Grammar for 8 grades Define the parts

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Описание презентации Grammar for 8 grades Define the parts по слайдам
Grammar for 8 grades
Define the parts of speech through the colors 1 Noun — существительное yellow boss 2 Pronoun — местоимение pink his 3 Adjectives — прилагательное green small 4 Adverb — наречие light-bl ue easily 5 Verbs — глаголы black loved 6 Preposition — предлоги brown at the end 7 Conjunction — союзы red and/but 8 Articles — артикли orange a/an/the 9 Phrasal verb – фразовые глаголы violet to rub out 10 Numerals — числительные grey ten 11 Idioms — идиомы blue to roll in money 12 State phrase – устойчивые выражения purple a piece of chalk
Define grammar through the colors/ 8 grades Hi! My. My name isis Daniel ( though mymy friends call meme Dan). II » mm 14. I’ve got aa Mum , , aa Dad , , a a brother , , aa sister , , twotwo aunts andand twotwo uncles , , oneone grandmother andand oneone grandfather whowho allall live inin Almaty. II ‘m’m thethe youngest. I I think there are some advantages of being thethe youngest. . Sometimes mymy brother tries to boss meme around butbut itit » ss OK OK because II can sit up late watching video with himhim oror go of somewhere forfor thethe dayday with himhim. . My hobbies areare sports andand music. . II would like to have a a younger brother ; ; II want to have someone to have fun with , , someone to take out toto football with me. My. My brother Mike doesn’t always share mymy sense of of humour andand hehe doesn’t have time to play chess with meme. . He. He spends too much time with hishis computer. . But II confide inin mymy elder brother like aa friend. . II have confided inin himhim about many problems. . He. He » s s been through with the same , , soso hehe understands. .
Define grammar through the colors/ 8 grades II think itit ‘s ‘s common with most young people to spend some time outdoors. It. It » ss important forfor usus to meet , , to talk about things, to walk around just » » to see what ‘s ‘s going on «, «, to go toto disco clubs. . My. My elder brother is allowed more freedom than meme. . He. He can earn hishis pocket money by delivering newspapers 33 times aa week. . He. He usually gets enough to buy thethe records andand CDs hehe wants without asking thethe permission from hishis parents. . If If II go out , , mymy parents like to know where II » mm going , , whowho II » mm with and what time II » mm comin gg home. . But that » ss fair enough. . As most teenagers II spend mymy after school hours atat home watching TVTV or or listening to music , , reading, doing domestic chores oror playing computer games with mymy sister Liz is is aa student. . She is going to be anan economist. On the whole II get on well with mymy sister Liz. Last year sheshe bought aa Walkman forfor meme onon mymy birthday. . Of all my relatives best of all I like mymy Granny whowho isis still fond ofof sports andand adventures. . On. On herher sixtieth birthday sheshe went mountain climbing. . On. On her seventieth birthday sheshe went on a a trip toto Siberia. We all wonder what sheshe will do when sheshe isis 8080. . Her favourite saying isis » » Health isis above wealth. «. «
Nouns can be: 1. countable/uncountable/ 2. have singular/plural; /3. have possessive case Countable Uncountable — some (( only in singular form )) a name – name s/s/ a friend – friend s/s/ a mum – mummum s/s/ a dad – dad s/s/ a brother — brother s / a sister — sister ss an aunt — aunt ss /an uncle — uncle ss / / a grandmother — grandmothers a grandfather – grandfather s/s/ a video — video ss (( rule )) a day – day ss ( ( rule )/a hobby – hobb iesies ( ( rule )) time /time ss ( ( rule )/a computer – computer ss // a problem – problem s/s/ a thing — thing ss , a disco – disco ss , , a club – club ss / a pocket – pocket s s / a trip – trip ss / / a newspaper – newspaper ss / a week – week ss / / a record – records/a CD – CDs/ a teenager – teenager ss / / a school – school ss / / anan hour — hour ss a game – game ss // a student – student ss /a mountain – mountain ss / / an economist – economist ss / a year – year ss / / a birthday – birthday ss / a relative — relative ss advantage / sport music / football sense / humour chess/ freedom money / permission home / adventure climbing / saying health / wealth In plural form: people – people s s – национальности / / parents
Possessive case a beauty ofof the name/ my friend ’s’s book – my friend ss ’ books my mum ’s’s dress – our mum ss ’ dresses/my dad ’s’s suit – our dad ss ’ suits/my brother ’s’s notebook – my brother ss ’ notebooks /my sister’ ss mobile phone – my sister ss ’ mobile phones /my aunt ’s’s car – my aunt ss ’ ’ cars /my uncle’ ss house – my uncle ss ’ houses /my grandmother’ ss glasses – my grandmother ss ’ ’ glasses/my grandfather’ ss newspaper – my grandfather ss ’ newspapers/the quality ofof the video / 2 day ss ’ trip/the name ofof my hobby/the problem ofof the time /a hard disc ofof a computer/the problem ofof ecology/ the quantity of of the things/ the name of of the disco club/ the hole ofof the pocket/ the name ofof a newspaper / 2 week ss ’ holiday/the quality ofof the record/a teenager’ ss problem – the teenager ss ’ problems/ my school’ ss address/2 hour ss ’ ’ exam / the duration ofof the game / this student’ ss task – these student ss ’ tasks/the height ofof the mountain/an economist’ ss report – the economist ss ’ ’ reports/ 2 year ss ’ business plan/my relative’ ss address – my relatives’ address eses
Pronouns Personal I/it/ he Possessive mymy Objective me / him / us Demonstarti ve that Interrogativ e what Indefinite all / someone
Pronouns I/it/ he mymy me / him / us that what all / someone
Adjectives Degrees of comparison/more than 2 syllables favourite more favourite the most favourite Degrees of comparison/1 -2 syllables younger the youngest
Adjectives Degrees of comparison/more than 2 syllables favourite Degrees of comparison/1 -2 syllables young
Adverbs sometimes — иногда thth aa nn – чем (сравнение) ; ; This book is more interesting than that. thth ee n – тогда, затем Then I was a pupil, now I am a student outdoors – снаружи, на улице usually — обычно late — поздно enough — достаточно just – только что as well — так же somewhere – где-то still – все еще always — всегда much – много (uncountable) tootoo – – 1. 1. тоже (в конце предложения), 2. 2. слишком (в середине) ; ; I like ice-cream/ Me tootoo ; ; This text is too long. like — как many – много ( countable) soso – итак, таким образом
Adverbs sometimes — — thth aa nn – – thth ee n – outdoors – – usually — — late — — enough — — just – – as well — — somewhere – – still – – always — — much – – tootoo – – 1. 1. 2. 2. like — — many – – soso – –
Verbs/ Define tenses through the Hi! My. My name isis Daniel ( though mymy friends call meme Dan). II » mm 14. I’ve got aa Mum , , aa Dad , , a a brother , , aa sister , , twotwo aunts andand twotwo uncles , , oneone grandmother andand oneone grandfather whowho allall live inin Almaty. II ‘m’m thethe youngest. I I think there areare some advantages of being thethe youngest. . Sometimes mymy brother tries to boss meme around butbut itit » ss OK OK because II can sit up late watching video with himhim oror go go ofof somewhere forfor thethe dayday with himhim. . My hobbies areare sports andand music. . II would like to have a a younger brother ; ; II want to have someone to have fun with , , someone to take out toto football with me. My. My brother Mike doesn’t always share mymy sense of of humour andand hehe doesn’t have time to play chess with meme. . He. He spends too much time with hishis computer. . But II confide inin mymy elder brother like aa friend. . II have confided inin himhim about many problems. . He. He » s s been through with the same , , soso hehe understands. . 1. Verb to be 2. Present 3. Simple 4. Gerund 5. Infinitive 6. Modal verb 7. Complex object 8. Phrasal verb 9. Present Perfect
Verbs/ Define tenses through the II think itit ‘s ‘s common with most young people to to spend some time outdoors. It. It » ss important forfor usus to meet , , to talk about things, to walk around just «» to see what ‘s ‘s going on «, «, to go toto disco clubs. . My. My elder brother is allowed more freedom than meme. . He. He can earn hishis pocket money by delivering newspapers 33 times aa week. . He. He usually gets enough to buy thethe records andand CDs hehe wants without asking thethe permission from hishis parents. . If If II go out , , mymy parents like to know where II » mm going , , whowho II » mm with and what time II » mm comin gg home. . But that » ss fair enough. . As most teenagers II spend mymy after school hours atat home watching TVTV or or listening to music , , reading, doing domestic chores oror playing computer games with mymy sister Liz is is aa student. . She is going to be anan economist. On the whole II get on well with mymy sister Liz. Last year sheshe bought aa Walkman forfor meme onon mymy birthday. . Of all my relatives best of all I like mymy Granny whowho isis still fond of sports andand adventures. . On. On herher sixtieth birthday sheshe went mountain climbing. . On. On her seventieth birthday sheshe went on a a trip toto Siberia. We all wonder what sheshe will do when sheshe isis 8080. . Her favourite saying isis » » Health isis above wealth. «. » 1. Verb to be 2. Present Simple 3. Gerund 4. Infinitive 5. Modal verb 6. Complex object 7. Phrasal verb 8. Present Perfect 9. Constructio n to be going to do 10. Future Simple 11. Past Simple
Verbs/ Define tenses through the to call to live to think to try to boss can to sit up to go of to have to want to take out to share to play to spend to confide to be through to to understand call ed liv ed thought – thought tri ed boss ed could sat – sat went – gone had – had want ed took – taken shar ed play ed spent – spent confid ed was/were-been understood — understood
Verbs/ Define tenses through the to meet to talk about to walk around to see to allow to earn to deliver to get to buy to ask to like to know to come to watch to listen to read to do met – met talk ed walk ed saw-seen allow ed earn ed deliver ed got-got bought – bought ask ed lik ed knew – known came – come watch ed listen ed read – read did – done
Numerals Cardinal ( количественные ) Ordinal ( порядковые ) 1 — one 1 — the first 2 — two 2 — the second 6 – six 6 – the six th 14 — fourteen 14 – the fourteenth
Prepositions Hi! My. My name isis Daniel ( though mymy friends call meme Dan). II » mm 14. I’ve got aa Mum , , aa Dad , , a a brother , , aa sister , , twotwo aunts andand twotwo uncles , , oneone grandmother andand oneone grandfather whowho allall live inin Almaty. II ‘m’m thethe youngest. I I think there areare some advantages of being thethe youngest. . Sometimes mymy brother tries to boss meme around butbut itit » ss OK OK because II can sit up late watching video with himhim oror go go ofof somewhere forfor thethe dayday with himhim. . My hobbies areare sports andand music. . II would like to have a a younger brother ; ; II want to have someone to have fun with , , someone to take out toto football with me. My. My brother Mike doesn’t always share mymy sense of of humour andand hehe doesn’t have time to play chess with meme. . He. He spends too much time with hishis computer. . But II confide inin mymy elder brother like aa friend. . II have confided inin himhim about many problems. . He. He » s s been through with the same , , soso hehe understands. . in Almaty with him for the dayday about many problems
Verbs/ Define tenses through the II think itit ‘s ‘s common with most young people to to spend some time outdoors. It. It » ss important forfor usus to meet , , to talk about things, to walk around just «» to see what ‘s ‘s going on «, «, to go toto disco clubs. . My. My elder brother is allowed more freedom than meme. . He. He can earn hishis pocket money by delivering newspapers 33 times aa week. . He. He usually gets enough to buy thethe records andand CDs hehe wants without asking thethe permission from hishis parents. . If If II go out , , mymy parents like to know where II » mm going , , whowho II » mm with and what time II » mm comin gg home. . But that » ss fair enough. . As most teenagers II spend mymy atat home watching TVTV or or listening to music , , reading, doing domestic chores oror playing computer games with mymy sister Liz is is aa student. . She is going to be anan economist. On the whole II get on well with mymy sister Liz. Last year sheshe bought aa Walkman forfor meme onon mymy birthday. . Of all my relatives best of all I like mymy Granny whowho isis still fond of sports andand adventures. . On. On herher sixtieth birthday sheshe went mountain climbing. . On. On her seventieth birthday sheshe went on a a trip toto Siberia. We all wonder what sheshe will do when sheshe isis 8080. . Her favourite saying isis » » Health isis above wealth. «. » It’s important forfor us us to talk about things to go toto disco clubs byby delivering newspaper ss after school hours at at home on on my my birthday forfor me me Health is above wealth
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