Grammar for 5 -8 grades What can
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Grammar for 5 -8 grades
What can you say about Nouns ? Nouns can be: 1. countable/uncountable 2. have Singular – Plural forms; 3. have Possessive case:
What can you say about Nouns ? Countable : a bird – bird s ; Uncountable ( всегда в ед. числе ) : hair/money/weather/information e. g. We bought some furniture. I want to give you a piece of advice. Your hair is nice; This information is useful.
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS cheese, butter, meat, salt, pepper, bacon, bread, chocolate, honey, jam coffee, milk, water, tea, wine, lemonade, petrol, oil beauty, love, happiness gold, iron, silver, wood, paperfood liquid s materi als abstract nouns hair, money, news, advice, snow, furniture, weatherother s
What can you say about Nouns ? Have Singular – Plural forms; 1. after — s , — x , — sh , — ch , — tch , — z → -is added es. e. g. a box – box es / a bench — bench es 2. after y → is added ies. e. g. a baby – bab ies / a lady — lad ies 3. after vowel — y → is added s. e. g. a day – day s 4. after – f /– fe → is added ves, e. g. calf – cal ves ; 5. after — o → is added – es. e. g. potato – potato es ; 6. irregular nouns: a m a n – m e n/ a wom a n – wom e n/ a f oo t – f ee t/ a t oo th- t ee th/ a g oos e – g ees e/ a mouse – mice/ a child – children/ an ox – ox en ; 7. the same form of nouns: a deer – deer/ a sheep – sheep/ a fish – fish/ a means – means/ a species – species/ a trout – trout / a salmon – salmon.
What can you say about Nouns ? Исключения : a kangaroo – kangaroo s / a kilo – kilo s / a photo – photo s / a piano- piano s / a radio – radio s / a video – video s / a zoo – zoo s ; Исключения : a handkerchie f ( s ), a roo f ( s ), a safe( s ), a belief( s ), a chief( s ), cliff( s )
Task #1 Give plural forms. a bab y , a plant, a lemon, a pea ch , a banana, a bru sh , a star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a m a n, a wom a n, an eye, a shel f , a bo x , the cit y , a b oy , a g oo se, the wat ch , a m ou se, a dre ss , a t oy , the sheep , a t oo th, a child , the ox , a deer , the li f e, a tomat o , a secretar y , a crowd, the airport, a theatre, the tornad o , a shop, the traged y.
Есімдік – Местоимение — Pronouns 1. Person al (личные ) 2. Possessive (притяжательные ) 3. Objectiv e (объектны е) 4. Demonstrative (указательные) I am a pupil This is my book This book is mine Give me a book This is a book/ These are book s you → yours → you – тебя , тебе That is a book/ Those are book ss we → our → ours → us – нас, нам близко they → theirs → them – и, им This – этот (в ед числе) These – эти (во мн числе) he → his → him – его, ему далеко she → her → hers → her – ее, ей That – тот (в ед числе) Those – те (во мн числе) it → its → it – этого, этому
Pronouns 1. Person al (личные) 2. Possessive (притяжательные) 3. Objective (объектные) I am a pupil This is my book This book is mine Give me a book You are a pupil This is your book This book is yours I give you a book We are pupil s This is our book This book is ours Give us a book They are pupil s This is their book This book is theirs Give them a book He is a pupil This is his book This book is his Give him a book She is a pupil This is her book This book is hers Give her a book It is a pupil This is its book This book is its Give it a book
Task #2 Give plural forms. This magazine, that sticker, this stamp, that sandwich, this poster, this teacup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this man, that match, this knife, this book, this family, this pie.
Грамматиканы пысықтау /Закрепление грамматики/ Revision of Grammar Жекеше түр / в ед числе /Singular form / Көпше түр / во мн числе /Plural form book ( зат есім – имя сущ -Noun ) ↓ a book/ an apple ( зат есімнін алдында артикль қолданады ) ↓ My book ( тәуелдік есімдік+ зат есім ) ↓ (+) It is a book ( to be етістігі ) (? ) Is it a book? (-) It isn’t a book ↓ (+) It is an interesting book (? ) Is it an interesting book? (-) It isn’t an interesting book ↓ (+) I have a book ( Нақ осы шақ /Present Simple ) (? ) Do you have a book? (-) I don’t have a book ( зат есім – имя сущ -Noun ) ↓ 2 book s ( көпше түрде артикль колданбайды ) ↓ Our book s ( тәуелдік есімдік+ зат есім ) ↓ They are book s ( to be етістігі ) Are they books? They aren’t books. ↓ (+) They are interesting book s (? ) Are they interesting books? (-) They aren’t interesting books. ↓ (+) We have 2 book s (? ) Do you have 2 books? (-) We don’t have 2 books
TRANSLATE THE NOUNS 1. lemon- 2. bus- 3. peach- 4. cherry- 5. roof- 6. fox- 7. glass- 8. key- 9. piano- 10. potato- 11. ball- 12. book- 13. sheep- 14. baby- 15. child- 16. green leaf- 17. old lady- 18. radio- 19. ox- 20. tall woman- 21. knife- 2 2. toy- 2 3. policeman — 2 4. raspberry — 2 5. sandwich- 2 6. mouse- 2 7. photo- 2 8. cliff- 29. watch- 30. thief-
WRITE THE PLURAL lemon s bus es peach es cherr ies roof s fox es glass es key s piano s potato es ball s book s sheep _ bab ies children KEY: 1. lemon- 2. bus- 3. peach- 4. cherry- 5. roof- 6. fox- 7. glass- 8. key- 9. piano- 10. potato- 11. ball- 12. book- 13. sheep- 14. baby- 15. child- 16. green leaf- 17. old lady- 18. radio- 19. ox- 20. tall woman- 21. knife- 2 2. toy- 2 3. policem an- 2 4. raspberr y- 2 5. sandwic h- 2 6. mouse- 2 7. photo- 2 8. cliff- 29. watch- 30. thief- green leave s old lad ies radio s ox en tall wom e n kni ves toy s policem e n raspberr ie s sandwich e s mice photo s cliff s watch es thie ves. KEY: