- Количество слайдов: 33
Greek Mythology The House of Atreus
Who caused all the misfortunes of the House of Atreus? Thyestes Tantalus Agamemnon Tantalus
Tantalus had _____ killed and boiled in a great caldron to feast and scorn the gods. his son Pelops his daughter Niobe his brother Pelops his son Pelops
How did the gods punish Tantalus for his atrocious and blasphemous doings? They set Tantalus in a pool in Hades where he could never reach the water and food and always kept thirsty and hungry.
The gods restored Pelops’ life and fashioned his wanting shoulder out of _____. ivory
Who bribed the charioteer, Myrtilus, to help Pelops win the race with the king? Iphigenia Electra Hippodamia
Amphion, the husband of Niobe, was an incomparable _______. musician
Who was Amphion’s twin brother ? Pelops Zethus Orestes Zethus
How did Amphion outdo Zethus in fortify Thebes? He drew such entrancing sounds from his lyre that the very stones were moved and followed him to Thebes.
On account of Niobe’s arrogance and scorn for Leto, her sons and daughters were punished and killed by _______ and ____. Apollo & Artemis Apollo & Athena Apollo & Aphrodite Apollo & Artemis
What happened to Niobe after she saw her sons and daughters die with anguish? She was changed into a stone which was forever wet with tears.
How did Atreus punish his brother Thyestes’ adultery with his wife? He killed and boiled Thyestes’ sons and feast Thyestes to taste his own sons’ meat.
_____ , Priam’s daughter, was known as a prophetess whom no one ever believed and yet whose prophecies were always proved true. Cassandra
Agamemnon sacrificed _____ in order to win back Artemis’ favor to the Greeks. his wife Clytemnestra his daughter Electra his daughter Iphigenia
Who killed Agamemnon for avenging Iphigenia’s death? Clytemnestra & Pylades Clytemnestra & Aegisthus Cassandra & Orestes Clytemnestra & Aegisthus
Whose son was Aegisthus? Thyestes Pylades Atreus Thyestes
What kind of object did Orestes show to Electra for proving his identity? The cloak
Where did Orestes go and ask for the oracle whether he should kill his mother to avenge his father ? Thebes Delphi Aulis Delphi
Orestes followed the command oracle of ____ to kill his mother and avenge Agamemnon’s death. Apollo
What did Orestes and Pylades do to for ensuring the complete surprise of their attack of Clytemnestra when they came to her? They were to go to the palace claiming to be the bearers of a message that Orestes had died.
Instead of defending herself by the battle-ax, Clytemnestra chose to show _______ to Orestes, trying to move him. Her breast
Who pushed Orestes to hold onto his job of revenge when the Orestes was upon the verge of giving up? Pylades
After Orestes kills his mother, he was continually pursued by _______ for his guilt. the Erinyes (the Furies)
Which goddess absolved Orestes from the guilt of his mother’s murder and ended the curse of the House of Atreus? Artemis Athena Leto Athena
Which goddess save Iphigenia’s life and took her to the land of the Taurians (today the Crimea)? Artemis Athena The Furies Artemis
What was the savage custom of the Taurians? They would sacrifice any Greek found in their country to Artemis.
What oracle did Apollo give Orestes to thoroughly rid himself of the pursuit of the Erinyes? He must go to the Taurian country and bring away the sacred image of Artemis from her temple.
Artemis rescued and made Iphigenia her _______ of her temple. priestess
After being captured by the Taurians, ____ was asked by Iphigenia to carry a letter to her brother Orestes. Thoas Pylades Menelaus Pylades
What message did Iphigenia’s letter convey to her brother? To bring her back home, freeing her from this murderous priesthood.
What lie about the two captured Greek men did Iphigenia tell King Thoas? They were tainted, vile; they had killed their mother and Artemis was angry.
What caused the three’s failure in secretly sailing out to sea after boarding? A heavy wind blowing landward struck them and they could make no headway against it.
Which goddess appeared in the sky and stopped King Thaos from capturing the three? Athena