Скачать презентацию Group Process Theory in Action NURS 560 Скачать презентацию Group Process Theory in Action NURS 560


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Group Process Theory in Action NURS 560 – Fall 2015 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, Group Process Theory in Action NURS 560 – Fall 2015 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 1

Groups/Teams The Path to Patient Safety The Past: MD/RN Conflicts and patient outcomes • Groups/Teams The Path to Patient Safety The Past: MD/RN Conflicts and patient outcomes • Knaus & Draper, 1986; Rosenstein & O’Daniel, 2005 The Future: IPEC: Interdisciplinary Teams and Collaboration Communicate with patients, families, communities, and other health professionals in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease. Apply relationship-building values and the principles of team dynamics to perform effectively in different team roles to plan and deliver patient/population-centered care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable manner. • IPEC, 2012. Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 2

Groups/Teams as Open Systems Common bond Shared purpose More than each individual Constantly responding Groups/Teams as Open Systems Common bond Shared purpose More than each individual Constantly responding to stimuli Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 3

Your Experience Teams that work Teams that do not Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All Your Experience Teams that work Teams that do not Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 4

Successful Teams Goals • Clear sense of direction & commitment • Does it know Successful Teams Goals • Clear sense of direction & commitment • Does it know why it exists? Talent • Do you have the skills needed? Roles • Does each understand their unique contribution? Procedures • Efficient operations, decision making, solve problems • Robbins and Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights Judge, 2014 reserved 5

Successful Teams Interpersonal relations • Do they get along? Can they work together? Reinforcement Successful Teams Interpersonal relations • Do they get along? Can they work together? Reinforcement • Expressing appreciation and impact External relations • Understands it is part of a greater whole • Robbins and Judge, 2014 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 6

Successful Teams Appropriate leadership Suitable membership Commitment to the team Constructive climate Concern to Successful Teams Appropriate leadership Suitable membership Commitment to the team Constructive climate Concern to achieve Clear corporate role • Robbins and Judge, 2014 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 7

Successful Teams Effective work methods Well-organized team procedures Critique without rancor Well-developed individuals Creative Successful Teams Effective work methods Well-organized team procedures Critique without rancor Well-developed individuals Creative strength Positive intergroup relations • Robbins and Judge, 2014 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 8

Understanding Work Teams Why are they popular? Types of Teams • • • Problem-solving Understanding Work Teams Why are they popular? Types of Teams • • • Problem-solving Self-managed Work teams Cross-functional teams Virtual teams • Robbins, 2014 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 9

Work Teams Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 10 Work Teams Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 10

Your Task Go Into Your Groups Develop Your Ground Rules Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, Your Task Go Into Your Groups Develop Your Ground Rules Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 11

Typical Ground Rules Have an agenda, time frame, keep it – unless mutually agreed Typical Ground Rules Have an agenda, time frame, keep it – unless mutually agreed to change Begin and end on time Show respect (be on time, do what you promised, etc. ) Do your part – if you can’t, let the group know Negotiate – be prepared to listen and problem solve Discuss what you will do when members fall short of expectations (empathy, compassion, flexibility) Don’t “hit and run” When in trouble/difficulty – consult you’re a mediator (Dr. Mileva) Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 12

Typical Logistics Exchange addresses, telephone, e-mail Establish meeting dates/times Boundaries • I work and Typical Logistics Exchange addresses, telephone, e-mail Establish meeting dates/times Boundaries • I work and can never meet on…. . • Please don’t call before or after…. . • Special needs Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 13

Successful meetings* Before the Meeting In person or virtually • • • Appoint chair, Successful meetings* Before the Meeting In person or virtually • • • Appoint chair, recorder (May rotate) – Who, What, When, Where, Why Distribute Agenda in advance; Materials/reports, etc. , needed Chair arrives early Beginning of the meeting • • Start on Time Review the agenda; modify as needed Introductions, expectations Clearly define roles (chair, recorder, observer) Review, Revise, and order the agenda – be realistic During the Meeting • Focus on the same problem in the same way at the same time At end of the meeting • • Establish action items: who, what, when Set date/time/place next meeting; preliminary agenda; close positively; clean up and re-arrange room After the meeting – prepare group memo; follow-up on action items • * Adapted from Doyle, M. & Straus, D. (1996) How to make meetings work (4 th ed. ) New York: Berkeley Books. Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 14

Stages of Team Building (Theory in Action) Form Storm Norm Perform Adjourn • Marquis Stages of Team Building (Theory in Action) Form Storm Norm Perform Adjourn • Marquis & Huston, p. 45 How to use this information Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 15

Form - Tasks Learn about group Learn roles – all have a role in Form - Tasks Learn about group Learn roles – all have a role in group’s success Establish identity Give the group a name Provide support Establish ground rules Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 16

Form-Leader’s Role Support, structure, interdependence Model mature, flexible behavior Use “we” Encourage optimism Dr. Form-Leader’s Role Support, structure, interdependence Model mature, flexible behavior Use “we” Encourage optimism Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 17

Storming Stage • Emerging conflict • Factions form • Effectiveness plummets Dr. Mileva Saulo Storming Stage • Emerging conflict • Factions form • Effectiveness plummets Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 18

In Storm - Someone needs to say: Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved In Storm - Someone needs to say: Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 19

Storming Power of diversity Functional Conflict • • • Produces change Leads to unity Storming Power of diversity Functional Conflict • • • Produces change Leads to unity IF everyone is heard Promotes compromise Must be managed Yahoo= too comfortable = no change = decreases in profits Dysfunctional Conflict • Uncontrolled • Miscommunication • Power • Graphic - With thanks to Terry Deane Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 20

Storm-Leader’s Role DON’T AVOID and CONTINUE Address the conflict Emphasize ground rules Reassert group Storm-Leader’s Role DON’T AVOID and CONTINUE Address the conflict Emphasize ground rules Reassert group commonalties Start building small agreements Democratic decision-making Seek consultation from faculty Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 21

Storm-Tasks Find what you can contribute Identify your contribution Develop connections Resolve conflicts Avoid Storm-Tasks Find what you can contribute Identify your contribution Develop connections Resolve conflicts Avoid “sides” Reorganize Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 22

Norm Relief from anxiety and tension Responsibilities are redefined New plans More productive Dr. Norm Relief from anxiety and tension Responsibilities are redefined New plans More productive Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 23

Tasks in Norm Individual • Affirm contribution • Change behavior • Learn how to Tasks in Norm Individual • Affirm contribution • Change behavior • Learn how to disagree and put on points of view constructively Group • Reaffirm goal • Become cohesive • Establish functional patterns of behavior Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 24

Perform - Tasks Purpose defined-start to work Carry out roles & responsibilities Move toward Perform - Tasks Purpose defined-start to work Carry out roles & responsibilities Move toward goals Open, relaxed climate 6 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 25

Perform-Leader’s Role Group facilitator Members assume leadership role Leader is not over protective Dr. Perform-Leader’s Role Group facilitator Members assume leadership role Leader is not over protective Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 26

Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 27 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 27

Adjourn - Tasks Reach closure, group ends Evaluate process, outcomes Continue open climate Celebrate Adjourn - Tasks Reach closure, group ends Evaluate process, outcomes Continue open climate Celebrate group’s work Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 28

Adjourn-Leader’s Role Give, receive feedback Encourage sharing Express appreciation Constructive evaluation CELEBRATE! Dr. Mileva Adjourn-Leader’s Role Give, receive feedback Encourage sharing Express appreciation Constructive evaluation CELEBRATE! Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 29

Destructive Group Roles Aggressiveness Dependency Blocking, Dominator Dominating Court Jesting, “Playboy” Self Confessor Recognition Destructive Group Roles Aggressiveness Dependency Blocking, Dominator Dominating Court Jesting, “Playboy” Self Confessor Recognition Seeker Special interest seeker • Marquis & Huston, 2014, p. 459 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 30

Constructive Group Roles Initiator Information Seeker Information Giver Opinion seeker Elaborator Coordinator Orienter Evaluator Constructive Group Roles Initiator Information Seeker Information Giver Opinion seeker Elaborator Coordinator Orienter Evaluator Energizer Consensus Summarizing Procedural Technician Recorder Logistics: facilitator, recorder, time keeper, meeting agenda, action plan keeper • Marquis & Huston, 2015 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 31

Group Building & Maintenance Roles Encourager Harmonizer Gatekeeper Standard setter Group Commentator Follower • Group Building & Maintenance Roles Encourager Harmonizer Gatekeeper Standard setter Group Commentator Follower • Marquis & Huston, 2014, p. 458 Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 32

“SYNERGY” Optimal contributions of all individual team members There is no “I” in team! “SYNERGY” Optimal contributions of all individual team members There is no “I” in team! Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 33

“We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall hang separately. ” “We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall hang separately. ” Benja min Franklin (4 July 1776) Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 34

In Appreciation Thanks to Dr. Terry Deane, RN, Asst. Prof. Sacramento for Slides as In Appreciation Thanks to Dr. Terry Deane, RN, Asst. Prof. Sacramento for Slides as indicated. Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 35

Resources Bramson, R. M. (1981). Coping with difficult people: the proven-effective battle plan that Resources Bramson, R. M. (1981). Coping with difficult people: the proven-effective battle plan that has helped millions deal with the troublemakers in their lives at home and at work. New York: Random House. Bartlett’s Book of Quotations…. Brinkman & Kirschner, (1994). Dealing with people you can’t stand. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill. Doyle, M. & Straus, D. (1996) How to make meetings work (4 th ed. ) New York: Berkeley Books. Johnson, D. W. , & Johnson, F. P. (2013). Joining together: Group theory and group skills. (11 th ed. ). Boston: Pearson. Marquis, B. L. , & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing. (8 th ed. ). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Robbins, S. P. (2014). Essentials of organizational behavior. (12 th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Prentice Hall. Toropov, B. (1997). The complete idiot’s guide to getting along with difficult people. New York: Mac. Millan. Dr. Mileva Saulo Lewis, All rights reserved 36