Скачать презентацию GT 4 Service Infrastructure Your C C Client Скачать презентацию GT 4 Service Infrastructure Your C C Client


  • Количество слайдов: 3

GT 4 Service Infrastructure Your C C Client Your Python Client SERVER Java Services GT 4 Service Infrastructure Your C C Client Your Python Client SERVER Java Services in Apache Axis Python hosting, Plus GT Libraries and Handlers GT Libraries Pre-WS MDS C WS Core Pre-WS GRAM Python WS Core RLS Your C Service My. Proxy Your Python Service Pre-WS AA Java WS Core (Python Client) Your Python Client X. 509 credentials = common authentication OGSA-DAI Index Trigger CAS Delegation RFT Your Flac Java WS Service GRAM Interoperable WS-I-compliant SOAP messaging DMT Your C C Client Your Java Client Grid. FTP Your Java Client CLIENT C Services using GT Libraries and Handlers

pmd*CRC DMT system architecture in GT 4 CLIENT DMT Remote SRB SOAP messages (Python pmd*CRC DMT system architecture in GT 4 CLIENT DMT Remote SRB SOAP messages (Python Client) GT 4 API - AA Flac 3 D –wsrf Flac 3 D WS Interoperable submits job to WS-GRAM WS-I-compliant SOAP messaging X. 509 credentials = common authentication Program My. Proxy Tomcat container Pre-ws GT 4 ws Java WS Core. Condor Master Condor Slave Local SRB comms SRB Flac 3 D Pre-WS AA Flac WS GRAM SERVER Condor runs job on Flac 3 D box Execution Node

The Trial Application… Service Interactions User Workflow. . . Client Login Edit Problem Description The Trial Application… Service Interactions User Workflow. . . Client Login Edit Problem Description Run Simulation Job Monitor Archive Search Local Repository Common Component eb. XML Server(s) WSRF Current: pre-ws AA Next: WS-Security, SAML, Shibboleth? Resource Registry eb. XML Data Management Service eb. XML GT 4 Job Management Service AAA Service Registry Results Archive SRB, eb. XML OGC WFS, XMML, Service Profiles… Snark Profile, GPML, XMML… Observational Databases Geology W. A Geology S. A Earth. Bytes Profile, GPML, XMML… Rock Prop. W. A Rock Prop. N. S. W Earth. Bytes Service Snark Service Local SRB Server