- Количество слайдов: 33
• GRADUATE WITH DISTINCTION: 3. 0 GPA + üNational Industry Certification üGovernor’s School üAll-State Music or Band ü 31 ACT ü 3 or more on 2 AP exams üMin. 12 college credits
• GRADUATE WITH HONORS: Score at or above all ACT Benchmarks (18 English, 22 Math, 21 Reading, 24 Science) • VALEDICTORIAN & SALUTATORIAN: (Must have 3. 8 GPA to be considered) üGPA – 35% üStrength of Schedule – 35% (Approved Honors, AP, & Dual Classes— 7: 15 Dual classes NOT included)– See p. 7 for list of approved classes üACT – 30%
ACT Score Report • Test Scores & Percentiles • College Readiness Benchmark score Comparison • Interest Inventory—Includes Basic Interest areas & Career Map Regions (Map on back of report)
Scores Benchmarks Schools (Interest Inventory Info on Back)
ACT : WHAT SCORE DO I NEED? • 18 - 19: Admission to Roane 19 State with no deficiencies (Eng. 18; Reading & Math 19) • 21. 9: Average ACT for MTSU 21. 9 freshmen fall, 2011
ACT : WHAT SCORE DO I NEED? • 26. 4: Average ACT for UTK 26. 4 fall, 2011 (Note: Average GPA, 3. 78) • 31 - 34: Middle 50% at 34 Vanderbilt University fall, 2011
Scholarships based on GPA/ACT (Ex: Fall 2011—subject to change) • UTC: 3. 75 & 26 ACT, $1, 500/yr. (limited number, apply early) • MTSU: 3. 75 & 29 ACT, $4, 000/yr (limited number, apply early!) • Many more--Check college websites for details
Lottery Scholarships • APPLICATION: ACT & FAFSA (Must have 3. 0 GPA OR 21 ACT —You must attend a qualified TN school) • AMOUNT: $4, 000 4 -yr. ; $2, 000 2 -yr. ; $2, 000 TN Tech Center • 3. 75 AND 29 ACT—Additional $1, 500 • Additional amount possible based on income (up to $2, 250—AGI < $36, 000)
DUAL ENROLLMENT SCHOLARSHIPS EARN HIGH SCHOOL & COLLEGE CREDIT! Lottery Dual Enrollment grant pays $300/semester
DUAL ENROLLMENT SCHOLARSHIPS • Roane State 3 hour class is $432 (2011) • Lottery pays $300 • Roane State pays the additional $132 for 1 st class only
DUAL ENROLLMENT SCHOLARSHIPS • 1 class: no charge to student for tuition (Student must buy a book for most classes. ) • 2 classes in the same semester: student will pay $132 (+ book)
• You may take 4 lottery grants in your high school career no penalty • You may take an additional 4 grants but money will be taken from 1 st semester college lottery
DUAL ENROLLMENT SCHOLARSHIPS • YOU MUST KEEP A 2. 75 COLLEGE GPA TO KEEP LOTTERY SCHOLARSHIP • If you lose the scholarship you cannot get it back in high school • Does NOT affect your college lottery scholarship
REQUIREMENTS • ACT: 19, Eng, Reading, Composite • 3. 0 GPA üSr. Eng-Comp I & II during school day üSociology & Music Appreciation : Fall 7: 15 am. (no 4 th block nec. ) üSpeech & Statistics: Spring 7: 15 am. (no 4 th block necessary) üSeveral CTE opportunities (Medical, Criminal Justice, Ag…)
Sign up for a Dual Class during your Registration Appointment with your Counselor! (You’ll be glad you did when you get to college!)
Tn. ACHIEVES SCHOLARSHIP ATTEND A COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOR “FREE”! • Last dollar scholarship program • Up to $3, 000/yr. to attend a community college • Must apply in Oct. , attend meetings next year, complete the FAFSA by Feb. 1 st… • MORE INFO NEXT YEAR!!
Summer ‘ 12 • Career Search • College Search • Scholarship Search
• Research Financial Aid (FAFSA 4 caster) • Yearly Checklists • More! www. achs. ac
SUMMER ‘ 12 • RESUME ØAcademics ØSchool Activities ØHonors & Awards
ØWork Experience ØCommunity Activities ØVolunteer Service ØHobbies
SUMMER ‘ 12 ACES • Start community service for next year • Be sure you meet course & ACT requirements
SUMMER ‘ 12 h. COLLEGE VISITS ØCall Ahead ØArrange Tour ØMeet Admissions
ØMeet Financial Aid ØSpend Night ØAttend Class ØSummer, In-Service days, or Fall Break • (Counts as an Absence—can be excused)
SUMMER ‘ 12 §COLLEGE COMPARISONS ØLocation ØSize ØEnvironment ØAdmission Requirements
ØAcademics ØExpenses ØHousing ØFacilities ØActivities ØJobs? Grad School?
EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY CENTER Pat Danko ACHS Representative Complete paperwork in the fall if you want to be a client. (You must meet eligibility requirements)
• Help gather information and Get Organized -- schools & scholarships, deadlines…… • Encourage your child to take challenging courses (Honors, AP & additional Science) during the senior year.
• Organize tax information You will need to file early next year! • Communicate with your son/daughter ØBudget ØCollege comparison topics ØBe realistic!!
Fall ‘ 12 h. SENIOR MEETING (Tentative date: Aug. 23) h. INDIVIDUAL CONFERENCES Sept. 4 - 14 Parents Welcome!
h. ACT REGISTRATION September 8 (reg. deadline Aug. 17) October 27 (reg. deadline Sept. 21) h. SCHOLARSHIPS (Begin advertising in Sept. ) h. COLLEGE APPLICATIONS (Deadlines start end of October)