Grade 8 Part 2 – Unit 6 – Lesson 1 – Section 1 What Should I Do?
1 Warm-up I Hope We Can Work It Out
I Hope We Can Work It Out Hi Wang Bo, It’s Lu Lu. I’m ? ? ? It’s awful that I refused ? ? ? sorry that I refused to listen to your story. ? ? ? to your spaceship story. It’s. It wasn’t awful. I know okay. It’s not a big? ? ? deal. ? ? ? I can’t explain why I argued ? ? ? my stories are silly. with you. Key Words: argue(d) work out explain refuse(d) big deal awful spaceship wait until
I Hope We Can Work It Out ? ? ? I’m really happy we could work out this problem between us. Key Words: argue(d) work out explain refuse(d) big deal awful spaceship wait until ? ? ? Yes, I’m glad we didn’t wait until the last minute to work out our problem. ? ? ?
2 Main Activity Tic Tac Toe – Wang Bo’s Story
Tic Tac Toe - Wang Bo’s Story 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Could you tell me the rest of your story now, Wang Bo?
3 Speaker’s Corner
Arguments Telling Stories Working It Out
Back The space people wanted to fight the whole ? ? ? universe. Key Words: argue(d) work out explain refuse(d) big deal awful spaceship wait until universe
Back They would not Key Words: ? ? ? be satisfied argue(d) work out with just part explain refuse(d) of the universe. big deal awful spaceship wait until universe satisfied
Back A Chinese spaceship wanted Key Words: to fight the space argue(d) people but they explain were very ? ? ? nervous. work out nervous refuse(d) big deal awful spaceship wait until universe satisfied
Back Key Words: argue(d) explain work out impossible refuse(d) big deal awful spaceship wait until universe satisfied They were afraid that it would be ? ? ? impossible to beat the space people.
Back The Chinese team tried to make a decision but ? ? ? argued too much about what they should do. Key Words: argue(d) explain work out nervous refuse(d) big deal awful spaceship wait until universe satisfied
Back One of the team ? ? ? members refused Key Words: to fight the argue(d) space people explain because it was too dangerous. work out nervous refuse(d) big deal awful spaceship wait until universe satisfied
Back Key Words: argue(d) explain work out nervous refuse(d) big deal awful spaceship wait until universe satisfied It became a really ? ? ? big deal as the space people continued to take over the universe.
Back The Chinese team were able to ? ? ? work it out and decided they had to fight the space people. Key Words: argue(d) explain work out nervous refuse(d) big deal awful spaceship wait until universe satisfied
Back The Chinese spaceship ? ? ? waited until the last minute and then caught them! Key Words: argue(d) work out explain refuse(d) big deal awful spaceship wait(ed) until universe satisfied
Arguments • Have you ever had an argument with a friend? • How did it make you feel? • Was it a big deal? • How long did the argument last? • Did it make you feel nervous to talk to them again? • Did you wait until the last minute to talk about it? Back to Questions
Telling Stories • Do you know someone that likes to tell crazy stories? • Do you like to listen to the stories or are they bad? • How would you tell a friend you did not like their stories? Back to Questions
Working It Out • Talk about a time when you worked out a problem or helped someone else work out their problem. • What did you do to work it out? • Did you say sorry or did you wait for the other person to say sorry? • Do you think there was a better way to work out the problem? Back to Questions