Скачать презентацию GRL Dynamic Pile testing with the Pile Driving Скачать презентацию GRL Dynamic Pile testing with the Pile Driving


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GRL Dynamic Pile testing with the Pile Driving Analyzer® © 1998 Goble Rausche Likins GRL Dynamic Pile testing with the Pile Driving Analyzer® © 1998 Goble Rausche Likins and Associates and Dr. Julian Seidel

GRL • • Summary History of Dynamic Pile Testing Measuring stress waves Fundamentals of GRL • • Summary History of Dynamic Pile Testing Measuring stress waves Fundamentals of Wave Mechanics The Case Method (Pile Driving Analyzer) – Capacity – Stresses – Integrity – Hammer performance

GRL History of Dynamic Pile Testing/Analysis 18 th Century: Closed Form Solutions Late 19 GRL History of Dynamic Pile Testing/Analysis 18 th Century: Closed Form Solutions Late 19 th Century: Engineering News Formula 1920’s: First Strain Measurements 1950: Smith’s Wave Equation Program 1964: Case Project began under Dr. G. G. Goble 1968: Pile Driving Analyzer ® (PDA) 1970: CAPWAP ® 1972: Pile Dynamics, Inc. founded 1976: WEAP program 1977: Saximeter 1982: Hammer Performance Analyzer 1986: Hammer Performance Study 1989: Pile Integrity Testing (PIT) 1996: FHWA Manual 1998: Pile Installation Recorders (PIR) 1999: Remote PDA

GRL 1 -D Wave Theory • Hammer causes a downward travelling stress-wave to enter GRL 1 -D Wave Theory • Hammer causes a downward travelling stress-wave to enter the pile • Soil resistance causes stress-wave reflections • Stress in pile can be represented by 1 -dimensional Wave Theory • These stress-waves can be measured and identified with measurement of force and velocity near the pile top

GRL Newtonian Collision Analogy v 1 m 2 v 1 W 2 Pile is GRL Newtonian Collision Analogy v 1 m 2 v 1 W 2 Pile is a longitudinally-distributed mass Hammer is a concentrated mass “Rigid body” motion assumption is not reasonable “Rigid body” motion assumption is reasonable Motion is dominated by stress-wave effects

GRL Impact on elastic rod time = dt d. L F Compressed Zone Stress, GRL Impact on elastic rod time = dt d. L F Compressed Zone Stress, s = F/A Wavespeed, c = d. L/dt Cross-sectional area, A Elastic modulus, E Mass density, r

GRL Particle Velocity d. L FF F dx dx = F d. L EA GRL Particle Velocity d. L FF F dx dx = F d. L EA Particle Speed Wave Speed v = dx = F dt EA d. L = dt Fc EA

GRL Wavespeed a = dv = d dt dt v=Fc EA F = ma GRL Wavespeed a = dv = d dt dt v=Fc EA F = ma = d. L Ar a d. L F = d. L = E F c 1 c 2 A r 1 c dt r. E A Cross-sectional area, A Mass density, r SI US

GRL Force, velocity, stress and strain Particle Speed Wave Speed Pile Impedance v = GRL Force, velocity, stress and strain Particle Speed Wave Speed Pile Impedance v = d x = F d. L = Fc dt EA F=s=v. E A c F = EAv c = Zv s=e=v E c SI US

GRL Force and Velocity Measurements Accelerometer 2 W W Strain transducer GRL Force and Velocity Measurements Accelerometer 2 W W Strain transducer

GRL Measuring stress waves Strain transducer Accelerometer GRL Measuring stress waves Strain transducer Accelerometer

GRL Strain Transducer C T F = s. A = e EA C T GRL Strain Transducer C T F = s. A = e EA C T C T T C Strain Transducer Resistance strain gages connected in Wheatstone bridge configuration

GRL Accelerometers Piezo-electric Accelerometer Piezo-resistive Accelerometer strain gage mass spring mass cantilever quartz crystal GRL Accelerometers Piezo-electric Accelerometer Piezo-resistive Accelerometer strain gage mass spring mass cantilever quartz crystal v = a. dt

GRL Sign Conventions Force: • Compression - positive (+) • Tension - negative (-) GRL Sign Conventions Force: • Compression - positive (+) • Tension - negative (-) Velocity: • Downward - positive (+) • Upward- negative (-)

GRL Infinite Pile Compressive stress-wave x = constant v(x, t) F(x, t) Motion down GRL Infinite Pile Compressive stress-wave x = constant v(x, t) F(x, t) Motion down = +ve + Compression pile =c Wavespeed, F = EAv c = Zv Cross-sectional area, A Elastic modulus, E

GRL Time domain - infinite pile Exponential Decay F = EAv c GRL Time domain - infinite pile Exponential Decay F = EAv c

GRL Finite pile with free end + +F incident force wave reflected in opp. GRL Finite pile with free end + +F incident force wave reflected in opp. sense -F Free End : F = 0

GRL Direction of Motion Downward Travelling (incident) Waves TOP TOE V C Force + GRL Direction of Motion Downward Travelling (incident) Waves TOP TOE V C Force + Velocity + V T Force F= Zv - Velocity -

GRL Direction of Motion Upward Travelling (reflected) Waves TOP TOE V C Velocity - GRL Direction of Motion Upward Travelling (reflected) Waves TOP TOE V C Velocity - V Velocity + F=-Zv Force + T Force -

GRL Finite pile with free end F- , v+ F+, x = constant + GRL Finite pile with free end F- , v+ F+, x = constant + incident wave pushes pile down +v +v + reflected tension wave pulls pile down Free End : v doubled

GRL Time Domain - free pile response time = 2 L/c Zv Characteristic tension GRL Time Domain - free pile response time = 2 L/c Zv Characteristic tension response - velocity increases relative to force F SI US

Finite pile on rigid base + +v incident wave pushes pile down reflected wave Finite pile on rigid base + +v incident wave pushes pile down reflected wave pushes pile up -v Fixed End : v = 0 GRANITE GRL

Finite pile on rigid base v- , F+ v+, x = constant +C incident Finite pile on rigid base v- , F+ v+, x = constant +C incident wave pushes pile down +F +F +C reflected wave pushes pile up Fixed End : F doubled GRANITE GRL

GRL Time domain - pile on rigid base response time = 2 L/c F GRL Time domain - pile on rigid base response time = 2 L/c F Characteristic compression response - force increases relative to velocity Zv SI US

GRL Separation of Waves Downward Waves Upward Waves Fê=½(F+Zv) FFé½(F-Zv) Fê=Zvê é= =-Zvé F GRL Separation of Waves Downward Waves Upward Waves Fê=½(F+Zv) FFé½(F-Zv) Fê=Zvê é= =-Zvé F = Fê+ Fé E=mc 2 SI US v = vê+ vé

GRL Waves example (SI) • At impact a 300 mmx 6 mm wall Grade GRL Waves example (SI) • At impact a 300 mmx 6 mm wall Grade 250 steel pipe pile achieves a peak velocity of 5. 34 m/s, 10 m above ground level. At time 2 L/c later, the force and velocity are measured at 1620 k. N and -2. 67 m/s. What are the upward and downward waves at impact and 2 L/c later? Answer • EA/c = 210, 000 x 5542 x 10 -3/5120= 227 k. Ns/m • At impact Fd = 227 x 5. 34 = 1214 k. N; Fu = 0 k. N • At 2 L/c Fd = ½(1620+227 x-2. 67) = 507 k. N • At 2 L/c Fu = ½(1620 -227 x-2. 67) = 1113 k. N

GRL Waves - pile on rigid base F, Zv Fé = ½(F - F GRL Waves - pile on rigid base F, Zv Fé = ½(F - F Zv) Fê = ½(F + Zv) Zv

GRL Time of reflection x R Total travel distance = 2 x SI Wavespeed GRL Time of reflection x R Total travel distance = 2 x SI Wavespeed = c Reflection from resistance at x arrives at pile-top at time 2 x/c US

GRL Typical pile response toe response time = 2 L/c start of toe response GRL Typical pile response toe response time = 2 L/c start of toe response timing and amount of separation is a function of location and extent of soil resistance response from shaft only response from pile base

GRL Typical pile response Fê=½(F+Zv) F ê exponential decay returning compressive reflections lift pile-top GRL Typical pile response Fê=½(F+Zv) F ê exponential decay returning compressive reflections lift pile-top force…. . and slow the pile-top down relative to the “no resistance” pile toe response time = 2 L/c

GRL Typical pile response Fé=½(F-Zv) Fé=½R Rshaft @ 2 Fé@ 2 L/c toe response GRL Typical pile response Fé=½(F-Zv) Fé=½R Rshaft @ 2 Fé@ 2 L/c toe response time = 2 L/c upward travelling wave before 2 L/c is related to the cumulative shaft resistance

GRL Typical pile response Upward wave - isolates response from pile/soil Q. Why may GRL Typical pile response Upward wave - isolates response from pile/soil Q. Why may it be preferable to view data as Fé , Fê ? Downward wave - isolates input from driving system SI US

GRL Shaft resistance (SI) Problem: Make an approximate estimate of the pile shaft resistance. GRL Shaft resistance (SI) Problem: Make an approximate estimate of the pile shaft resistance. 2340 k. N; 3. 34 m/s 1420 k. N • • -1. 32 m/s Answer: Z = 2340/3. 34 = 700 k. Ns/m Rshaft @ 2 x Fé@ 2 L/c Rshaft @ 2 x ½(1420 -700 x-1. 32) = 2344 k. N

GRL Conclusion • Pile driving events can be evaluated using 1 -D Wave Mechanics GRL Conclusion • Pile driving events can be evaluated using 1 -D Wave Mechanics principles • Stress-waves cause changes in force and particle velocity • Force and velocity are related by the pile impedance • Waves travelling both up and down a pile can be separated by F and V measurement • Soil resistance causes reflections which can be interpreted to determine extent and location of resistance

GRL Case-Goble Capacity A pile is struck at time t 1. The impact force GRL Case-Goble Capacity A pile is struck at time t 1. The impact force generates a wave F(down, t 1) L F( , t 1) F(ét 2) , The impact wave returns to the pile top at time t 2 = t 1+ 2 L/c together with all resistance waves

GRL The Case Method Equation At time t 2 = t 1 + 2 GRL The Case Method Equation At time t 2 = t 1 + 2 L/c the upward traveling waves arriving at the pile top include the reflection of the initial impact wave plus the sum of all resistances: F(ét 2) = - F( , t 1) + Ré , Or, rearranging we solve for the resistance: R = (F 2 -v 2 Z)/2 + (F 1 +v 1 Z)/2 where R is the total pile resistance, mobilized at a time L/c after t 1.

GRL The Case Method Equation R = ½(F 1 + Zv 1 + F GRL The Case Method Equation R = ½(F 1 + Zv 1 + F 2 - Zv 2) F 1 and v 1 are pile top force and velocity at time 1 F 2 and v 2 are pile top force and velocity at time 2 Time 2 is 2 L/c after Time 1: t 2 = t 1 + 2 L/c R is the total pile resistance present at the time of the test, and mobilized by the hammer impact.

GRL Case-Goble Static Resistance Total Resistance = Static + Dynamic Rstatic= R - Rdynamic GRL Case-Goble Static Resistance Total Resistance = Static + Dynamic Rstatic= R - Rdynamic Need to estimate Rdynamic (Estimate it from pile velocity) Jc = ? SI US

GRL Case Damping Factor • To calculate static from total resistance, a viscous damping GRL Case Damping Factor • To calculate static from total resistance, a viscous damping parameter, Jv , is introduced Rd = J v v • Non-dimensionalization leads to the Case Damping Factor, Jc: Jc = J v Z Rd = J c Z v Jc = ?

GRL Case-Goble Static Resistance Total Resistance = Static + Dynamic Rstatic= R - Rdynamic GRL Case-Goble Static Resistance Total Resistance = Static + Dynamic Rstatic= R - Rdynamic Rs = (1 -Jc)[F 1+ Zv 1]/2 + (1+Jc)[F 2 - Zv 2]/2 Jc = ? SI US

Case Damping Factor Values for RMX GRL 0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 Case Damping Factor Values for RMX GRL 0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 1. 0 Gravel 0. 3 0. 4 Sand 0. 4 0. 5 Silt Clay Red u ci n g Grain Size 0. 5 0. 7 I n creasi n g D a m p i n g fa c to r 0. 7 1. 0

able esir nom Eco lly d ica 1000 days 1 day capacity GRL 100 able esir nom Eco lly d ica 1000 days 1 day capacity GRL 100 days Restrike testing - fine grained soils able esir lly d nica ech T Restrike testing generally undertaken 1 to 10 days after installation log time

Mobilized Resistance Ultimate Resistance Displacement for full mobilization Mobilized Resistance Maximum test displacement Resistance, Mobilized Resistance Ultimate Resistance Displacement for full mobilization Mobilized Resistance Maximum test displacement Resistance, R GRL Displacement, x

GRL Resistance: Rules for good correlation • Need to Mobilize Capacity (sufficient set per GRL Resistance: Rules for good correlation • Need to Mobilize Capacity (sufficient set per blow) • Account for time dependent strength changes Setup - Capacity increase Relaxation - Capacity decrease Therefore, restrike test pile after sufficient wait using a sufficiently large impact weight

GRL Capacity Results • GRLWEAP • by numerical analysis of assumed pile/hammer/soil prior to GRL Capacity Results • GRLWEAP • by numerical analysis of assumed pile/hammer/soil prior to installation • Case Method • measured by PDA during installation • CAPWAP • by numerical analysis of measured PDA data after installation

GRL The Pile Driving Analyzer calculates. . . GRL The Pile Driving Analyzer calculates. . .

GRL … PDA Results • Case Method Bearing Capacity • Pile Stresses • Compressive GRL … PDA Results • Case Method Bearing Capacity • Pile Stresses • Compressive at Top • Bending at Top • Tension Below Top • Compressive at Bottom • Pile Integrity (Beta) • Transferred Energy

GRL PDA RESULTS vs GRLWEAP • CAPACITY – PDA: from force and velocity records GRL PDA RESULTS vs GRLWEAP • CAPACITY – PDA: from force and velocity records – GRLWEAP: from analysis and blow count • TOP STRESSES – PDA: directly measured – GRLWEAP: from analysis and blow count • Note: Max. Compressive Stress does NOT always occur at Pile Top