel’s office) ü A letter form the Silesian School of Economics and Languages confirming studies within the LLP/Erasmus programme and the planned period of stay q In addition, you have to fill in an application form, which is available at the Voivodeship Office
PUBLIC TRANSPORT q Local transport ü in Katowice one reduce price ticket costs 1. 20 zł, full price – 2. 40 zł. ü However if you know you will be using the public transportation many times within the day or weekend you can buy more economical tickets, valid for a given period of time, eg. : 24 hours, 3 days, 30 days, 90 days ü More information are available at KZK GOP: http: //www. kzkgop. com. pl/english q Taxis ü Taxis are not difficult to find because of the many small taxi companies competing with each other, especially in the city area. ü We suggest not to take the taxi from the train and bus station, because they are far more expensive than from other companies. ü Phone number for the cheapest taxi companies in the area are for example: • Radio Taxi - 9191; • Halo Taxi - 96 29 q How to get to the school ü By bus: From the main railway station in Katowice: stand nos. 10; the buses going along Mikołowska street ( the 3 rd stop: Brynów, W. Pola Street; the landmark – the “Wujek” mine)
FREE EMERGENCY TELEPHONES q Police: 997 q Fire brigade: 998 q Ambulance: 999 q Calling from mobile dial: 112
DICTIONARY • • • • • • • apteka – pharmacy bilety – tickets kantor – exchange na lewo – on the left na prawo – on the right poczta – post office szpital – hospital uwaga – attention! woda – water zakaz palenia – no smoking znaczki – stamps kino – cinema dzień dobry – good morning dobry wieczór – good evening do widzenia – goodbye dobranoc – good night dziękuję – thank you proszę – please jak masz na imię? – what’s your name? Mam na imię… - My name is… Jak się masz? – how are you? Nie rozumiem – I don’t understand Zajęcia – classes Egzamin – exam Podręcznik – textbook Biblioteka - library