- Количество слайдов: 13
Green Class Meet the teacher - September 2017
What will we cover? Ø Ø Ø Class composition & staff English Reading Maths Topics Home learning Trips and Visits PE/Swimming Incentives Communication How can you help? Any questions?
• 31 children: 18 boys, 13 girls • Teaching assistant: Mrs Hannaford • Teacher: Miss Martin • Class Governor: Rob Monk
English Linked to topic • Daily writing focus lessons: Talk for Writing – consists of teacher input, shared texts, practical activities, group work, independent work, teacher or TA assisted work • Reading taught through: Guided reading, independent reading (AR), comprehension activities • 15/20 minute sessions everyday: Handwriting/spelling, guided reading, punctuation and grammar sessions • Mixed and ability groupings • Catch up sessions
Reading • Accelerated Reader (AR) • All children currently completing Star Reader tests to find their ZPD level • Children move up a level when they get three AR quiz scores of 100% (these do not need to be consecutive) • Please support your child by encouraging them to read a range of books at their level and asking them questions about the text they are reading
Maths • Daily maths sessions: Singapore Maths – based on enquiry based approach: consists of teacher input, practical activities, group work, independent work, teacher or TA assisted work • Mental Arithmetic 15 -20 minute session every day • Times tables are a big focus in Y 4 – please reinforce this at home • Mixed and ability groupings • Catch up sessions
Topics Half termly overviews will be on the class page on the school website. Subject to change! Autumn 1: Potions Autumn 2: Pharaohs Spring 1: I am Warrior! Spring 2: Heroes and Villains Summer 1: Predator Summer 2: Tremors
Home learning Reading Please ensure your child reads at home every day. Listen to them regularly and ask them questions about the book to make sure they understand the text Spellings set every Monday to be tested the following Monday. Linked to spelling and grammar work done in class that week Mathletics 2 -3 tasks set weekly on a Monday Home learning project Linked to our half termly topic
Trips, Visits and Events • Witches and Wizards day Thursday 14 th September • Harry Potter World trip Wednesday 4 th October • Science ambassador visit Wednesday 11 th October • Egyptologist visit Autumn 2 • Roman trip Spring term • Y 4 Mini Olympics Summer 1 • Year 4 residential Summer 2 Website and newsletter for new events and updates
P. E. • PE is on Mondays and Fridays • This half term only, no Monday session as we will be swimming on Thursdays • Shorts and t-shirts for indoor • Warm kit and trainers required for outdoor games • Long hair tied back, earrings to be removed or covered with tape • Note required if child is not able to do PE
Rewards • House points: Potter, Hagrid, Mc. Gonnagal, Weasley • Star Award • 5 Star Book • Whole class reward: pebble jar Sanctions: Minutes off playtime
Communication • A member of staff is on the playground every morning (8. 45 – 8. 55 am) can pass on messages to your child's teacher. • Messages can also be passed to breakfast club who can pass it to your child's teacher. • 5 day e-mail policy - often easier/quicker to share messages with staff member in the morning. • Twitter • Website • Newsletters • Parent forum
How can you help? • Everything should be named • Please ensure your child has a water bottle for use throughout the day in the classroom • Support with home learning • Keep and eye on channels of communication, especially parentmail and newsletters • Please do communicate any concerns or worries so we can act on them